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CNN Suffers Yet Another Ratings Plunge

CNN has become so obsessed with throwing dirt at Pres. Donald J. Trump that they have taken the Stormy plunge. That’s the Stormy Daniels rating plunge to be exact.

Since the B-level porn star claimed she took hush money about an alleged affair with the president before he held office, Stormy Daniels has bizarrely claimed that she was somehow wronged by cashing a $130,000 check from Pres. Trump’s personal attorney during the campaign. After a failed attempt to slant coverage in favor of Hillary Clinton in 2016, and reporting that bordered on certainty the president would be impeached over Russian Collusion allegations, all things anti-Trump have seemingly blown up in their liberal faces. In perhaps the most sick and twisted attempt to besmirch the President of the United States, CNN has succumbed to a salacious Stormy Daniels fetish.

All Stormy, All The Time

The 24-hour broadcaster reportedly invited Stormy’s lawyer Michael Avenatti on-air a whopping 59 times from March 7 through April 30. That totals more than once per day and the ratings have suffered one of the most stunning declines for a major TV network in recent memory.

According to Newsbusters, of Avenatti’s 59 CNN appearances, 19 were handled by Anderson Cooper. He first chatted with Stormy Daniels on a CBS segment of “60 Minutes.” Cooper has endured a tremendous loss in popularity since the president stood his ground against fake news. The coverage of the aging porn star has become so ridiculous that even CNN’s tried-and-true liberal attack dogs have taken a backseat.

California’s Rep. Adam Schiff had ranked among the most interviewed, while the network was promoting the false narrative about the Trump campaign engaging in Russian collusion. Even before that storyline morphed into the DNC and Clinton Campaign funding the “Dodgy Dossier” and investigations into potential illegal FISA warrants by the Obama Administration, Rep. Schiff appeared only 17 times — and only 10 during the Stormy stint for a total of 27. The total number of Republicans interviewed (who hold the majority in the U.S. Senate, by the way) was just 34.

While CNN has excitedly ridden Stormy for all she’s worth, viewers have tuned out according to ratings data:

  • CNN suffers a 20-point ratings freefall in May.
  • Fox News maintains ratings similar to May 2017.
  • MSNBC maintains ratings similar to May 2017.
  • CNN dropped from 1.12 million viewers and 399,000 in the coveted 25- to 54-year-old demographic held in May 2017 to 859,000 and 286,000 respectively.
  • The May 2018 collapse at CNN reflects a 23-percent overall decline and 29-percent drop in 25-54 audience.
  • Fox News gained 5 percent total viewers during the same period, growing from 2.24 million to 2.359 million
  • Fox News dropped only 1 percent in 25-54 audience.
  • MSNBC earned a 4 percent total increase, growing from 1.69 million to 1.755 million.
  • MSNBC suffered a 16-percent decline in the 25-54 demographic.
  • In terms of raw data, MSNBC has outpaced CNN’s primetime viewers by nearly 2-to-1, and Fox News by nearly 3-to-1. It would be interesting to see of Stormy Daniels can mount a comeback. However, it appears the extreme bias against the president has become a self-inflicted wound and CNN has no pathway to restore its credibility.

    CNN Has Lost All Appearance Of Credibility

    To say that CNN has become synonymous with “Fake News” would be something of an understatement. In truth, the network has become a national laughing stock. These days, the organization’s correspondents are routinely referred to a “stars” rather than reporters.

    White House correspondent Jim Acosta routinely oversteps protocol by interrupting press conferences while the White House takes questions from a room full of news organization’s representatives. His inappropriate remarks while the president meets with children have been beyond the pale.

    His counterpart, April Ryan, comes off as incompetent, cries when things don’t go her way and falsely claimed White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders called her out for a street fight. Anything for ratings. Ryan leveled recent attacks the network would otherwise cite as racist when she asserted the First Lady didn’t understand American culture well enough. Yikes.

    Showing no signs of yielding to fact-based reporting, it looks like there are “Stormy” seas ahead for America’s “most trusted name in news.”

    ~ Conservative Zone

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    33 thoughts on “CNN Suffers Yet Another Ratings Plunge”

    1. I think CNN is a disgrace. They need to either get back to reporting news or be put in a time slot in the middle of the night so we can be spared. I don’t watch it anyway so it really doesn’t matter personally but the young minds that are trying to learn are being led astray by their false reporting.
      Everyone is sick and tired of the porn star unending news as well as the Russian investigation. I would be surprised if anyone cares a twit about either of these subjects that have been non stop for months.
      Thank goodness for Fox whose standard of reporting can teach you the facts and keep integrity in their discussions. I hope and pray the persecution against the reporters will stop.
      I am one that cares deeply for my country and can support the office of the presidency and all that the President has accomplished. I may not always like the way he gets things done, but I do respect the unending effort that he is putting toward making America great again. Imagine how much more could be done if Congress would just get behind the policies that he is doing his best to implement.

    2. I am American who loves my nation I have not been very pleased with the elected official that hve been trying to destroy our nation and turn it into a socialist/communist country where you want 100% control over us. I am tied of he news that is nit picky over everything Our ELECTED President Donald Trump does, and also about his lovely wife. How you you like it if someone talked about an outfit you wore in a negative manner, or a hair style, or your speech. Mentioning speech you fake news has got to stop, no one likes it very few are watching it, you need to change your time slot to 2 am to 4:30 am, your ratings will continue to go down down down to the pits just like where you are going for lies, you don’t report news you report anything that is Anti American. Do you think any of us care about Stormy and her porn life, any advances anyone has made to her she asked for by her life style and manner. Your an adult Stormy I don’t President did anything to you, you are a slut and looking to make money off lies, just like your attorney, you both belong in jail.
      I try to respect the unending effort that OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP is doing with his efforts to make America great again. Imagine where AMERICA would be if other elected officials did their job, and if Congress would just get behind the President and policies that he is doing his best to implement in making our nation safe. If you don’t do your job, you should be FIRED your wasting time and tax payers money. There are LAWS on the BOOKS and they should BE OBEYED not obeyed to how you think it should be but how the LAW shays it should be . All parties should be under the same law, not one for democrats and one for republicans, democrats should not be above the law and have their own laws. GET aboard or get out of politics you are hurting our nation. You have been exposed to the kind of party you are corrupt, evil, liars, thieves, and wasteful and the list goes on from here.

      Fake News stations need to be shut down ASAP, or find 1K with every report that contains fake news. Tired you you following democrat wishes and receiving support from them and doing as they say. GET A BACK BONE AND DO WHAT IS RIGHT, otherwise you stoop to their evil level.
      I am so pleased we have FOX news to watch where we get real news and appreciate their morals and standards of reporting NEWS with facts; I also appreciate President Text messages so we know the things going on and FOX is same as Presdient Text so we know it is true as reported.

    3. Keep it up on Stormy and Russia, it seems to be working. Inquisitive minds need to know.
      Live by hatred, die by hatred. RIP CNN.

    4. CNN took Moochelle’s advice and went low and lower and it’s is no wonder lots of people have grown tired of this continued attempt to put President Trump down; however, every rich man has had a fling with a “lady of the night” and Trump paid for her time and services so let’s move on to another story.

    5. I WISH, that CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC, would loss all their viewers to show the liberals that Americans are sick to death of the false information they spill out everyday. Not just lies but with a nasty vengeance that they promote on a daily basis.
      I personally will never watch them, GO OUT OF THE NEWS BUSINESS and do something constructive for a change.

    6. Seems like mature thinkers have had enough of the LIES from the Obamas, Clintons, State Dept and Intelligence Agencies they’ve infected, as well as the 9th Circus Court and the liberal judges who make up their own laws.

    7. Some day Trump will be gone but the damage CNN is doing to itself will last for ever.
      Just like Dan Rather has caused CBS not to believed.

    8. Roses are Red…Violets are Blue….
      Not only CNN… ABC, CBS, NBC are 70% of the time…..anti Trump Too…..
      (Fox has a few broadcasters the should switch to CNN)

        1. The thing is no longer viable! Perhaps were it shimmed up using a 17 pound Ham with the bone remov, it might be rendered moderately usable again.

    9. I am not usually pleased to read that someone or some entity is suffering a setback, but in this case, it is well deserved and then some. I would love to see some of them brought up on charges of treason, The conspiracy to take down a duly elected president of the United States could not have gone this far without the help of CNN and MSNBC, CBS and ABC. But CNN owns a bit more of the blame. I swear for a while they just stopped reporting anything but the phony Russia Collusion during their airtime and ALL of their airtime is a non-stop Trump bashing extravaganza. I.would love to see the hairdos over there that report their opinions and speculations as news do the perp walk.

    10. I stopped watching CNN many years ago. While always liberal they still were a good source for news. They have plummeted so far down I am sure most of their people are ashamed to work for them. Yes it is a job and I understand but the prostitution of ones self has got to hurt. If you really believer in their un American agenda, my sympathy, planes are leaving for Venezuela everyday.

    11. Sorry CNN but its time your bosses let you all go(fired) cause everyone is tired of your faces and even if you change your ways nobody will give you a second chance. You all are worthless and since you or maybe you bosses can’t get the bigger picture, all the viewers in the US won’t give you another chance. Just look what happened to Megan Kelly. President Trump is a power house when it comes to seeing through people lies and fabrications. Please give us all a break and just GO AWAY.

    12. I stopped watching CCN many years ago. I was watching when Ted Turner called the people that had ashes on their head after Ash Wednesday, Idiots; And I am not a Catholic; Then he married Hanoi Jane who gave “aid and comfort” to our enemies. Iris

    13. cnn lies about our president and tries to disqualify him as our leader. they give fake news .

    14. Little people do small things simply because they are small minded, CNN is the poster child for small mindedness.
      Even WAPO finally realized that Donald J Trump is not a reincarnation of Richard M Nixon & shut up. After over a year of snooping by about two dozen of their best muck rakers all they could find is tabloid sensation based on the word of an aging porn queen. Even WAPO has the good sense to not sully their image over the claims of a whore. The woman actually conned Trumps lawyer into giving her $130,000 to not make a stink during the election.
      It’s a simple question, besides politicians who are arguably less honest, who in their right mind believes anything a whore has to say.

    15. In the real world, when someone demands – and receives – money to be silent about something legal that is called blackmail. It seems to me that Stormy Daniels is guilty of blackmail since she supposedly received $130,000 to not tell about “the affair” whatever it was. When are we going to stop talking about what Trump is accused of (not proven guilty) and start talking about what Stormy Daniels admits doing did that was illegal

    16. CNN is NOTHING BUT PART OF THE DEEP STATE! LOONEY LIBERALS who stand for nothing and make up SHXX so they can say Again and Again BREAKING NEWS!! HA HA HA Nothing could be Further from the TRUTH!!! It’s really what it is, Breaking Deep State Liberal PROPAGANDA!! There is Your Russia Collusion right in House there at CNN!!! They are a Total Joke and Their Party is Over!! They are Taking themselves Down!! American Patriots are on to Them and the rest of The Liberal Media!! Thank You President Trump for fighting the Good Fight!!! Your doing what’s Right beats their Phony made up Fake BS News every time! America is Becoming Great again and we Have your Back Mr. President! Watch the mid Term Elections as The Democrats and CNN take a Shellacking!!!

    17. The only time I watched CNN and MSNBC was on election night so I could personally witness their breakdown. Entertaining doesn’t describe the coverage. It was pure delight to see that disgusting maddow and the rest of the clowns literally sobbing when they had to declare Trump the winner even though I had to stay up until the early morning hours before they conceded. To this day I play YouTube videos of that night just to remind myself that there really is a God.

      1. I watched the Communist Broadcast System on that night. It was absolutely fantastic to see all of them take a huge dump in their panties when they realized that the Hilldebeast LOST. The look was priceless.

    18. CNN is watched by people from other countries. Mexico. India, Iran. The local 7-11 or convience store. See what is on TV.

      1. CNN is also forced on the public schools. The liberal teachers put that on, and nothing else. My granddaughter told me that instead of Pres. Trump’s inauguration, her social studies teacher put on a rerun of BARAK OBAMA’S inauguration. That makes me furious.

    19. ABC, CBS and NBC should loose the news broadcasting license. They have for over 2 years demonstrated they are a propaganda arm of the Democratic Party and there for not protected by the First Amendment in using the PUBLIC AIRWAVES
      to deliver Fake News. If these networks had attacked Obama like they are attacking President Trump, all hell wold have broken out and they would have been shut down by Soros’s army of radicals.

    20. I agree with every comment made above and also would like to say to CNN just shut up and go away. At the Clinton news network all of their so called reporters are nothing but aholes all that they spew from their mouths is nothing but shXX so please just GTF away . Also close down this network asap.

    21. The Clintstone News Network is going the way of their idols, Billie Bob and Hildebeast, irrelevant, unnecessary and absolutely phoney. They continue to stab themselves in the heart with BS stories, hate mongering democommie lies, and meaningless drivel about Trump. When is their management going to wake up and realize people are getting very tired of their garbage and desperate attempts to spread any mistruths they can dig up? This Network is dieing and it’s their own arrogant, egomaniacal fault. Good riddance to the demoRAT mouthpiece.

    22. A porn actress being interviewed by a gay former CIA intern from the Vanderbilt family–can we get sleazier than that?

    23. Most people don’t know and don’t care that the person referred to in aforementioned reply is Anderson Cooper, son of Gloria Vanderbilt and Wyatt Cooper (not sure about first name). She may have been married to a Wyatt Dickerson. Can’t speak for “sons”, but she makes fantastic blue jeans, only brand I wear.

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