More than anything else, you hear Trump called a racist on repeat. Yet, when a number of different activist organizations listed the most racist presidents, the results were astounding. The most common names from various rankings consistently include Andrew Johnson, Andrew Jackson (the founder of the Democratic Party) and FDR.
FDR was probably most famous as a racist for instituting internment camps, and Jackson is widely remembered for genocidal actions against Native Americans. Andrew Johnson (also a Democrat) was the father of post-Civil War institutionalized racism, and he, more than anyone else in history is responsible for segregation and the systemic racism that wasn’t really addressed until the Civil Rights Movement.
In a more modern outlook, the two most racist presidents are Bill Clinton and — this will surprise many — Barack Obama. Clinton built a legacy on appointing outspoken racists and segregationists to his cabinet, and a number of programs he pushed have contributed to declines in urban housing and schooling.
Obama, when judged by legislature and results, is by far the most racist president since the 60s. His actions have caused employment and pay gaps for black Americans to increase at the fastest rate in history. On top of that, he has signed and supported more anti-Semitic policy than any other two presidents.
So, let’s compare Trump. He is constantly berated for his complete refusal to conform to PC language, and as such, he has offended just about everyone. Judging by words, he can be conveyed as an extreme racist, but when you look past the hyperbole and propaganda and judge him by his actions, the story is very different.
In fact, Trump is surprisingly progressive in this regard. As a leader, he has proven to be on the opposite end of the spectrum from Obama’s anti-Semitism, and as an employer and real estate developer, he has consistently pushed for equal treatment for more than 30 years. In fact, he has personally invested many millions of dollars in urban development, minority support programs and equal opportunity housing. Simply put, Trump’s actions have never been racist.
If Trump has been unfairly accused of anything, it’s sexism. Before we go over his track record, let’s look at some of the most misogynist presidents the country has known. According to a major feminist group, three of the most sexist presidents ever were Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson (topping all of the discriminatory lists) and Bill Clinton. The fact that Clinton can compete with pre-suffrage presidents says a lot already.
Just out of the top three is another surprise inclusion: Barack Obama. The other three are pretty well known for their missteps, but Obama has been very pro-feminism in his speeches.
He gets caught when you judge him as a leader and employer. Obama’s white house staff was guilty of the gender pay gap he so often laments. While we’ve debunked most of the national pay gap in another session, Obama’s staff can’t claim excuses of extended leave for child care. In fact, in his first term, his gender pay gap was double the national average (with none of the justifiable reasons). In his second term, the gap widened by an additional two percent. He’s absolute proof that actions speak louder than words.
How about Trump? Once again he is the complete opposite of Obama. Trump has used harsh language and it has ignited feminists in an outrage. Once again, his actions are what truly matters, and they are beyond impressive.
For more than 30 years Trump has been one of the most progressive employers of women in the country. Many female firsts have been accomplished on his dollar, including the first female campaign manager to win a presidential election and the first female to oversee construction of a skyscraper.
His upper management has employed more women than men, on average, even in a field where women make up less than 43 percent of the workforce. He also beats Obama on pay gaps, as women have consistently made as much as and even more than their male counterparts. There is no question that Trump has always believed women to be capable of any job, and he has backed that belief thoroughly.
Seeing Through the Haze
The narrative against Trump is nothing more than partisan hyperbole. For many Americans, partisan support is more important than pragmatism or the truth, and so Trump’s critics attack every word he says, all while completely ignoring his decades long body of work. It’s easy to see through these tactics, though, and there is no question that Trump is the best representative minorities and women have seen in a long time, possibly ever.
~ Conservative Zone