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ANTIFA Threatens Trump Voters, Promises to Interfere with Elections All Over The Country to Stop Conservatives

Election offices all across the country have been receiving suspicious letters containing a white powdery substance that has completely disrupted the election process – and its turns out good old ANTIFA is behind it all!

Several states, including one very important battleground state, have been targeted by what can only be perceived as an attempt by the far-left radicals to interfere with the election.

ANTIFA sent letters filled with fentanyl to election offices in Georgia, Nevada, California, Oregon, and Washington which led to several evacuations nationwide.

At least four county election offices in Washington State were evacuated according to the Seattle Times, who reported that workers received envelopes containing the mysterious white powder.


Tests would later reveal that the substance in some of the letters was indeed fentanyl and it was confirmed by the FBI and the U.S. Postal Service.

The affected counties include King, Skagit, Spokane, and Pierce. The Pierce County auditor’s office in Tacoma, Washington, was one of the first to report receiving such an envelope and it came with a very CLEAR message that suggested their motivation in doing this was to stop Trump voters from having ANY say in elections.

The letter read, “End elections now. Stop giving power to the right that they don’t have. We are in charge now and there is no more need for them.”

They followed up with another threat, “Also be aware your ballot drops are very susceptible to noxious chemicals like am/bl, they are unsafe to the public just saying.”

ANTIFA extremists proudly claimed responsibility for this blatant act of TERRORISM, putting one of their symbols on the letter along with a progress pride flag, and a pentagram.

While the Justice Department has been busy trying to brand MAGA Republicans as the domestic terrorists, they’ve completely ignored ANTIFA who exposed themselves as violent left-wing radicals years ago – and now we’ve reached a point where the supposed “anti-fascists” are trying to end elections…

Steve Hobbs, Washington Secretary of State, and a DEMOCRAT even acknowledged that these were explicit “acts of terrorism to threaten our elections.”

Perhaps the most critical office that was targeted in the nation was one in Fulton County, Georgia – one of the most important jurisdictions when it comes to presidential elections.

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger has also condemned these ANTIFA acts as domestic terrorism.

“This is domestic terrorism, and it needs to be condemned by anyone that holds elected office and anyone that wants to hold elective office anywhere in America,” said Raffensperger.

But remember when Democrat Sen. Jerry Nadler said that ANTIFA was “just a myth?” Well their attempts to destroy whatever is left of fair elections in America seems pretty real to me.

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25 thoughts on “ANTIFA Threatens Trump Voters, Promises to Interfere with Elections All Over The Country to Stop Conservatives”

  1. W­o­r­k­i­n­g o­n­l­i­n­e b­r­i­n­g­s i­n $­2­8­5 d­o­l­l­a­r­s a­n h­o­u­r f­o­r m­e. M­y b­e­s­t b­u­d­d­y s­h­o­w­s m­e h­o­w t­o d­o t­h­i­s a­n­d m­a­k­e­s $­2­9,0­0­0 a m­o­n­t­h d­o­i­n­g i­t, b­u­t I n­e­v­e­r r­e­a­l­i­z­e­d i­t w­a­s r­e­a­l, v­i­s­i­t ba02 t­h­e f­o­l­l­o­w­i­n­g l­i­n­k t­o h­a­v­e.

    A l­o­o­k a­t i­t————————————————->>>

  2. If we know all this about Antifa, why are we not rounding all of them up and either locking them up or deporting them. They are vile, evil, and Satans workers. Get rid of them all.

  3. Meeting these thugs on the streets, they seem to think, the senior citizens of this country need to be treated the same way as Hamas treated the Israel people were treated October 7, 2023, that we all need to be killed off and make way for the “GATE KEEPERS” as he referred himself to me and destroy this country within, as he referred me to be a “BATTERY” that needs to be disposed of accordingly! Make no mistake people, these anarchist are hell bent destroying this once great Republic to create their love fest of 2020 of Seattle, Washington and Portland Oregon! We all know how well this ended up for the law abiding citizens of those prison encampments these animals made their victims lives holy hell for them!!!

  4. One need only to realize that Antifa and the Satanic Terrorist who were murdering Jews are one and the same. As horrible as it sounds, our Media should actually show the bodies of the Israel babies who were held down while the Satanic Muslims cut their heads off. THAT is who and what we’re fighting every where Muslims live.

  5. This seems to me to be nothing less than TERRORISM and should be treated as so. Get busy find the ones responsible and ship them directly to Gitmo, for life.

  6. The Antifa are made up of mostly rich kids and politicians kids and are paid.They are not going to do nothing about them because of who they are.
    One was Linwood M. Kaine the son of Tim Kain a democrat VA. & a nominee fir vice president in 2016 running mate fir Hillary Clinton.

  7. If the state attorney generals do not stop these terrorists then it is time the people do. I nor any other voter is going to accept the threats and intimidation this terrorist group is putting out against any voter, be it republican, democrat or independent, so if the government either state, local or federal government will not stop them, then all decent voters regardless of their party need to take action to stop them. Our elected officials are failing us miserably, appointed government officials are failing miserably and I want to know why they are still getting pay checks for sitting on their rears with their finger up their a-hole!! Antifia and BLM should both have been listed as terrorists when they first started the destruction, threats, acts of violence and interference with others just going about their own business. They are not civilized, they are as bad as Hamas and have to be stopped NOW. At 71 years old I have seen this BS go on long enough without the any efforts to put a complete stop to it from any officials. Either they act now, or it is time we do!!! Is a kid in one state the only one with balls enough to do what it right? Or does it take a 71 year old Cherokee woman like me to have the intestinal fortitude to take action? Are people just going to sit around and complain or not vote and let these evil demons intimidate them and put their trust in any government official to take action that could not give a rats butt about them. If so, then our country is already lost and we might as well dig holes and bury ourselves in them and let them take totally over everything.

  8. ANTIFA and BLM Terrorist need to be declared as one. The Marxist Democrats have been using them like Hitler used the Brown Shirts to destroy books and statues (our history), to intimidate citizens and authorities. To burn buildings and police cars and attack police officers and citizens. They need to be arrested and prosecuted immediately. They should also have their masks removed, photographed and their pictures printed in the paper. They need to be publicly identified so their families, friends and neighbors know who and what they are!

  9. This is the Domestic Terrorists the Democrats and Biden love to talk about and call Maga.Democrats themselves are the terrorists that adopted criminals to do their job.The Democrat voters have allowed their elected criminals getaway with murders.

  10. How long are the feds going to allow this behavior to continue? Is our own government 2 weak or 2 complicit? FJB n his administration!

    1. Everyone NEEDS to quit calling these PUNKS thugs. They are far from EVER being thugs. The Dumbascraps aren’t going to do anything, because they are encouraging this behavior.

  11. Antifa is proven that ballot drop boxes need to be gone. Now Nadler your paid employees are threatening a lot of Americans, so you should also be punished for acts of terrorism. Antifa just keeps proving that voter fraud is taking place. It seems to me that maybe one reason FBI doesn’t go after antifa, because they work for FBI. When are these terrorist criminals going to be held accountable? Just saying. If you want to see gown adults cry like babies just arrest them. Nine times out of ten antifa thugs are from the soccer mom department. Remember these people wants everyone to have a winners medal. Just remember this; the devils in this world shout loud and long. But in the end the Angels out vote em.

  12. Okay….let’s see…they’re trying to put the top republican candidate in jail….it’s been proven they cheat in elections by stuffing drop boxes..and not checking signatures…etc…they have those crazy Muslim women in our government…which shouldn’t even be in our country…let alone our government….they have given us the worst president in history….and all that’s just scratching the surface….and now they are threatening us for exerting our right to vote for who we want….just one more reason to vote for Trump….they are not going to tell me who I can or cannot have as president….also….I want those Jan 6th people out of jail…..insurrection my axx……with their actions the other day and not one arrest….would somebody please explain to me why people keep voting these people back in…..

  13. If FBI AND DOJ do nothing! Then it up to the American people to put an end to these ANTIFA TERRORISTS WHO ARE SPONSORED BY DEMOCRAT! So if FBI going come after us conservative but NOT antifa. Then they to have declared war on the AMERICA PEOPLE! Be prepared for a fight!

  14. Charge George, and his Terrorist Son with Terrorism!
    Since they finance Antifa Terrorism, take All money, and jail them!
    Many Terrorism problems in America will be taken care of, along with Election problems!
    It’s Not that hard to figure out!

  15. How does Antifa get away with everything, now doing this with fentanyl is severely criminal! To intentionally send this to someone is so outrageous! This is to much! Come on F B I, get your shit together, Wray!! Talk about deplorables,Hilary, WOW, Dems have the #1 spot!!

  16. Expect a bunch of the COWARDESS antifa PUNKS to DIE if they try this crap at election time. WE, are ready to DEFEND OUR RIGHTS and OUR COUNTRY.

  17. Sounds like S&W is the best and only way to go with the ANTIFA cowards who are scared to show their faces because Daddy might spank them.

  18. Sounds like the best and only way to go with the ANTIFA cowards who are scared to show their faces because Daddy might spank them is to use whatever force is necessary to put them down.

  19. All Antifa and B.L.M. should be put on trial. Those who cause death, or mammimg, should get the death penalty.

    And die in the electric chair. Just like those of you that saw the movie ” The Green Mile.”
    They showed three death row prisoners that died in the electric chair.
    The second execution was the most brutal one. That is how antifa and B.L.M. death row inmates should die.

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