California Senator Kamala Harris is pushing for the United States government to distribute aid based solely on racial concerns, claiming that minorities are disproportionately affected by the pandemic.
In a recent interview pushing her Covid-19 Racial and Ethnic Disparities Task Force Act, she also accuses Americans of not wanting to deal with the history of racism in the country because they don’t like “the form of the solution.”
Granted, Sen. Harris is likely right in stating that many Americans won’t like the “form of the solution” that she’s proposing. Her claims that the health care system is biased against minorities is one that frequently repeated by the mainstream media, but lacks any credibility. Her assertion that “systemic barriers to equal pay and housing” and “environmental injustice” are the reasons that people of color are getting infected and dying from coronavirus are downright absurd.
The environment has nothing to do with the novel coronavirus; pollution and climate change don’t bring on infection, and living in a poor or lower-middle-class neighborhood does not increase one’s risk of getting COVID-19. Indeed, high-profile celebrities and world leaders such as British Prime Minister Boris Johnson have tested positive for the disease in the past. During the earlier days of the pandemic, a large swath of Iran’s government was infected.
Sen. Harris isn’t the only Democrat who thinks that race should be the primary concern at a time when a global pandemic has killed tens of thousands of Americans of all ethnicities, and the entire United States economy is on the brink of disaster. A horde of other Democrats are supporting her racist new bill, including Senators Cory Booker, Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, Doug Jones, Sherrod Brown, and Michael Bennet. Democratic Rep. Robin Kelly is introducing companion legislation in the House of Representatives.
Granted, many African-Americans run a high risk of getting the coronavirus because a large percentage of them work in high-risk jobs — and live in densely populated areas. Many have insufficient housing, making it difficult if not impossible for one member of the family to self-isolate. However, these are problems that aren’t unique to people of color.
If Sen. Harris was indeed interested in helping less-fortunate fellow citizens, her bill would prioritize Federal aid based on need rather than skin color. After all, there are people of all ages, walks of life, and ethnicities who work in high-risk jobs, are in poor health, and could use an additional helping hand right now. Sadly, like many liberals, Sen. Harris is intent on playing the race card to make liberals look good while portraying conservatives as “racist.”
The fact that Sen. Harris could very well become the next Vice President of the United States is frightening for anyone who values the rule of law.
Featured Image by Gage Skidmore