We’re going to talk about race, and that means we have to do some prefacing -– otherwise, we’ll be tarred and feathered by left-wing cry-bullies. Any time you take an oppressed group of people, and do not destroy them altogether as Hitler attempted to do to the Jews and as Muslims in Egypt are trying to do to the Christian population – that population will adopt an ethic of pragmatism and rebound heartily.
This is what happened with the black community in America. That is, up until the 1930s when New Deal social programs kicked off a century of dependence on the Democratic party. Since then, black fathers have been replaced by the welfare state, and academia has worked overtime with the entertainment industry to sew racial mistrust and instill a feeling of resentment. Leftist politicians have convinced blacks that they will save them from the evil conservatives who want them back in chains.
You may remember Joe Biden, during the 2012 presidential election, telling black crowds that if Mitt Romney is elected, Republicans will enslave them all over again. All of this has been done to reduce the black community to poverty, and it has been very effective.
We could make an entire discussion on how Planned Parenthood has aimed its outreach campaigns at black communities as part of an intensely racist eugenics effort.
Prior to the New Deal, black communities were on the rebound. Family coherence and religiosity were commonly said to be superior to that of whites prior to the 1930s. Families were accruing generational wealth and education rates were rising.
The simple fact is that American blacks have been sabotaged by the left-wing welfare state, and the result is that they are in a desperate situation. Having flocked to the inner cities, where leftists promised them they would be safe from evil, lynch-crazy Republicans, blacks now languish in Democrat-dominated war zones where crime soars and excuses abound.
In creating these war zones, left-wing ideologues have created ghettos that are extremely difficult to police. Law enforcement officers have long known that they have to be ready to fight any time they go into neighborhoods run by drug dealers and gangs — the inevitable result of fatherless generations.
In time, race-baiting made it not only extremely unsafe for cops to do their jobs in black neighborhoods, it also made it politically untenable. Crime statistics today tell us that black cops are more likely to shoot black suspects than are white cops. The reason for this is plain to see — white cops are terrified of being accused of racism.
In 2017, for the third year in a row, Baltimore Maryland has had over three hundred murders- making it America’s most dangerous city. This is a result of decades of factory shutdowns- stemming from the kinds of liberal policies that always target industry- killing jobs.
Liberals are always the first to say that poverty causes crime, yet they are eager to create the conditions of poverty. Then, they blame conservatives for the fallout that ensues.
The Reverend Kinji Scott, a pastor in Baltimore says; “I am not [optimistic]. Because I look at the conclusion of 2017, these same cities — St. Louis, Baltimore, New Orleans and Chicago — these same black cities are still bleeding to death and we’re still burying young men in these cities. I’m a preacher, I want to be hopeful, but not as it stands, no. Not until we really have a real conversation with our frontline officers in the heart of our black communities that does not involve our people who are leaders.”
According to Scott, the job of police has become such an uphill battle that they cannot effectively police these poverty-stricken neighborhoods. More and more, these crime-ridden streets are being turned over to the thugs that make them so dangerous.
He says that after the indecent with Freddie Gray, the media deceptively reported that the community wanted police to back off. The people of the community know the truth — Gray was not unarmed, did not have his hands up, and was not an innocent victim of deadly racism.
The Freddie Gray story is just one of many deceptively spun headlines that have so many people believing America is occupied by a wholly oppressive, racist, and bloodthirsty police force.
Our police are not perfect. No one is. In some cases, they perform badly, but in all cases, they are human beings trying to do an important job. And right now, they are under assault by people who buy ink by the barrel.
~ Conservative Zone
Many blacks do not want the Police in their neighborhoods so that allows crime and drugs to overran that area, many black now believe that there should be two laws. One for white, who should be arrested if they break the law and no arrest for any black that breaks the law including drug dealings, rape, murder, prostitutes, assaults robberies or other crimes they commits,
BLM, Because Looting Matters, and you are absolutely correct way too many blacks seem to think that they are automatically born at a disadvantage, even those zebras like Kaepernick whose birth mother was white, his adoptive parents white is has deluded himself into believing that police use excessive force when dealing with blacks rather than the fact the respective black has just committed a crime and believes that because they are black the LEOs should leave them be and when the police do enforce the law in retaliation the blacks resist arrest or being detained, ignorance on the level of mental retardation.
You just described baltimore
Sorry but this has been brought on themselves. Their so called leaders, jessie, al, ophra and of course the black that was not a black, but a arab, all sold them a bill of goods, that they bought lock, stock and barrel. When the police do their job all you hear is they are picking on the blacks, of course when they shoot (another black) it is the police at fault. Groups like the blm, naacp, black caucis, and most (if not all) black politicians do not give one dam about the other blacks, all they want is the power (and of course the money) that their position brings. And of course groups like planed parenthood are doing their bit to kill them off as fast as they can. So why should the police put themselves in harms way ??? Just look at the big cities, washington, detroit, chicago, new york, and the list goes on and on. Maybe when they undo all the evil that the obamssss and the liberals/democrats have done, they can get on living the better life they have left to riot, kill, rob, burn etc.
The murder rate in baltimore, though high as it is, is still a lie. Many murders go uncounted by being put in different catagories, such as ‘ suspicious..like a guy found with a hole in BACK of his head. Yeah, that’s suspicious. Baltimore is a horrible place to live because of city hall where there is as much crime happening behind city hall doors as much as on their streets
This is one of the most profound statements I have ever read; “Liberals are always the first to say that poverty causes crime, yet they are eager to create the conditions of poverty. Then, they blame conservatives for the fallout that ensues.”
Genocide as Moonie Muslimes are doing to Christians in Egypt, ah yes the Coptics, now reflect on eastern Europe, Turkey to be more precise and the decline of Eastern Orthodox Greeks who are treated like dirt by the majority Moonie Muslimes, yet we as a free nation ally ourselves with the Turkish scum just as we do with the Arabians, little known secret there never was any royal family of Arabia just like Somalia it was 1 clan fighting against each other and the the winner is now the royal family.
Young black men have very few positive male role models.
Most law-abiding people stay home at night and watch tv or go on their computers.
The ones causing trouble never stay home, but hang around on the street corners
looking for mischief. I suppose that curfews should be put into place every night,
not just when troubles (riots, drug deals, etc) abound. The black rappers sing about
frying bacon, killing cops, etc. Then they wonder why police are not present in their
hoods. Genius! A life of violence begets violence. Don’t be surprised if they end up dead.
Obama seperated the two races like no one in our history except for the red necks in the south. the only race the Bible talks about is a foot race. Many call themselves Christians but few know how to become one. Even the last Pres said he was but a big difference between a Muslim and a Christian.
Blacks get a free pass just by saying “your a racist” it’s getting old
I rarely agree with Malcom X and his hate filled message, but he warned blacks in the 1960’s that the Democrats who promising social programs that many blacks became dependent on were trading one master for another and further warned voting exclusively Democrat would compound this dependency. The blacks voted over %95 for Obummer and accused whites of being racist who did not vote for him. Isn’t it just as racist to vote for someone because of his race as it is to vote against someone because of it. Mayors of large cities are nearly exclusively democrats and by defying the President they encourage lawlessness..!
Remember LBJ and the war of Poverty? how is that working out for you?
The problem is that if someone white tries to define the problem as in this article you are called a racists.
Democrats don’t care; they only want votes. Same as the BS with illegal aliens–votes.
Black people need new leaders that understand the real problem and are not afraid to talk about it–like Star Parker.
You know there are blacks that talk about being African. After the Civil war there was a back to Africa movement. The county of Liberia was founded, Freetown the capital. Many black folks only knew the colonies so it was a hard decision to make starting over in a new and hostile land. Many black people had been captured by Dutchmen and Englishmen. They were still fair game to them. Slavery was practiced in much of the world. Now back to a point there is a country that was founded on the principles as the US. Study it, I know the school are stupid, they don’t history.
I don’t care what color we may be the truth of the matter is we see the rich & the politicians getting away scot free while they steal billions, kill anyone in their way, all the while making conditions worse for anyone in lower tax bracket & running our country into the ground with insane Banking practices (just print more money) without even getting arrested. The press spins the news with smokescreens so we don’t hear what they are doing until later when it’s too late to do anything unless you research what get’s voted & by whom, etc. Now with Trump letting Sessions start a war with the citizens that he should protect, how can we trust Trump now. He started out great but lately he is letting the Agency’s snoop on Americans. He’s starting to smell a bit fishy. We are all in trouble, all Americans!