The one unifying feature of the left is its hatred for the West. It isn’t just the hatred of America, though that’s where their hatred is strongest. But it is for western values. Particularly, it is the hatred of our elevating both reason and the individual above the mob, above king, land, and country.
The west is about Logos (read divine logic), about natural rights, and is founded on the idea that the individual human has a connection to God and is an expression of the divine nature. All of this leads to the establishment of non-negotiable moral standards, and that is what the left cannot stand.
So, the left hates everything that leads to moral lines in the sand, which the Judeo-Christian, Western thinker must draw. This is because leftist thinking leads to top-down control. Deep down, they know this. They know that at some point you will say “No” to them- and they cannot stand it.
This is why schools of thought that seem ideologically opposed come together when they agree that America must be brought to ruin.
This is why third wave feminism, for example, and Islam are in bed together. Islam lies to the feminists, and the feminists lie to themselves — and they both do it from a conscious and unconscious (respectively) desire to destroy the west.
Dennis Prager said it best when he said, “The Left is chaos.”
In the following video with Jessica Swietoniowski of Rebel Media, we’ll see one leftist after another fail to divine their own suicidal mindset.
~ Conservative Zone
“‘Handmaids Tail”, “Animal Farm” and “1984” really show the effect of a socialist, autocratic regime, very centralized government, rather then the smaller government called for by conservatives. Every country that has had a strong, controlling rule of its people has usually had the word ‘socialist’ somewhere in its title, either that or ‘Muslim’
Cannot believe the ignorance of these people
not one of those fools has bothered to READ the koran which CLEARLY calls for. the elimination af ALL unbelievers/infidels as well as gays/lesbians/and all who do not abide by sharia..If these idiots actually get what they want, they will be executed..Talk about lunacy !
Many of them do not even know that Hollywood has been boycotting a certain foreign location (for nearly a decade) it used to use for filming because of its policy of EXECUTING homosexuals under sharia law.
In fact our media in the US failed to even report about it because it is considered “islamaphobic” to report actual facts about the enforcement of sharia law in foreign nations even when its straight from the headlines of their official STATE controlled news because it contradicts the PRO ISLAM propaganda the media and certain politicians have been spouting.
They even act as if it was DISCRIMINATION to prohibit sharia law in US courts as many states did after courts sided with ABUSIVE HUSBANDS (in order to RESPECT their culture) who violated US laws because under SHARIA LAW it was their “RIGHT” to abuse the women in that manner, some of the women are US citizens who married them the courts apparently felt they gave up their rights as US citizens simply because of the religion their husbands were before or converted to after they married them.
sometimes humans donot know how to think,muslim donot know HOW-HOW. BO
Can’t share this on facebook. They call it offensive. WHAT?????