Comedy has become a minefield — with today’s “woke” climate challenging any humor that is not at the expense of conservatives or white men. Because of this, some classic videos from the past would never be able to be made today — these Saturday Night Live Sketches, long considered some of the show’s best, would be outright banned today. Thankfully, Breitbart compiled a great list for us:
Samurai Hotel: The portrayal of a crazy, over the top samurai made audiences laugh when it first aired, but wouldn’t make the airwaves today. Yellow-face and cultural appropriation would ban this classic for sure. John Belushi has darkened skin (yellow face), wears a kimono (cultural appropriation) and waves a samurai sword (more cultural appropriation). He also babbles in faux Japanese, which is sure to bother someone out there.
Ambiguously Gay Duo: Played for laughs, this animated series would be seen as homophobic today. Changed to a straight couple, though, the series could still fly, though the jokes would no longer work and it wouldn’t be very funny.
“Pat”: Is Pat male? Female? No one can seem to figure it out, which makes for some funny situations. Audiences loved Pat so much that a movie was made starring the character in 1994. This clever sketch may have made 90s audiences chuckle, but in today’s rabidly woke climate, a character that poked fun at a person of undetermined gender would likely be banned, or at least lead to multiple boycots and complaints leveled at the brand.
Sammy Davis Junior: Billy Crystal’s portrayal of the beloved singer may have been funny at the time, but since Crystal used makeup to look more like the Candyman, this one is no good in 2019. Blackface, cultural appropriation and hate speech would be among the complaints received by the network if this skit aired today.
She’s Got a D!%k: Almost 20 years after “Pat” became a movie character, Justin Timberlake discovered a secret about a coworker — she was a man. Transphobia, anyone? This 2013 skit would not be acceptable just six years later, thanks to the “Woke” climate entertainment must now comply with.
Chippendales Audition: Both Patrick Swayze and Chris Farley are gone now, but this sketch would not be able to be made today anyway — fat shaming would trigger outrage and discontent with Woke viewers.
“Jane, you ignorant slut:” For obvious reasons, this skit would not fly today, however if the tables were turned, it would likely be acceptable to berate Dan Ackroyd in a similar manner.
Saturday Night Live has been on the air for decades, but the Woke climate is beginning to wear away at the NBC classic as writers and talent need to comply with progressive demands if they want to stay on the air. These classics, and others like them, would never be made today, and may even be scrubbed from clip shows and presentations in the future — watch them while you can.
The liberals in their world of madness !
They can never compete with Red Skelton, Don Rickles, Abbott & Costello, Foster Brooks, Jonathan Winters, Jack Benny, Lucille Ball, Tim Allen.
Liberals suck!!!
Liberalism is a Cancer that must be removed from Our Society! P.C. In reality, stands for Pure Crap and is used as a Weapon by Liberals to control the narrative.
They are, in fact, “offended” by everything they do not like U.S. to embrace!
There was an Old Saying that applies to today’s Liberal Garbage.
“Your Rights END at the Tip of My Nose”!
Liberals have not only killed comedy but have removed our ability to laugh at ourselves! We need to laugh – it makes life worth living.
PC is the only way to go IF you can’t tell the difference between satire and reality. EVERYONE in the USA has a right to their opinion which they can vote at the next election, however you don’t have the right to impose your personal opinion on anyone else and attack them if they don’t buy into it. WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU LIVE? CALIFORNIA?
As soon as I saw the title of this article, I knew “Jane, you ignorant slut” was going to be on here. After all the years of Saturday Night Live, and I was a kid when it first started on television, that skit was called
point/counterpoint. What made it so funny was Dan Aykroyd. He was always able to play anything from the loosest most chilled out type of guy to the “stiffest“ type of guy.
I would love to see SNL have like a reboot of some of its best acts in five years If all of those folks are still alive. They all have to be in their 70s by now. But I would love to see them sit at the anchor desk one more time.
What about King Tut?
I loved SNL but stopped watching it after the original crew left and that was back in the 70’s!
I remember “Show us your guns” a take of a cigarette commercial at that time.
Eddie Murphy’s ‘Buckwheat’and ‘Mr Robinson’s Neighborhood? How about ‘in Living Color’? Maybe even ‘One Day At A Time’?
Liberals destroy everything they touch. They absolutely suck the joy out of life by waking up each day looking for something to be offended by. The worst part is, they can’t see past the end of their collective noses, never see the big picture or how they hurt people with their ideology.
Load’m all up and send them to Europe they’ll fit right in .They keep bringing in the illegals because their kind is being run over or killed so now they turn around and want to change our world to fit their narrow minded view of how things should be done and won’t leave anything alone oh yeah and it MUST be free somebody else can pay for it but not us !
In truth the problem isn’t the instigators. It’s those who permit the instigators to instigate
with ultimately SUICIDAL attitudes that accept the unacceptable and tolerate the intolerable.
Silence isn’t golden. It’s yellow. Inch by inch anything is a cinch.
I remember that skit as if it was yesterday. My wife and I were sitting on the floor with our backs up against the couch. Dan looked at Jane and said ” Jane, you ignorant slut”. So, I looked mover at my wife and said, ” Kathy, you ignorant slut”. Lets just say that it didn’t go over like I expected.