We’ve been watching this election fraud case in Bridgeport, Connecticut for the last three months for reasons that should be obvious to everyone. Two city employees were caught on camera stuffing ballot drop boxes on behalf of Bridgeport’s incumbent mayor.
A judge threw out the Democrat primary election from September because it was such obvious and blatant fraud. But none of the fraudsters have been arrested!
Now a group of citizens has uncovered an obscure Connecticut law that just might force the courts to have the fraudsters arrested, and we couldn’t be happier.
In the days prior to the September 12 Democrat mayoral primary race in Bridgeport, a city clerk’s employee named Wanda Geter-Pataky and a former city councilmember named Eneida Martinez were both caught on surveillance cameras. They were stuffing drop boxes with illegally harvested ballots in the dead of night. They collectively committed 22 election felonies between the two of them.
The candidate who lost the race by 251 votes to the incumbent Democrat mayor sued, and a judge threw out the primary election results after seeing the damning evidence of Geter-Pataky and Martinez committing blatant election fraud on camera. The city now has to hold a do-over primary election in January, and possibly a second general election in February, just to figure out who is actually going to be the mayor going forward.
What does it mean that the judge threw the election results out? It means that the judge believed Geter-Pataky and Martinez broke the law. They committed election fraud.
Which raises the infuriating question if you’re a voter in Bridgeport: Why aren’t these two broads being fitted for orange jumpsuits?
A judge determined that they clearly broke the law, and yet the police and prosecutors who are supposedly investigating this haven’t arrested either one of them. This would be a slam-dunk case and it would be a major deterrent against future election fraud. But apparently the Democrats in control of the law enforcement apparatus in Connecticut don’t want to do that.
However, the group Fight Voter Fraud, Inc. found an obscure law on the books, which is Connecticut State Statute 9-368. The last time that the law was used was in 1950.
Under the statute, all it takes is 3 voters to bring a complaint to a court in a city where election fraud took place. If the allegation of fraud is true, the judge MUST issue an arrest warrant against the perpetrators. Hopefully this will be very good news.
It’s not as if this is the first time that Wanda Geter-Pataky has been accused of committing fraud in Bridgeport’s elections. In June of this year, the Connecticut State Election Enforcement Commission recommended that Geter-Pataky and other city employees be criminally charged for ballot fraud that they committed in the city’s 2019 elections.
That was six months ago, but the Chief State’s Attorney’s Office still hasn’t bothered to charge Geter-Pataky. She was allowed to stay on the job and after she was caught committing fraud in September, the city now has to go through the expense of holding one or possibly two additional elections. Not to mention the fact that the public can’t trust the election results in Bridgeport any longer.
“Enough is enough,” says Cameron Atkinson, an attorney representing Fight Voter Fraud. “The people of Bridgeport share a collective sense of outrage and betrayal and if the state won’t do the job, we will do the job for them.”
Atkinson says if the court tries to kill the warrant, they’ll take the case to the appellate court or the Connecticut Supreme Court to have State Statute 9-368 upheld. The judge in the election case obviously believed that Geter-Pataky and Martinez committed those 22 felonies.
Gee, I wonder why the Democrat prosecutors won’t charge these two women with the blatant election fraud that they committed on camera?
When they were called to the stand in the election trial, both Geter-Pataky and Martinez invoked the Fifth Amendment to avoid self-incrimination. They knew they were guilty. The judge knew they were guilty. Anyone who watched the surveillance video of them stuffing the drop boxes in the dead of night knew they were guilty. Yet they’re still walking around breathing free air. It’s just unbelievable.
We’ll keep you posted on whether the court upholds the law and has these two election fraudsters arrested.
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Get them their ORANGE JUMPSUITS AND A ROOM WITH A BARRED VIEW. Just like they deserve. The demonrats keep sending the message that even if you get caught cheating that nothing will happen to you. Time to start proving them WRONG !
Move to the big fish at the federal level
Your type of democrats cheater! But with democrats holding the lower court and basically the DA office. FORGET IT! These are the JUDGES AND DA THAT NEED TO BE DISBARRED FROM PRACTICING LAW ANYWHERE IN AMERICA! Not just the state they got caught violation the Constitution laws! Especially the 14th amendment, which is referring to JUDICIAL! That mean judges and lawyer!
Wonder what all the people are saying now, now that there ARE some Democrats that have been defrauding the CT voters? Don’t care how you look at it, this was CHEATING! Those involved should be in jail! You’ve just GOT to wonder how many other states were doing the same thing! We NEED voter ID, Paper Ballots, and only ONE (1) day to vote except for absentee ballots. CONGRESS: MAKE IT HAPPEN !
It used to be in the “good old days” that if someone broke the law that person(s) was held accountable for their actions and suffered the consequences!!! But, in todays culture, morality & ethics and accountability have been tossed out the window, which, in my humble opinion, is a CRYING SHAME for our country!!!
The democrat machine will charge them with a minor misdemeanor and give them a slap on the wrist, probably an insignificant fine that some else will pay for them and they will continue in the same job or be given a promotion. That’s how the democrats roll.
If a conservative did that they would be charged with a serious crime and sentence to 20 years in a maximum-security federal prison, and probably die there by being Epsteined, just like the Jan6 victims (defendants). The US Gulag (the Capital Jail) is in Washington DC and is run by BLM.
Food for Thought!! Well, what does this tell you? Let me point it out in layman’s terms so no one can be confused! Why do they still have their jobs? Why are they still walking around? Why have they not looked to their bosses for someone who directed them? I don’t think they were alone! And what side of the party benefited from the ballots? We know. So, if this is going on now. What says Trump was not right, about his running for the last election? and again, look at the party that had the balls to do this. And the lies they continue to feed this country. So, are you still confused? Food for Thought!!
Keep voting for democrats and expecting a different outcome? That’s the definition of insanity!
The Demoncrats have been doing this for years now and they will continue to do so until they are charged and convicted of their crimes. They must also be sentenced to the maximum penalty possible. They should be thrown out like the garbage they are.
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