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Data Shows COVID Vaccinated Women Are 66% Less Likely to Give Birth

The Czech Republic has been suffering a catastrophic decline in the number of live births since the mass vaccination campaign against COVID began in 2021. The data shows that vaccinated women were 66% less likely to give birth in 2024 compared to unvaccinated women.

The numbers are shocking and there is no other likely cause for this than the mRNA vaccines themselves. What else could it be?

The truly scary thing is that the birth rate difference between vaccinated and unvaccinated women continues to increase.


Steve Kirsh, the philanthropist and MIT scientist who founded the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (VSRF), uncovered the shocking find in publicly available health data from the Czech Republic. He charted birth rates from 2001 through 2024. Birth rates have been fairly static in the Czech Republic since 2001, other than an anomalous dip in 2012 from which the country immediately recovered.

Late in 2021, live births in the Czech Republic plummeted. Kirsch was then able to compare births to COVID-vaccinated mothers versus unvaccinated mothers.

For every 1,000 unvaccinated women in 2023, there were 114 live births. Among vaccinated women of childbearing age, the rate was only 42 for every 1,000.

From the 2021 census in the Czech Republic, there were about 1.3 million women of childbearing age (18-39). 875,000 of those women received one or more doses of a COVID vaccine. That’s about 68% of childbearing-aged women in the country. 421,000 women did not get any doses of the jab, which was 32% of women.

The vaccinated women outnumber the unvaccinated women by slightly more than 2 to 1. Yet the unvaccinated women gave birth to more babies! Not just as a statistic, but in sheer numbers.

The 875,000 vaccinated women gave birth to 36,326 babies.

The 421,000 unvaccinated women gave birth to 48,199 babies.

In 2021, the first year of the COVID shots, vaccinated women suddenly became 43% less likely to have babies than the unvaccinated. In 2023, the gap increased—vaccinated women were 66% less likely to give birth.

“A 66% drop in the likelihood of giving birth is an existential crisis in the making,” notes Kirsch.

“This is official government data. They do not deny the data. They just assure us there is nothing to worry about.”

Here in the good ol’ USA, the CDC still recommends to this day that pregnant women should get the jabs. It is considered “safe and effective,” according to our experts.

So, an obvious question that comes to mind when you see the Czech Republic data is, what’s happening to our birthrates here in America?

As we’ve been noting for years, the CDC isn’t as forthcoming with public health data here in the US. It’s like pulling teeth when some of the teeth have been hidden. The situation is also complicated by the fact that we haven’t been a real country with borders for the past four years.

We know, for example, that live births in the US in 2024 increased by +0.7% compared to 2023. But among American women, live births dropped by -0.6%. The increase was entirely made up by illegal aliens winning a game of Red Rover with the Border Patrol and then dropping their anchor babies on US soil.

We also know that birth rates in America started to show a dramatic decline back in 2016, well before the introduction of the COVID jabs. Births among white women in America declined almost 14% between 2016 and 2024. Among black women, births have dropped a shocking 20% during that same period. Births to American women of all races are down 8.3% during that time.

Have the COVID jabs contributed to the decline? Not as much as something else did. The problem is that we don’t know what the “something else” is.

People in the Czech Republic are healthier than Americans, so it’s easy to make a comparison between vaccinated and unvaccinated women. They don’t have high fructose corn syrup, food dyes, and other toxic junk in their food supply to skew the statistical results.

Here in the US, it’s more complicated. Hopefully, we are about to uncomplicate it. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. just received committee approval to advance his nomination to become the new Health and Human Services Secretary. It was a 14-13 vote on party lines. It looks like he’ll make it through the full Senate for confirmation now.

Maybe we’ll finally start to get some answers to some of Americans’ most pressing questions about our health.

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