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Is Fox News Silencing Conservative Stories?

Recent developments at the Fox News Network have left long time viewers wondering if their trusted news source is remaining true to its roots, or if it is succumbing to pressure to conform to a liberal agenda. This has all come down somewhat suddenly as the Murdoch family has given Bill O’Reilly the heave-ho after 15 years of solid ratings.

O’Reilly has topped ratings for years, dwarfing the numbers of top dogs like Kieth Olberman and even the inimitable Larry King. Why? Confidence and his implacable promise of No Spin gave viewers a feeling that in a world of liberal narrative making, at least one news source still at least held objectivity as a high commodity.

But the nature of his firing is highly suspect. It was sudden, and it was cruel. Bill wasn’t even allowed to broadcast a goodbye message to his loyal viewers. Now, you can say what you like about the man; he’s strident, brash, often uncivil- but he’s a professional and he certainly does seem to believe in the values he espouses. We would think he deserves the chance to say goodbye to his fans.

A big part of the public face of this story has been the multiple alleged sexual harassment accusations faced by O’Reilly. But on closer inspection, we find this seems to be a ruse.

The network has supported Bill for 20 years during which time multiple accusations of sexual harassment have been alleged. He’s made some settlements, but until now none of it has been proven true or affected his top rating spot.

Even where the network had to bail him out, his ratings made him well worth the effort, and the expense. Only now, when a young and openly liberal faction of the Murdoch family has taken control of Fox News has the network begun to turn on its conservative fan base- and betray its conservative talent.

The real boss is James Murdoch, the youngest son of media mogul Rupert Murdoch. But it is apparently, Kathryn Murdoch- James’ wife who is running the show/s.

Mrs. Murdoch has been trashing Donald Trump on Twitter now for months, making a mockery of the journalistic sensibility one might hope to expect from the wife of the owner of a major news network. She has been posting intensely vitriolic tweets about the current president since January of 2016.

Some of her most inappropriate tweets have said such inflammatory things as;

“Deadbeat Don? Don the con?”


“This election is not about left or right. It’s about right or wrong. Reason or insanity. Backward or forward.”

Well, we couldn’t agree with that last tweet more. But we don’t think a woman who laughs at the brutal death of a leader who actively prevented the surge of terrorist harboring migrants into the west a step toward reason. We don’t think a nuclear war with Russia would have been progress. And we don’t think throwing millions of working people overboard- rather than doing a few simple things to return their jobs is sanity.

But this trend has been in the works for some time. Slowly, liberal voices have found their ways onto the Fox News Network and added very little to the conversation. Megan Kelly, for example, totally embarrassed herself in interviews with Donald Trump. Her complicity with the leftist narrative found on CNN and MSNBC was as plain as the dye in her hair.

She, of course, went on to leave Fox News unexpectedly- jumping ship for a job at NBC. It was a move that has not served her well as she has been far from the limelight since she made the move in January.

It’s clear that NBC does not think as highly of her as Fox News once did and has loaded her into a second rate program where her tousled blond locks receive a fraction of the viewership that she is used to.

But this is the kind of thing we have come to expect from liberals. They don’t appreciate talent, and they definitely look on anyone with even remote ties to conservatism as a variety of leper. For this reason, Kelly has been treated like damaged good at NBC.

Likewise, the new management at Fox has treated their flagship anchorman like yesterday’s garbage. They have zero respect for his monumental fan base, huge ratings, and immense relevance.

This kind of betrayal, unfaithfulness, and ingratitude that is so common among social democrats and liberals is the very coinage of the mind of someone like Kelly who so quickly forgets her roots- and you can bet that it is the first death knell for Fox News.

~ Conservative Zone

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