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CNN Takes Brutal Ratings Beating As Viewers Embrace Conservative Shows

The Nielsen ratings must feel like a never-ending tale of woe to the hacks at CNN, and the beat down the leader in fake news took during August was ugly.

Fox News flexed its rating muscle over lowly CNN by securing top viewership in 94 out of 100 cable news telecasts. The largely conservative outlet dominated the dishonest media considered its rivals. Everyday Americans didn’t just modestly tune into Fox over MSNBC and CNN. They did so by a triple-digit margin in many cases.

Among the more notable drubbings, CNN suffered yet another 39 percent drop in total viewers and a 47 percent decline in the younger, more liberal 25-54 demographic. And after Fox outpaced CNN by more than 200 percent in total viewers and 100 percent in the younger demographic, it’s difficult to argue against reality. Americans appear fed up with fake and biased narratives and are turning to reliable fact-based reporting offered by traditional news outlets.

Another not-so-shocking ratings death spiral involves “Cuomo Prime Time.” Hosted by the brother of disgraced former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, the show once ranked as the network’s only top 20 broadcast. But recent allegations of host Chris “Fredo” Cuomo sexually harassing and groping Lindsey Boylan and TV producer Shelley Ross follow similar claims that brought down the Democrat governor.

“When Mr. Cuomo entered the Upper West Side bar, he walked toward me and greeted me with a strong bear hug while lowering one hand to firmly grab and squeeze the cheek of my buttock,” Ross reportedly stated in a column. She then quotes Cuomo allegedly saying, “I can do this now that you’re no longer my boss.”

According to reports, Cuomo admitted the act later in an apologetic email. But as more women come forward, it appears the Cuomo brothers have more in common than genetics. The fake news outlet was once a huge advocate of the #MeToo movement until women started coming forward and making claims against high-profile Democrats and left-wing celebrities. CNN may continue its silence on the issue until it crafts a head-spinning narrative, but even liberal viewers have jumped ship.

The same cannot be said of Fox News’ Greg Gutfeld who took late-night programming by storm. Since the co-host of The Five joined the late-night slot, “Gutfeld” has quickly risen to the No. 1 spot. Many agree that late-night liberals lost the little wit and charm they possessed years ago. The once light-hearted end-of-day comedic programming wreaks more of anti-conservative hatred and Trump Derangement Syndrome than humor. Consistent with the lack of laughs, left-wing late-night shows recently planning a joint “Climate Night,” encompassing seven programs.

Lampooning the likes of Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, Seth Meyers, James Corden, Trevor Noah, and Samantha Bee, “Gutfeld” garnered 1.89 million viewers to rule supreme. Adding insult to injury, CNN’s Don Lemon failed to attract 600,000 viewers and Tucker Carlson chimed in for a lively debate over whether Lemon or Chris Cuomo was the dumbest host on the fake news network. Ouch!

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13 thoughts on “CNN Takes Brutal Ratings Beating As Viewers Embrace Conservative Shows”

  1. Too bad Constant Nonsense News, doesn’t have to pay us, for the hell they caused….or, refused to report on. A free, and democratic society, needs good, truthful, solid reporting, to work. Where’s our watchdog? Out in left field, with a rainbow , crossdressing with tree huggers, who hate all white people,( who are white too!), letting any crook into the yard?!?!? I’d fire my “watchdog” if it ever did that.

  2. CNN stands for Communists News Network….They should move their corporate office to China….They would have a much better audience….

  3. I’ll be turning 66 yrs old on Saturday…. my mother is 86 and won’t speak with me any longer. I’m conservative and CNN and MSNBC are the ONLY channels her cable system seems to allow into her TV set.
    Pretty disheartening having your flesh and blood despise you because of their brainwashed ideology. People are supposed to come together in the waning moments of their lives, but in this toxic world we now enjoy, nothing is what it once was and never will be again. That the media is this powerful on unsuspecting fools is enough to make ones blood run cold.

    These idiots wouldn’t have been allowed on the airwaves in years past. They realistically don’t belong now, but the narrative they purvey speaks well with the democrats’ want to ruin this nation. A travesty to be sure.

    1. I am truly sorry for your predicament. I’m afraid your mother is part of the age old belief that “my grandpa was a democrat, my daddy was a democrat, so that makes me a democrat” ideology. I’ve ran into that for the last 50 years in my own family. The democrat party was a different political standard back when President Kennedy was in charge. Back then they represented the little guy, but starting with Johnson the party started reversing their attitudes and have been in decline ever since. They want to control everything about us, what we eat, where we live etc. they are truly becoming communists.

  4. If CNN and the rest of the liars on cable are rated so low compared to Fox…then, why are they still on the air. My understanding of ‘news entertainment’ is ratings = profit. Soooo….why are they still intruding on the public with their sabotage of the truth? As for Fox….don’t be fooled. Rupert personally dislikes DJT, so…. that early election call for Dimwits in Arizona. They are all the same…they keep their ‘devils advocates’ for the ‘entertainment’, and someone else is controlling the message.

  5. JCatherine
    Apparently you like the Kennedy’s….
    JFK cowardly Left the brave men of the Bay of Pigs on the beach unprotected by the air support they were promised by Eisenhower. Then Kennedy signed a pact with Krushchev whereby any intent to liberate Cuba from the U.S. would be interdicted by Kennedy’s boys. So our Cuban American allies were treated by Kennedy the way Biden treated our Afgan allies. And like Clinton, JFK was very faithful to his wife.
    And Teddy, Teddy. Do your research on his 17 calls to his lawyer while Mary Jo Kopecne drowned under that bridge. What was Teddy doing with the Secretary? But not one call to 911. Great family, the Kennedy’s. The old man made his fortune bootlegging liquor while representing the country before Great Britain.
    If you know the first thing about Latin America, you would know the damage Cuba has done in this hemisphere. Training terrorists, cooperating with narcos , harboring Joanne Chesimard who murdered a New Jersey cop. They harbor the Black Panthers, while the Black Caucus has always celebrated FidelCastro. All of them Democrats.

    It didn’t start with Lyndon Johnson. The Kennedy’s are womanizing cowards who turned their backs on our allies in 1961.
    Do your homework lady.

    1. Your very correct sir, the corruption and graft in the democratic party traces back to Jackson; but the real swivel to where we are now began with Wilson.

  6. If you did not mention those non entities – people and stations – they would cease to exist .

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