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A Hard Look at Liberal Bullying

Bullying is bad. There is no way you have been alive for the past decade and haven’t been subjected to the left’s enormous anti-bullying campaign. Just last month Netflix aired their latest hit show that is all about the horrors of bullying.

And yet, despite this wholehearted commitment to ending the tyranny of bullying forever, the left is responsible for all of the systemic bullying that still exists in America. Sure, there are radicals on every side who do stupid things, but if you want to look for consistent, systematic bullying efforts across the country, you’ll find the liberals holding the torches and pitchforks.

Bullying in Science

Here’s an interesting tidbit for you. The AGU (American Geophysical Union) just released a major update to their ethics policy. Those changes all center around preventing and punishing bullying within the scientific community. Fed up with this epidemic, they are ready to take harsh action against anyone who physically, verbally or professionally attacks another scientist based on race, religion, gender etc.

What kind of bullying could have happened to spurn this decision?

Get ready for some irony. Michael Mann (a big time climatologist) recently opened a lawsuit against journalists who reported his involvement in Climategate. Climate researchers were found to be incorrectly handling data, and journalists called them out on it. In response, the AGU is backing Mann and others who were impacted with their anti-bullying campaign.

Now for the irony. The reports on Mann were not falsified or inflammatory. On the flip side, a Congressional hearing on climate research just a few weeks ago featured Mann accusing fellow scientist of being a climate denier.

He further worked to discredit her by accusing her of collaborating with immoral groups and other false claims. In order to win Congressional favor, he clearly bullied a colleague under oath.

Yet, the AGU has nothing to say on that matter, and this is the norm throughout American science. If your science aligns with the left, you can do no wrong. Otherwise, you are a heretic and risk being run out of academia simply for honestly reporting on the margin of error of your science.

Bullying Businesses

Let’s start with small business. You have no doubt seen accounts of bakeries and cake makers being run out of business for refusing to support gay marriage. I’m a proponent of free markets, so I won’t condemn the left for boycotting businesses when they have moral objections. That’s how the system is supposed to work.

The bullying comes into play when leftist vandalize the properties, run smear campaigns to dissuade customers, lobby for laws that discriminate against specific business owners and physically obstruct businesses from their operations. These are all common practices, and they have put dozens of shops out of business across the country. In Oregon, the Kleins didn’t just lose their business; there family was under constant mortal threat.

On a larger scale, it’s easy to compare liberal and conservative reactions. The CEO of Chik-fil-A honestly answered a question about his stance on gay marriage. The liberal response went far beyond boycotts. City municipalities worked to ban the restaurant chain from their borders. If that isn’t religious discrimination, what is?

On the other hand, when the Apple CEO was outed as homosexual, some conservatives stopped buying the products, but there was no push to drive Apple out of the country. Apple employees weren’t subjected to death threats and intimidation every time they showed up for work. Conservatives just followed their conscience in how they spent their money and left Apple to do its thing.

Political Bullying

This discussion so far has stuck to the minor leagues. It’s in politics that the nastiest stories come to light. We could talk about how liberals have run the most vicious smear campaign to date against Donald Trump. We could go over the malice behind labelling all conservatives as racist bigots and the inherent hypocrisy in that point of view. Instead, we’re going to focus on liberal-on-liberal bullying.

The tactics have become so intertwined with liberal ideology that they can no longer disentangle the abuse. At the Women’s March in February, literal fist fights broke out between groups when they accused each other of stealing attention from their cause. Apparently, you can’t be feminist and support Native American rights.

This infighting happens all the time. Look at how the remnants of Black Lives Matter Facebook warriors clash with DAPL protesters. Compare the vitriol that freely flies when any comment can be obscurely linked to support for Trump or conservatism. Look at how even direct support of any subgroup is derided because outsiders can’t possibly understand.

There’s a reason the left is piloting the anti-bullying movement. It is a major part of their culture. At this point, they are so inundated with it that it might be impossible to be liberal and not bully people. If they bothered to teach that lesson in schools, the “bullying epidemic” could be resolved in a flash.

~ Conservative Zone

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