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America Has Zero Confidence in FBI After School Shooter Failure

Seventeen Florida high school students have been slaughtered due to the complete and utter incompetence of the FBI, and Americans have lost all confidence and respect for the once-renowned law enforcement institution.

Under the “leadership” of Director Christopher Wray, the nation’s once impeccable law enforcement agency recently admitted that they received ample warning that mass murderer Nikolas Cruz had made public and social media statements that he fully intended to become a “professional school shooter.” A concerned citizen followed the government’s mandate to say something about threats and reached out to the FBI about the disturbed shooter’s “gun ownership, desire to kill people, erratic behavior, and disturbing social media posts, as well as the potential of him conducting a school shooting.”

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio joined Gov. Rick Scott in taking the faulty FBI to task with forceful public remarks.

“Lawmakers and law enforcement personnel constantly remind the public that ‘if you see something, say something,’” Sen. Rubio said. “In this tragic case, people close to the shooter said something, and our system utterly failed the families of seventeen innocent souls.”

In a statement issued by the FBI, the inept, over-priced agency could only admit that “[The FBI] determined that these protocols were not followed.” So incompetent has the country’s “top” law enforcement agency become that when provided with a YouTube post that read “I’m going to be a professional school shooter,” FBI agents claimed they were unable to identify the source. The username was, in fact, “Nikolas Cruz.” The shooter made zero attempt to hide his identity. And, that is basically the amount of confidence many everyday Americans now have in the FBI, zero.

While the tragedy in Parkland, Florida, has raised a national frustration about how to prevent mass shooting, the FBI didn’t lose public confidence overnight. In recent years, the FBI has amassed a lengthy list of failure and internal corruption en route to earning its loss of confidence.

The FBI Failed To Act In Pulse Nightclub Shooting
In the aftermath of the 2016 Florida nightclub massacre, the FBI admitted that shooter Omar Mateen had been previously under investigation. Although Mateen had made threatening remarks, FBI agents closed the book on the nightclub killer. He had worked as an armed security guard, was interviewed three times and went on the killing spree after the law enforcement agency was satisfied.

The FBI Failed To Stop Fort Hood Terrorist
In a disclosure that stunned Americans everywhere, the FBI had full knowledge that Fort Hood killer Army Maj. Nidal Hasan had been communicating with Anwar al-Awlaki, a known al Qaeda terrorist. The FBI declined to investigate him prior to the 2009 massacre, and a subsequent congressional hearing demonstrated that the 13 deaths and dozens of wounded at the military base could easily have been prevented if FBI agents had done their job.

The FBI Failed To Act Against Boston Bombers
In 2013, the FBI had been alerted that one of the Boston Marathon Bombers had been in direct contact with active Islamic terrorists by Russian law enforcement counterparts. The point of sharing information with even hostile nations is to prevent terror incidents. An obviously inept FBI agent who conducted an interview with Tamerlan Tsarnaev concluded that “no link or ‘nexus’ to terrorism’ was found. FBI agents later admitted that not acting when Tsarnaev traveled to Dagestan was an egregious error.

The FBI Appears Rife With Corruption
The fallout from the 2016 elections has left Americans looking on at the FBI as if it were a horrific car wreck on the side of a highway. From former FBI James Comey’s gross mishandling of the Hillary email investigation to his exonerating her publicly, the FBI started to not pass the smell test.

Subsequent “Russia” investigations have unearthed collusion between a ranking FBI agent and his DOJ lover that the fix may have been in for Hillary. The FBI’s Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, a Department of Justice attorney in the Obama Administration appear to have thrown the Hillary investigation and made ominous remarks about having an insurance policy against Pres. Trump. We are now discovering the use of the so-called “Dodgy Dossier” funded by Democrats to weaponize FISA warrants, wiretap political opponents and American citizens.

Clearly, the FBI has fallen from among the world’s most respected law enforcement agencies to a pigsty. From top to bottom, the FBI needs a thoroughly house cleaning. Heads need to roll, careers need to end, and the FBI’s internal swamp must be drained. It’s time to Make America Confident Again.

~ Conservative Zone

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51 thoughts on “America Has Zero Confidence in FBI After School Shooter Failure”

  1. As a retired Federal Law Enforcement Officer(not FBI) I have to say that the FBI has become an embarrassment to the Law Enforcement community. While interservice rivalry can sometimes be healthy, for years the FBI agents have acted beyond the bounds of ethics. It is about time they were cleaned out as an agency as they have become politicized beyond belief. Cleaned out from top to bottom. They have lost credibility as a law enforcement agency by hiring people who have never developed the ethics required for a law enforcement officer. Hired fresh out of college people with no law enforcement experience who are warped by their crooked agency.

    1. More than likely these new recruits were mentally warped before they became FBI agents…With all this political correctness, lack of respect, lack of self discipline, with my rights override your rights as employed by the leftist Democrats and countless other negativeness which we can attribute to the decline and decay of our American society…The Democrats and their
      constituents are to blame for all what has happened since it was their party during the 1960’s which was hijacked by all the radical elements of our society…If John F Kennedy were alive today…The Democrats would have him thrown out of office much like the Republicans have tried to do with Donald Trump…Trump is no John F Kennedy…and Trump is not a “life member” of the NRA…where as John F Kennedy was.

    2. You are absolutely correct. As the s.o. of a local law enforcement master police officer who has worked on an FBI task force for over 20 years, the incompetence is astounding. The do in fact bring in young kids to the agency with absolutely no street smarts, law enforcement experience and in many cases no common sense. After being indoctrinated in Quantico, they leave with the believe they are “the top two percent” and therefore believe all other branches of law enforcement are beneath them and will not take instruction.

  2. Excuse me, but not JUST the FBI is to blame for dropping the ball on this one. The local police bear an even BIGGER share of the blame. After THIRTY NINE trips to the house where Cruz leaved over domestic violence against his adopted mom, & his younger brother, somebody SHOULD have done something. And, even the psycho therapist bears some of the blame. HE decided that Cruz wasn’t a threat to himself, or to anyone else. Oh, really?? Explain THAT to 17 families that lost members to this kid. He’s mentally ill, yes, but, that’s no excuse for all of these people messing up like they did. And, then you have the idiot deputy that HID rather than confront this kid. Fortunately, he resigned rather than be suspended. This kid’s name should’ve been on every kind of list imaginable to stop him purchasing guns. NO gun laws, in this particular case, would’ve stopped this massacre. And, I’ve got news for you, I haven’t trusted the FBI in many, many years. I’ll be 69 this year, so have seen a LOT that has caused that. And, there are a lot of other people who feel the same way. Some of it started from Waco, & has just snowballed. This Wray guy needs to either start shaking things up in the FBI, or he needs replaced. David Clarke would be fantastic, but getting him past the Senate would be a chore, unless, the President waits until Congress isn’t in session, & THEN appoints him!!

    1. I agree with you with the local police bearing a bigger share of the blame. When one makes that many trips to the house where Cruz lived over domestic violence against his adopted mom, Cruz should have been moved to a phycho ward for his own good and for the public’s safety. He should never have been allowed to get his hands on a gun especially the kind of rifle he had to gun down those 17 people. Cruz was mentally ill and was a threat to himself and to the public. His therapist should have seen the warning signs.
      The FBI did mess up on this one. But there is a lot of blame to go around. The current FBI director needs to clean up the department from top to bottom or else be replaced. If Wray can’t do the job, he should never have been appointed FBI director in the first place.

    2. I think all the schools that expelled him or banned him from school ground failed. The action is “feel good action” They all knew that his actions were way past poor behavior. to ban him from school grounds means that he is a threat to students and staff. This should have been reported to police, so they could have protected the school, only they can keep him off school grounds, schools do not have a police force to protect themselves. This would have also help the police realize how potentially dangerous this student was and maybe got him some help that he needed.

    3. All agencies are complicit & the FBI knew. In the Age of the Internet, an alphabet agency who ins’t involved or actively spying on American citizens is BS. Add to that these events always seem to have some concurrent drill taking place. Instant organized reaction with an overwhelming Media saturation presenting only one side of the story. Get the recipe? Governments have a history of initiating false flags. We even have just not one, but 4 chickenshit armed personnel to dispel the armed security argument. The question to ask is: who funds this crap? Isn’t this a district where Debbie Wasserman Schultz is from? Apparently her past transgressions were not enough to dismiss her & her talents of divisiveness. I purport that the FBI not only knew, but groomed this patsy. They have to justify their jobs. Whether he followed through on his own or under the influence of their persuasion drug, scopolamine, we will never know. I wouldn’t count on them doing anything toxicological that might implicate them. As for the final production, reasonable doubt has been raised & only on the Internet. The Media won’t give you that side as they are owned by Wasserman Schultz’s tribesmen, who only have an interest in disarming the American populace. Historical precedent? You bet. Here’s one. It’s called the Bolshevik Revolution.

  3. Sadly, I fully agree with this article. The FBI leadership has shown a disgusting political bias and total incompetence in the prevention of major crimes. Its focus has been instead on the absurd “Russia Investigation” and other distracting nonsense about the Trump campaign. The rank and file of FBI agents are mostly trustworthy men and women who try to do their best, but they need new leadership for that to happen. The whole leadership of the FBI must be replaced with honest and competent people who can be trusted to work of the nation’s welfare and not for the vested interest of political hacks. Only a drastic change in top personnel can accomplish this.

  4. If you are breathing and paying attention, the FBI has become corrupt; pointing to B. Obama and H. Clinton’s direct influence, among others, to commit as many crimes against America as it can.
    Consider Mr. Mueller and his investigation (witch hunt) against election collision by President Donald Trump. No proof on our President after 18 months , and this, with the hand favoring the FBI with no republican attorneys in the agency’s folly.
    Add the questionable FBI investigations to the Florida school shooting and shooter, the reputation gets even murkier. And, don’t forget the vast drain on resource and man power put on the agency by having to check on the illegal immigrants and criminals entering our country; exploded during the Obama era (error) and still supported by him and majority of liberal, left Democrats. So the illegal immigrants are Costly, very.

    1. Dumb a** Obama ruined the FBI the 8 years he spent in the WH! Trump should fire all the upper layers in the FBI & DOJ starting with no ‘gonads’ Jeff Sessions!! Amen!!!

      1. Not forgetting the FBI under Director Robert Mueller were complicit with Lois Lerner of the IRS to take down and intimidate conservative political action groups across the country from becoming tax exempt non profit organizations…The FBI and the IRS were the terrorist of the day and Lois Lerner the chief terrorist of the IRS got off Scott free by taking the 5th…And today Robert Mueller is now investigating Donald Trump and his staff members for collusion with the Russians…and Hillary Clinton got a pay off from the Russians (under Mueller’s FBI) of $145,000,000.00 given to the Clinton Foundation…for helping the Russians attain 20% of our Uranium assets when we are short of supply ourselves…Trump did not received one dime from the Russians…But the Democrats and Mueller have named him as chief suspect of colluding with the Russians…despite lack of evidence…My Oh My OIh My…The DOJ has turned a blind eye towards justice favoring the practices of corruption instead…which the the DOY and the FBI enjoyed under the Obama and Clinton dynasty…Now that Trump wants to drain the swamp…out of fear that their practices of corruption will be exposed…the DNC, the FBI, the CIA, the NSA (the deep state i.e. Shadow government) are colluding with each other in an effort to impeach President Trump…Their scheme seems to be backfiring thanks to a few Republicans who have brought all these shenanigans to the attention of the American Public…We will see how all this plays out…but I don’t see any great changes within all of these corrupted agencies other than some name changes like with Lois Lerner of the IRS…SC Robert Mueller will continue with his tactics of McCathyism until he runs out of Russians with which to indict…to include those who have committed “obstruction of justice” by lying to the FBI…Oh My Oh My Oh My.

  5. Bullshit about Americans losing faith in the FBI…it’s only the Cult45ers who are and thanks to him being an a$$ and denigrating them without warrant.

    1. I agree with you 100%. No greater than authority than Whitey Bulger gave them a 5-star rating, saying that they were the best law enforcers that his money could buy.

  6. Look at all the example you gave on mass shootings,all under obama. He turned the government agencies into a political weapon,just like third world African nations his whore mother and commie daddy would be proud if they were alive

  7. The list provided on FBI failures leaves out the murder of Lavoy Vaticum at the reserve in Oregon. Although the fatal shot came from an Oregon State trooper, the FBI was behind all of that as well. yet we are expected to have faith in their abilities to uphold the laws of the land? What a joke they have become.

  8. Back in the 1950’s I respected the FBI. During the 1980’s, I reported to the FBI that there were Child Porn being sent to me, and I forwarded that stuff to the FBI office. I even called the FBI and reported this. There was no reaction from the FBI, no call backs, no emails to even say thank you, or that they were taking action the Child Porn sites. I guess they could not be bothered with that simple chore either, at least not unless there was a political reason for their going after someone with such garbage on their computers or in their homes.
    Because I am Native American, and one who served this country in the Military, and my men and I were stabbed in the back by the ALPHABET GROUPS in Washington, D.C., I am able to say that I do not trust a Politician (Republicans, Democrats, Independents, nor the Bureaucrats or whatever else they come up with) any further than I can kick an 18 wheeler rolling down the highway. Those in Washington, D.C. have gone a long way down the wide paved highway to the workplace of Satan. They will pay the price when they come before our Creator, the ULTIMATE JUDGE OF THE SOUL.

  9. I actually have a sick feeling in the bottom of my stomach that is screaming to me, “There is nothing I can do”. The fear is we have lost not only the FBI and the DOJ We have also lost one of our once great political parties, We as a country are at a point in time where the inmates are actually the ones in charge and they have such power that they are freely warping our young minds to fit their mold and if anyone dare say anything, that person is ruined by lies and innuendo, When will the “Political correctness” and “media bias” become a garbage heap that can be buried along with the stink associated with it. It has to be soon or the USA will be no more.

  10. I am the s.o. of a local Master Police Officer who has spent almost 20 years on a FBI task force. I lost confidence in the FBI several years ago when I found out how incompetent and petty 90% of the agents are. They are trained in Quantico to believe the mantra that they are “the top 2%” in the nation. Consequently, they are arrogant, petty and constantly want to engage in a pissing contest with the local law enforcement agencies rather than try and work together. They crank out new agents all the time who show up on these task forces having no experience or street smarts but the majority won’t listen to valuable advice from veteran officers because they are not the top “two percent”. Just the other day a young FBI agent was asking my s.o. a question on how to handle a situation. After my s.o.left the room he heard the FBI supervisor jump down the young agent’s throat and told him he better never ask a local a question again – it was an “embarrassment” This particular FBI supervisor happens to be one of the most incompetent people on the entire task force – even his agents think he is an idiot. The only thing he seems to be focused on is people respecting him and having a suit on (even in blue collar situations) just in case the press shows up which he wants badly. He spends his time exacting revenge and finding petty little ways to “pay back” any locals who embarrass him or disrespect him. A perfect example is a pissing contest the supervisor engaged in when he joined the task force. My s.o. had already been on the task force for many years and was known as a T.F.A. (task force agent). He has always been respected by his peers as an expert in his field and is used by the U.S. attorney a great deal to make sure they build an iron clad case. He is often the case agent on federal cases and therefore has to be in court to testify. After many years of sitting in court at the table with the U.S. attorney he was told by the new supervisor that he was not allowed to go to court without a FBI agent present nor could he sit at the prosecutors table but had to be in the galley. Instead, he insisted an agent show up and sit at the table who had absolutely no knowledge of the case. The last time it happened the U.S. Attorney told the agent he had not use for him at the table and sent him away. That is our tax dollars at work. CASE #2 -The new supervisor immediately had issues with my s.o. being called a “Task Force Agent” and told him he couldn’t use that title anymore because he was a “Task Force Officer”. This issue went back and forth for days. The funny thing was my s.o. had received a letter of commendation from Robert Meuller himself(when he was still in the Director of the FBI) and referred to my s.o. as a “Task Force Agent”. The two cases just represent an iota of the many ridiculous and petty issues this “supervisor” wastes time on daily. Yeah, this is your tax dollars at work. Welcome to the “new” FBI

  11. The individual Agents are not at fault . They must work within the system to the best of their ability and within the law. The era of political correctness, political leaders, and a so called news media ready to pounce and berate anything against their own agenda would make most people walk on tip toes. If the FBI had arrested “that COWARD” without a criminal offense the headlines would of been “Trump’s Strong Arm FBI Targets Innocent Mentally Disabled Student”. IRS, FBI, DOJ, and State Department all have been impregnated with Obama bad actors. I believe the FBI can clean it’s own house. What I want to know is why nobody has been charged for illegal unmasking and the targeting of conservative groups by the IRS (what is the DOJ doing)?

  12. The FBI is a joke. Started with Comey and he was as crooked as a dog’s hind leg. That’s what you get when you appoint an attorney to be FBI director. Thank slick willy for that and Comey’s allegiance to the Clintons was rather obvious.

    When you hand everything to the FBI on a platter like in the Florida shooting and they did nothing, then heads need to roll.
    Trump needs to drain the swamp at the FBI A lot of innocent people were killed because the FBI did nothing and the best they can say is they failed to follow protocol. Tell that to the grieving families. Incompetence has consequences and the FBI either needs to be eliminated or get new people in there that give a damn.

  13. Of course the FBI has failed to prevent so many mass killings. They are only following the orders given to them by globalist vermin like George Soros, whose goal is total civilian disarmament for the purpose of preventing any resistance to their planned global dictatorship. This is why the FBI ignores the warning signs given by those who are pre-programmed by the Deep State to go on these rampages. Any of the sheeple who wish to label me as a”Conspiracy Theorist” can do so to their heart’s content, but, time will prove me correct.

  14. Americans are losing faith in the once-revered FBI because of the corruption at the top from the likes of Comey, McCabe, Strzock, Page, Orr. They have not acted as law enforcement, but as Hillary sycophants. They shuold all be fired immediately and lose their pensions and benefits because they are criminals. In concert with the DOJ and the likes of Loretta Lynch and king of proprietorial misconduct Andrew Weissman, they have destroyed the FBI and the Justice Dept. Not to mention the FBI’s role or lack thereof in the recent Florida school shooting. Not only should they be fired but should be incarcerated. They failed our children because they were too busy delving into fake news on behalf of the aforementioned Hillary to bring down our duly-elected president. As for Robert Mueller, he’s the one who should be investigated for his role in the sale of our uranium to Russia, rather than investigating our president on the basis of fake news for collusion that didn’t exist.. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. This hypocrite belongs in jail with the rest of his ilk and reimburse the American taxpayers for all the money he stole on his witch hunt.

  15. Irreparable damage to the Intelligence Service, after exposure through a BING search of “CIA/FBI Corruption” and “CIA/FBI Child Sex Trafficking”. And “Obama Clinton Mueller Uranium One TREASON”. And “Robert Mueller INVESTED in Uranium One TREASON”. And “Clinton Comey Criminal History”. And “Bush Clinton Obama Pedo Cabal DYNASTY”.

  16. To say that the FBI is not credible or reliable is extreme. As in any profession or career or job there could a small number of people who do not belong there. To condemn the whole organization is wrong.
    This is the work of Putin. Putin wants to shatter the Americans confidence in the FBI, CIA and the other Intel agencies in America. Also, he is wants to create fighting within our country by opposing parties refusing to work with each other, special interest groups fighting, and turning the American people against the media. This creates chaos and makes America look bad which supports Putin’s belief that Democracy doesn’t work. It seems as though Trump is helping him achieve this goal!

  17. Why are these people still in office? They should be fired immediately. And I might add, dismissed without any pension like
    rules for most private jobs outside of government.

  18. Another group to bring to light. The IRS ! Another big brother agency, they are from the Government and “we’re here to help” Ha Ha ! You owe money and you never get out from under the debit. Government is too big! It gets bigger under the democrats, I live in DC area, and I see it. Hell the average home (single family) is $350,000 to $600,000 +. You folks in Southern Ill can get a nice house for $80,000. DC needs to be decentralized. We keep paying with our tax money for fraud, waste and abuse !!! Hillary and Bill got RICH of off DC. So did the the Nigerian. Dc needs to become REAL !!!! Get with the rest of US !!!!!!

  19. From 2009 to 2016 when all the other mass shootings and bombings occurred a large amount were conducted by Muslims. At this time the closet Muslim (aka Barak HUSSIEN obama) was in charge and comrade holder his AG, was there too. It would seem that under the Obama regime, investigating a Muslim was a crime , and not the murders they committed. Perhaps the FBI was hamstrung and could not investigate.

  20. Everyone in that sad Bureau should have been fired last week, but they have been/are too busy covering up for their anticipated boss, Hillary. Hence no action prior to the election and red herrings now. Filth up to their arm pits. Cowards, criminals and crooks now populate DC.

    1. I still believe in the FBI as well. Like you said, there are good agents out there doing their job. There are also not so good agents not out there doing their jobs. It is those agents that need to be rooted out. That is where the director of the FBI needs to clean up the FBI from top to bottom. Everyone makes mistakes.

  21. How Stupid are Americas, That WE Spend Million$/Billion$ on Endless Investigation after Investigation, That Go on and on Forever, With NO Significant Consequences !! This Mueller Investigation is an Absolute Laughing Stock, 13 Russians have been Indited ?? Really ?? And Just How do they Plan to Prosecute them ?? Hey AMERICA, WAKE UP, The Joke is on You !! He wants to indite Paul Manaforte for Income tax Fraud, 10 Years Ago, Where in the He@#$%ll did that come from ?? Maybe He hasn’t heard of the IRS ?? Whatever Happened to the 7 Year Statute of Limitations ?? Flynn was Brought before the Bar of Justice for Lying about something that was NOT Against the Law to Begin with ?? This is All Total Insanity, and NEEDS to Be Stopped !! We NEED to Cut the CRAP, and Get the Swamp Drained !! And if there are NO Consequences From Investigations then Quit Pi$$ing away MY Tax Money !! Mr President, Bring on the MAGA Please – Johnman

  22. J.Edger Hoover would roll over in his grave.F.B.I. has GOTTEN SO LIBERAL, and OUR COUNTRY SO POLITICAL CORRECT,you can not do anything properly with out being sued

  23. All of the commentators have been proclaiming , in regard to the Mueller investigation, that only the top levels of the FBI is corrupt, and the lower levels are doing a fine job. It is apparent now that the rest is not doing a very good job and is inept at best. It needs a good housekeeping just like the VA. The Obama administration did its best (and is still doing it) to bring this country down. Trump should have said on Day one, ” If Obama appointed you, You are Fired.”

  24. Okay, the FBI made some mistakes. There is enough blame to go around. The local police sure bare a lot of it since they made many trips to the home where Cruz lived over domestic violence. The guy was a psyco. The therapist should have seen the red flags that said Cruz was a danger to himself and to society. Cruz should never have been allowed to get his hands on a gun. I don’t know how much could have been prevented if that police officer on campus had done something rather than doing nothing. So there is plenty of blame to go around. I still have faith in the FBI. There are some good agents out there doing their jobs; there are not so good agents not out there doing their jobs. Those are the ones who need to be ousted from the FBI. If you are not going to take your job seriously, you should not be working in law enforcement.

  25. The only way the FBI can be respected is if the FBI starts earning the respect of the American People. The crap with lack of excellent investigation of Hillary and the e-mails is enough to lose all respect. Who really cares who Comey and Mueller are because they are just the point men for a corrupt institution.

  26. The once venerable and trustworthy FBI was weaponized for political purposes by the most corrupt Presidency in American History, the obama administration. obama corrupted every Executive level agency with the objective of using those agencies power against Republicans and conservative organizations. The top leadership that was in place under obama must be removed and replaced with people who are not politically compromised and who follow the Constitution. obama and his agency leaders belong in orange jump suits never to see the light of day. The FBI has lost it’s way under leadership that is part of the “swamp” in DC that must be culled and replaced with ethical, moral, and honorable people.

  27. How can we possible expect the FBI to be at the ready for every kind of emergency that happens. They just don’t have enough people to even approach the amount required. We have to be realistic about things.

  28. All this corrupted FBI is the fault of the now doj and our president for not firing this scumbag swamprat who only wants to protect his Russian agents buddies .Muller needs to be indicated yesterday.For not firing sessions this will be Trump’s downfall

  29. If the murderer was seeing a psychiatrist it was up to the psychiatrist to declare the murderer with mental illness and report him to whoever the law designates as the receiver of that declaration. This apparently was not done. Just because the guy buys guns it’s not illegal until he is declared as mentally insane. As far as I can tell the murderer was reported on by various people at various times but never arrested and taken to court. Also keep in mind you are innocent until proven guilty. You practically have to be caught in the act to be proven quilty. The law system is written this way to make sure people aren’t accused willy nilly by people and end up in jail. Dictatorships work on the assumption you are quilty until you prove yourself innocent. Notice I said you prove you are innocent. Here you have to prove you are innocent after being arrested and charged by a grand jury. Mental illness is a sneaky thing, you can look normal and be seriously mentally ill. And you can just be acting up while learning to mature and to controll yourself. Our law gives us a lot of leeway towards maturity. We have a problem male in our family and his wanting to fight with others and his rage really scared us to the point we just knew someday he would end of killing someone or be killed by someone in defense. Another member of our family, a male was quiet, nice, and always seemed happy. Guess which one grew out of his rage and is now working with disturbed teenagers and which child committed suicide in his twenties rather than hurt others. I am just saying I don’t think this kid could have been stopped because even those who know the problem person thinks everything will work out. We never figure someone we love can end in suicide or murdering others. Somewhere along the line the mental laws need to be tightened and again be careful that people aren’t using the mental thing just to get even with or get rid of someone like a family member or whomever. As for the F.B.I. the upper to middle sections have been too involved in their covering up their political criminal activities to pay attention to citizen complaints that may or may not come true. We are lucky they have been able to get as many terrorists as they have. Lock down the schools and use security cameras which can see who is at the door connected to a speaker system. If a teacher is a trained gun user and they want to wear concealed weapons than let them. Definitely make the schools a gun zone and not a gun free zone which is an open invitation to any mentally disturbed person who has reached that point and anybody looking to make a political or just their personnel statement. Stop saying to the world our kids are available for answers to someone’s problems as we teach in a gun free zone come on in. Our school locks the doors and each door has a security camera always on and someone watching the cameras from all the doors. Of course our school has the local police dept. in a building right in front of the school. A couple of robbers in homes across the street were caught in minutes once the police knew the robbers were robbing.

  30. Mental heath is a local not federal affair.With the number of calls made by the local police this messed up young man, he wasn’t a kid, should have been hauled in for a psyc eval but never was. The FBI should have refered any alerts it had been give to the locals for action. It a federal matter except perhaps when it is caused while in fedederal service such as the returning troops with stress disorders. The media can’t even report blame where it belongs.

  31. While most FBI agents are competent and dedicated, under Obama the culture of the FBI transformed into a “through the looking glass” mess. Laws were selectively enforced, and all Federal agencies were directed to purge data bases of information about administration members’ criminal records and especially their ties to radical Muslim groups. The MSM barely mentioned it.

  32. When people are terrorizing other people they must have a mental disability but no one does anything about it, teachers fail to pursue the matter, police say oh that is just talk and laugh about it. I would never report anyone unless I knew he was a threat. When things are reported like they were he should have been placed in a hospital. There should be nice places for these people to live instead of in a healthy society. Since we are not doing the obvious none of our police, FBI departments have been doing the job they are suppose to be doing. The head people like Mueller and Comey just cover up things they have been involved in. It is said Mueller covered up stuff for George Bush, head deep in lies and now covers up stuff for the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood. The Brotherhood is known as a terrorist group but congress has done nothing about it. Although Cruz tried to outlaw them. With Jeb Bush and top FBI official Mueller allowed Muslims idea and it is not a religion to be taught in schools. The terrorist Muslims demanded millions of dollars from us, they demanded all the good jobs, they demanded we understood Muslim ideas and Mueller agreed to everything they asked for. If a Muslim kills a person the FBI makes it into another excuse. I believe the Public speaker for freedom of speech when she said the FBI knew the the Muslims were going to try to kill her and her special guest and did nothing about it and the FBI agent showed Muslims where the place was. Muslims have never progressed as others have and they still believe it is ok to kill a wife, a child or whoever is not a Muslim. No one is talking about how Mueller is betraying the American people and is a traitor doing more for terrorist who want to destroy us then for our own country. Mueller was retired and should not be doing this crazy witch hunt ofasnyone because it is he that should be investigated and there is plenty to find.

  33. Dwindling confidence??? Watching our whole Justice System Crumble before our Eyes because the Criminal Murderess was not Elected to be the keeper of the Cover on all the obama Administration’s Criminal Acts and Murders even with all those Illegal Voters, Voter Place Fraud and support of the Bilderberg Group through Gyorgy Schwartz (Soros). Remember when Hillary was running against obama in 2008 and they both disappeared for a Day in Virginia all the Reporters from all over the World were there and could not find them anywhere. There just happened to be the Yearly Meeting of the Bilderberg Group sixty Miles away where they were both getting their Marching Orders that is when they told hillary to step back they wanted obama as he was heavily connected to the Muslim Brotherhood they wanted to use for the destruction of the West and they promised her “Next” then obama beat her again, they promised her “Next” again then She was Beat by Trump…!!! That is why She went Bananas..!! They Promised Me…!!! They Promised Me…!!!

  34. My husband was in the support group for the FBI for over 30 years and has just retired. No agency is perfect but the rank and file FBI generally are good people. I think in the past standards were higher and like everything these days the bars have been lowered. But the recent happenings in the Bureau are the ASACs or as my husband refers to them, the water boys for Mueller, Comey, etc.. That means the weasel whose wife got big bucks from Hillary was a water boy and he did not declare that in his annual financials until the omission was caught but not by him which is another unknown illegal fact. The ones at the top all sat and let this happen rather they hauled the water or not. The rank and file like most are following the water boys but I know not all of them agreed with what happened and the whistleblowers are the proof of that.

    So I hope this new guy will instill some badly needed order to a fundamentally screwed up agency and bring back the badly needed integrity to all. But while the heat is being applied remember every agency Bozo touched is tainted with the same nasty paint brush. Bozo twisted every agency in his desire to damage our country, to fundamentally destroy our home. I hope punishment soon comes for the waterways and leaders in all these warped and twisted agencies of which the FBI is but one. Right now the short list is the waterboys at the FBI and DOJ. Who knows what other agencies are harboring? And it would be great to see Sessions, another denizen of the cesspool of DC politicians, get some of these people on the water board of justice. We are all sick of seeing these traitors slide by the radar like Hillary did with Bozo, Lynch and Come!

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