Stories related to adult film actress Stormy Daniels’ alleged affair with President Donald Trump dominate headlines day in and day out. Now, even some liberal journalists have had enough of hearing about it, and are beginning to tell their audiences the truth: there are far more important things going on in the United States that people need to be concerned about.
Nick Kristof, a liberal New York Times columnist, recently noted that the non-stop coverage of negative stories about President Trump’s private life amount to nothing more than “Trump Porn”. He concedes that he and other liberal often find themselves discussing the salacious details of current stories related to Stormy Daniels and other scandals while forgetting more important issues. As Mr. Kristof accurately notes, important news events such as the opioid crisis, the debate over gun control, the fall in American life expectancy and global problems in countries such as Yemen, Myanmar and Syria are often ignored as people tune out these stories in favor of finding out more about what the president did or did not do with a porn star.
Ronald Brownstein, a left-leaning analyst for The Atlantic, recently noted that the constant coverage of the Stormy Daniels affair is unlikely to generate Democrat voters. He points out that most people are far more concerned about the state of the economy than the president’s personal life and past behavior.
Even some Democratic politicians are coming to realize that the continual negative news coverage about the president’s past interactions with Stormy Daniels is not helping the Democrat cause. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi recently stressed that Democrats running for Congress and Senate need to focus on economic instability. Senator Bernie Sanders was even more direct, making it clear that the Stormy Daniels story could absolutely overshadow the Democrats’ message on the economy.
These politicians have a point — it is clear that Democrats need to win congressional seats in blue-collar areas in order to retake the House of Representatives in the coming year. Naturally, people in these areas care far more about issues that affect them than those that don’t. Unfortunately, coverage on topics such as the economy and health care have not gotten very much attention in recent months. This is sure to make it hard for the party to turn undecided voters to their cause, putting their goal of winning back a House majority in jeopardy.
Naturally, the fact that the Stormy Daniels story has been given far more attention than it deserves is not news to those who follow conservative commentators and news outlets. Kellyanne Conway and other White House officials have stated for months that the alleged love life of an adult porn star is not nearly as newsworthy as it is made out to be. Recent polls back up their assertions, showing that less than a quarter of all Americans believe the Stormy Daniels story is an important issue. Even so, most people are still tuning into the story, not because they think it will make a significant difference in their lives, but because it’s an intriguing, soap-opera like distraction from their present woes and challenges.
Unfortunately, the Stormy Daniels controversy is unlikely to go away anytime soon. It is generating a great deal of money for any news outlet that covers it, and people still want to know what is happening with other major players in the story. However, there are literally dozens of news outlets that one can turn to to find out what is happening in the real world.
While the left-wing news media continues their attacks on the president’s personal life, it is up to each individual to decide if he or she wants to focus their full attention on these attacks or spend some time looking up real news online. Plenty of people are going for the latter option, and discovering that there are many important happenings in the world today that have nothing to do with sex and money.
~ Conservative Zone