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4 Reasons Why Socialist Bernie Sanders Might Actually Be Crazy

Americans may want to prepare themselves for the self-serving fake news media faulting Pres. Trump for Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’ nickname “Crazy Bernie.” Truth be told, political pundits across the board have been calling him nuts for years.

Comedian Dennis Miller called him an “idiot” on national television. Tucker Carlson said he was a “maniac.” Even the far-left MSNBC dubbed him “adorably insane” and a “lunatic.” DNC spokespeople even called him “Crazy Bernie Sanders,” as they were pulling the party nomination out from under him.

In all fairness, there’s no escaping the fact that Bernie is an independent socialist who only joined the Democratic Party to run for president in a free-election, capitalist country. Putting all those kooky labels aside, the distinguished senator from Vermont’s policy pushes speak volumes about whether or not he “might” be crazy.

1: Free Education For All

In early April, Sanders made good on his promise to introduce legislation that would make college tuition free for every American — sort of…

Joining him in pressing forward the free college bill were ultra left-wing senators Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Richard Blumenthal and Rep. Keith Ellison among others. Given the approaching mid-term elections and potential presidential bid by Harris, it’s not surprising they jumped on this year after snubbing the same legislation in 2015.

The College for All Act, as the liberals are calling it, eliminates any and all costs for families making less than $125,000. The politically self-serving move plays to Bernie’s base from his failed presidential bid against Hillary. In that effort, he garnered upwards of three-quarters of the under-35 vote. Pandering to one’s voting base may not seem too whacky, but the cost of following through with this policy might.

According to sources at Bernie central, free college tuition would cost approximately $600 billion. The federal government would pay two-thirds while state and city governments kicked in the rest. Of course, illegal immigrants may not be counted in that figure, and Bernie certainly wouldn’t turn away MS-13 gang members either.

Although this sounds like another tax-and-spend leftist policy, Bernie has a solution — tax Wall Street. Just as the economy is back on track mostly thanks to the Trump Administration, Bernie wants to undo all that progress.

2: Every American Gets A $15 Job Plus Benefits

The jobs growth policies that have the country teetering on full employment are just not good enough for the white-haired statesman.

In one of his recent pre-presidential campaign promises, the senator has called for employment to be a basic right. That and a chicken in every pot, car in every garage and picket fence sound great. Who exactly would be guaranteeing these jobs?

Sponsored by another presidential hopeful, Sen. Cory Booker from New Jersey, the Federal Jobs Guarantee Development Act would force the Department of Labor to provide every unemployed American with a $15 per hour or higher job. The positions would also include full health care benefits.

If you are wondering where all these awesome jobs are coming from, the answer is either pixie dust or your tax dollars. This is basically a way to amp up welfare payouts.

After free college tuition, this ranks among the wackiest tax-and-spend policies every thought up by a socialist.

3: Free Medicare For All

During the 2016 election, Sanders pushed universal health care hard. At the time, the front-loaded ObamaCare benefits were just running out. The previous administration apparently had been funneling HUD and other agency money into the health care system in an effort to keep it afloat. Bernie proposed buoying that sinking ship by making health care a right.

These days, he’s following Pres. Trump’s lead to provide suffering veterans greater health care access through Medicare by allowing them to go to non-VA hospitals. The Vermont socialist would extend Medicare benefits to every American regardless of income.

That sure sounds great on the surface. Free health care. The problem is that nothing in this world is free, and the estimated cost of Bernie’s “free health care” system would cost tax payers more than $3 trillion each year. That’s with a “T.”

4: Bernie Sanders Can’t Do Math

All told, if Bernie Sanders were to get elected president with a Democrat majority in Congress, the total cost of pushing through his full socialist agenda would require $40 trillion in additional taxes over the next 10 years. That figure is on top of the annual deficit spending the United States is already engaged in.

If that sounds like lunacy to you, Bernie Sanders “might” be crazy…

~ Conservative Zone

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12 thoughts on “4 Reasons Why Socialist Bernie Sanders Might Actually Be Crazy”

  1. Interesting, the $15.00 dollar per hour thing is exactly what Fidel Castro brought to Cuba along with free everything. I see how that worked out Socialism has never worked and totally destroys the Nation, it does however offer enslavement to all and the $15.00 per hour is gone with massive tax hikes to pay for all the “free” stuff leaving the take home pay to less than$2.00 per hour really what America wants??????

  2. Bernie is crazy. Americans do not want to follow him and his push for socialism. He will go down with other radical democrats.

  3. Simple minds relish — and many times embellish — simple-minded ideas. But, for crying out loud, don’t burden their thinking processes, to the extent that they exist, with any of the complex truths that make up the one incredibly complicated reality in which we must live.

    Tax Wall Street?: Okay, if the costs of taxes are sent to “Wall Street”, where do they go to from there since “Wall Street” is not a source if value, just a place that money proxies for value go to to be routed elsewhere? It is a simple natural necessity that all costs must be routed by one method or another to the supplier side of the goods and services marketplaces so the costs can be embedded in the prices for which goods and services are sold. It ain’t free, just hidden from the delusional, regardless of what it is.

    1. Dude, he means make wall street pay more taxes- like taxing your IRA or pension plan, more taxes when you buy stocks or funds, taxes on these type financial transactions. So instead of a 10% gain to break even you would need a 50% gain after Bernie got done woth you

  4. Was/is there any doubt that sanders is a bonafide lunatic ???? Socialism has failed in every country that it was established in — it takes real morons and lunatics to want to try it here or those who feel the need to leech off others or the government. He is a pathetic moron with visions of grandeur getting ALL the young and not so wealthy people to follow his lunacy.

  5. Consider what has been taken away from us since the 1950’s.
    For example:
    – $24 for a 3 unit college class.
    – Health insurance is OUTRAGEOUS.
    – People with an average job used to be able to afford a home
    and raise their kids.
    – Etc., etc.
    The average person has been SCREWED…while a FEW become wealthy.

  6. This isn’t socialism,like the hippie communes of the 1960’s,where everyone voluntarily joins.This is Democratic Fascism,where govt steals from some to give to others.Stealing is not nice.

  7. He is not crazy! I think he is getting senile! We need term limits for all public officials — Congress, Senate, Governors, and State legislators!

  8. The time for all these political hacks to do what they were elected (HIRED) to do it way overdue.
    What they were elected to do is Support and Defend the Constitution of the United States of America.
    Instead, they spend all their time stabbing each other in the back.
    When you spend your time trying to make the other guy lood bad, you are pretty pathetic yourself.
    Remember, a politician’s main job is to get themselves re-elected. They don’t really care whose money they use to do that either.
    Welfare money buys votes.

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