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Biden Regime Reminds Globalists He Supports Them – NOT AMERICA, Doubles Down on Dangerous Pandemic Accord

Joe Biden’s administration is removing ANY doubt that they support the World Health Organization’s tyrannical pandemic treaty which is effectively designed to give the WHO complete control over member countries with the push of a button!

The treaty allows WHO officials to set standard protocol for reacting to future pandemics which nations MUST follow. The WHO would also be allowed to unilaterally declare a pandemic outbreak has occurred. If member nations do not fall in line and follow the previously mentioned protocols then the WHO would be able to send in global “police” forces.


Obviously, you can see the issue here. The WHO was completely wrong about COVID and if we refuse to follow their rules, this treaty would allow for the globalists to LEGALLY invade America – and Joe Biden loves it!

Pamela Hamamoto, Biden’s envoy to the WHO assured the global body in remarks Biden’s America “is committed to the Pandemic Accord” and hopes it will govern such emergencies “for generations to come.”

“The United States is committed to the Pandemic Accord, to form a major component of the global health architecture for generations to come,” Hamamoto said. “Shared commitment, shared aspirations and shared responsibilities will vastly improve our system for preventing, preparing for, and responding to future pandemic emergencies.”

Hamamoto described the Biden administration’s stance as pursuing the establishment of an agreement that “establishes sustainable financing, governance, and accountability to ultimately break the cycle of panic and neglect.”

W.H.O. Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has in the past argued, “The world has treaties to manage other threats. Surely countries can agree on the need for a binding pact on the threat of pandemics,” but he fails to mention that no other treaty goes this in depth to violate other country’s sovereignty.

The pandemic accord in its current state also includes a number of other demands of member countries – including a responsibility to waive intellectual property rights for “pandemic-related products” and participation in regular “tabletop exercises” to improve pandemic response.

Importantly, it also calls for the creation of a global oversight body to enforce the accord. This is where the global police come into play. Obey the new pandemic laws or globalist led police forces will come into your house and exterminate you like the vermin they think you are!

Another thing worth noting is that certain countries would bear a heavier burden when it comes to the production or financing of “relevant” resources. This could mean that – per usual – the United States would be expected to pay FAR MORE than the rest of the countries that are signed on to this globalist nightmare of a treaty.

Some Republicans like Rep. Thomas Massie have sounded the alarm over Biden’s willingness to hand America over to the globalists – rejecting the pandemic accord altogether.

“US citizens will live under laws made by the people they elect according to the US Constitution, and not according to global organizations,” he said.

Unfortunately, the Biden admin seems DETERMINED to move forward with the accord and there’s nothing we can to do stop them.

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9 thoughts on “Biden Regime Reminds Globalists He Supports Them – NOT AMERICA, Doubles Down on Dangerous Pandemic Accord”

    1. Google is presently paying $10,447 to $13,025 every month for working on the web from home. I have joined this activity 2 months back and I have earned $15,248 in my first month from this activity. I can say my life is improved totally!
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  1. This has always been the plan for a one world government run by global elitists. The pandemic has given them a way to implement the plan using unelected bureaucrats at the WHO. What short memories we have. The WHO was wrong and every aspect of the covid pandemic. They will now be in charge?? The very fact that our president is considering this should frighten every breathing American taxpayer.

  2. Biden and the Communist Democrats clearly do not want a Democratic government. Yes there is something we can do. Impeach Biden and Harris immediately and void any agreement he made with WHO which is clearly a World Order Communist dictatorship.

  3. Let the “Globalist Police Forces” show up in the U.S.A. and let them try to unsuccessfully try to survive the stupid,evil effort.

  4. Those bastards are so arrogant and blatant that they don’t even try to hide it. They have the perfect Patsy in that traitorous grifter that is occupying the White House illegally. The damn fool does their bidding as well as that snake Obama is behind the curtain. I believe only God can help us, because our own government is our enemy now.

  5. Biden shows he is a dictator to sign treaty with who. International armed forces to enforce whatever the who declares? Insane!! FJB! FJB! FJB!

    1. A Thomas Jefferson quote–“When Tyranny Becomes Law,Rebellion Becomes Duty”. 2-A is what our founders gave us to negate takeover attempts by crooked politicians from the U.N.

  6. Now it’s more important than ever that Trump is re-elected as president so he can pull out of this ridiculous agreement. If not, then all I’ve got to say to the world police is bring it. I will unleash all of hell on them and make them understand the real meaning of our 2nd amendment.

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