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German Jews Advised Against Wearing Kippahs in Cities

Germany got another stark reminder of the rise of anti-Semitism a few days ago when a young man wearing a kippah was attacked by a belt-wielding assailant in Berlin.

Video footage on Facebook showed the attacker shouting anti-Semitic abuses as he repeatedly struck one of two young men.

After the attack, a leading figure in the Jewish community in Germany urged Jews not to wear a kippah — traditional skullcaps — due to concerns over the recent rise in anti-Semitic attacks, as well as insults and threats. Jewish children have reported anti-Semitic bullying in schools and, during a recent protest in Berlin, Israeli flags were burned.

“Defiantly showing your colors would in principle be the right way to go,” Joseph Schuster, president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany said on Berlin radio. “Nevertheless, I would advise individual people against openly wearing a kippah in big German cities.”

Schuster also said that “Our democracy would be at risk” if Germans refused to stand up to anti-Semitism. “This is not only about anti-Semitism,” he added. “It goes along with racism, it goes along with xenophobia. You need a clear stop sign here.”

Schuster suggested wearing ‘a baseball cap or something else’ to cover their head instead.

Other Jewish organizations suggested a very different approach however.

“I used to always advise my Jewish friends and acquaintances not to wear a kippah so as not to show their Jewish identity. I changed my opinion.”

A spokesperson of the Jewish Forum for Democracy and Against Anti-Semitism in Berlin told the BBC. “We must take up this fight and be visible again in public”

The head of Germany’s Central Council of Muslims condemned recent anti-Semitic attacks.

“Anti-Semitism, racism and hatred are great sins in Islam, therefore we will never tolerate that,” Aiman Mazyek told Germany’s Rheinische Post newspaper.

Chancellor Angela Merkel denounced what she called “another form of anti-Semitism” saying threats were coming from both right-wing German groups and Arabic-speaking refugees in the country. “This is quite a horrifying incident, and we will react,” she said following a meeting last week with eastern German leaders.

The Berlin assault captured on video shows a young man being whipped by an assailant who shouted “Yahudi!”- The Arabic word for Jew.

The 21- year- old victim, Israeli Adam Armoush is heard to reply, “Jew or no Jew, you have to deal with it.”

Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported in an interview with the victim that he was slightly injured and bruised by the belt.

“They kept cursing us and my friend asked them to stop cursing,” Armoush told Kann TV. “They started to get angry and one of them ran to me and I knew it was important to film it because there would be no way to catch him by the time the police arrived.” It appears the victim posted the video online.

“I’m not Jewish,” Armoush told German broadcaster Deutsche Welle. “I’m an Israeli; I grew up in Israel in an Arab family.” The victim said he was conducting ‘an experiment’ in response to a friend’s warning that it was unsafe to wear a kippah in Germany. Armoush said he refused to believe it and wore the traditional Jewish skullcap to disprove the claim.

A 19-year-old Syrian ‘asylum seeker’ claiming to be the attacker turned himself in to police on Thursday after his attack sparked outrage across Germany. Police spokesman Winfrid Wenzel said the Syrian came to the police precinct with his lawyer.

Earlier this month even the German music industry dealt with accusations of anti-Semitism after a controversial rap duo won Best Hip-Hop award at Echo prizes. Lyrics on the winning album included that they will “make another Holocaust, show up with a Molotov”, and boasts that their bodies are “more defined than Auschwitz prisoners.”

The award triggered strong criticism from other artists and government officials with several past winners returning their own awards in protest.

On a brighter note, Germans and the Jewish community in Berlin donned skullcaps to protest anti-Semitism in a ‘Kippah March’ this Wednesday. 500 protesters took to the streets in a mass display of solidarity with Jewish community members. “An attack on Jews is an attack on us all” Berlin’s mayor said.

~ Conservative Zone

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20 thoughts on “German Jews Advised Against Wearing Kippahs in Cities”

  1. Germany brought this on by indiscriminately opening their borders. Germany’s laws and customs are now overwhelmed by people that most Germans consider to be intruders who want to bend the country to THEIR ways.

  2. To hell with Germany – anti-Semitism is on the rise in New York City. I could never understand how American Jews helped put a muslim in the White House twice. I used to think that only Israel was suffering because of Barry – whoever the hell he really is – providing Iran with nuclear capabilities But it would now seem that Barry’s open border policies have allowed enough muslims in so that the American Jews will also be suffering for that mistake here. In New York City of all places. There is an old saying that goes “Fool me once shame on you – fool me twice shame on me.”

    1. U R right, not only r the jews under attack in this country so r the christians ,Buddhists ,etc.. Any non muslim religion is under attack. Only the atheists r being left alone because they r useful 2 the muslims & communists/global socialists. In the end the 2 latter groups will b the only 1s left. I wonder who is using who? Which will survive if any?

    2. I totally agree! Dont forget all religions are being attacked except Islam.
      Atheists want to shut down all beliefs.
      Does that tell you something?

      1. What? The Media is owned by Jews. Islamophobia was created by Jews & American traitor collaborators. Christianity is attacked everywhere else except here. The modus operandi here is to dilute the cultural identity of the people while foisting moral depravity under the guise of tolerance & acceptance. They have to be more careful as the Christian Zionists might wake up & use their immense voting power against them. As history show, Jews are the master manipulators. Over 100 countries over 2 millenia have kicked them out. Was it anti-semitism, their favorite comeback? These countries were so diverse & different, yet they all agreed on this course of action. The recent censoring on the Internet has targeted truth about them. Coincidence? Putin & other world leaders have expressed interest in laying down new deep sea cable infrastructure to facilitate open internet communication. We don’t need gatekeepers like Google, Facebook, Amazon, YouTube, & virtually all U.S. Media. The original concept of the Internet was to be free & open without the restraints being imposed by this vile group & others like them. Isn’t the idea objectivity, & then, after all sides of the story having been presented, making an informed decision? Sounds like common sense to me.

  3. The German people deserve what they get for voting for and leaving Merkel in office after they saw she was destroying their country, and still are. UNBELIEVABLE HOW LIBERAL AND IN A SHELL THESE PEOPLE ARE.

  4. Let the Jewish people leave and migrate to Israel, a safer, more friendly atmosphere without the fear or antisemitism. Germans can celebrate and enjoy the invasion of Muslims, live under Sharia law, and enjoy the daily Mosque chimes. The later will ultimately give the Germans a choice, convert, pay a tithe or death. Apparently Karma does exist.

  5. WOW! What a surprise. Who would have ever figured that we would learn from our past history? We have the story. We have read the event recorded and yet we always go back and do it over again and again and again. WOW!

  6. It’s about time. Jews are EVERYONE’S PROBLEM. Germany for GERMANS. Sweden for Swedes. Norway for Norsemen. England for English. EVERY race of people SHOULD be living in and building up their COUNTRY OF BIRTH. These third-world immigrants are savage and animal in nature and thought processes. THANK GOD EUROPE IS WAKING UP THE LION. MAY GOD SPEED THEIR RECOVERY – EUROPE FOR EUROPEANS. SEND ALL REFUGEES BACK TO THEIR LAND OF ORIGIN AND BUILD WALLS.

  7. Take a look at the Bronx and the outer boroughs. These “people” are getting housing, phones, food everything for free on the taxpayers. These “people” do not like us. The are uncivil and do not have any respect for our way of life. They only want to promote Sharia law and their cesspool lack of civility. This must stop, the progressive s–mbags have foisted them on us and not themselves

  8. Wait until muslims take over all of Europe. They are almost there now and countries like Germany,UK,and France keep taking them in. Germany barely protects their citizens and lets those muslims run wild. It is a shame for Germany and it is a shame that a country vives these refugges a safe place and they really do not appreciate it. Shame on Germany!

  9. There is not one shred of proof that President Obama is or ever was a Muslim. He and his family are members of the United Church of Christ. You will note that there was not once trace of anything Muslim when Mr Obama was president: no prayer rugs, no special halal foods, no ritual washings. You should do your homework before sounding off like this.

  10. Hitler didn’t go against the Jewish people because of their religion, culture, ethnicity, but because, almost exclusively, they were the agents of Marxist Bolshevik-Communism and as such the deadly opponents of the National Socialist Party. Under the ‘Flag’ of Communism, what I call, “The Jewish Plaque”, that they spread from St. Petersburg, Russia to Shanghai, China, they are responsible for the deaths of some 200 million people in the 20th century Under the ‘Flag of Zionism’ they are still at it!!

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