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Liberals Claim Donald Trump is Ruining Their Sex Lives (Yes, Really)

Forget about Trump Derangement Syndrome — liberals across America are now suffering from “Post-Trump Sex Disorder” — that is, their sex lives are ruined because they really don’t like the President of the United States.

Yes, we’ve really hit that point — leftists are so insecure about everything President Donald Trump does or says, that they find themselves failing to perform in the bedroom. Imagine being this insecure…

According to an article published by Salon, one of the failing digital platforms that is doing everything it can to be the next Huffington Post, the sex therapy business is booming in the age of Trump. Apparently, President Trump’s machismo is so off-putting, that a segment of the American population just doesn’t feel like having sex anymore.

This is really rich coming from the left. Remember, they’re supposed to be the hip and cool side. They smoke drugs and discuss sex openly. They listen to whatever kind of music the country’s pre-teens do, because they’re so cool. These are the same people who have mocked conservative commentators like Ben Shapiro and Steven Crowder because they waited until marriage to become intimate with their spouses. Apparently, this is all a bunch of BS.

Again, this is one of those stories that sounds like it’s made up — but it isn’t. Watch the Daily Wire’s Andrew Klavan break it down below.

~ Conservative Zone

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52 thoughts on “Liberals Claim Donald Trump is Ruining Their Sex Lives (Yes, Really)”

    1. How is it possible for Trump doing sexless wrecking of Liberals life when he is not in bed with all the American People while they sleep with their wives.

  1. This is good. Less free loadiing liberals in the next generation. Us Republicans are still having fun with our wives because we can take tham out to more movies, dinners and other fun activities. Worst losers ever.

  2. Kavanaugh is not worth spit on a dogs butt . He is something a person wets first and then wipes the crap off his arse so your boxers don’t get soiled , anything he touches will be soiled and needs to be sterilized

  3. Got to love it, think about all the abortions the President Trump saved. He is the best birth control, and all the money Demorats save. I think it’s a miracle!!!!!

  4. These morons have made some outrageous charges against Trump in the past two years but this one sinks to a new level of stupidity!!! Hysterically funny!!!

  5. Great news!!!! They are in favor of abortion, they can’t be intimate, they are going to leave the country…before you notice it we will have paradise!

  6. What else are the libs and democrats going to blame on Donald Trump! This is absurd! We need to praise the work he is doing for our country and protecting the freedoms we have enjoyed for over 200 years! Some people are just ungrateful!

  7. Remember, They are liberals, so they are lying about this. It’s just an effort on their part to lull us into a false sense of security with the thought that they actually will NOT procreate. In trying to help them with their supposed inability to procreate I offer this thought. BUILD THE WALL, DEPORT THEM ALL, MAGA, OR ELSE!!!

  8. Censorship is alive and well on FaceBook!!!! Tried sharing this and it won’t work. Against their guidelines, appears to be spam. Yeah right! Liberal assholes censoring conservative posts AGAIN!!! Second time it’s happened to me this week.

  9. At least the looney, liberal socialist left has found a natural way to abort – maybe part of the green new deal …. MAGA !!

  10. Hey many more need to join their warp[ed brothers and sisters. The more who can not have sex the less babies that will be brought up liberal and the better this country will be. Gee why did we not think of that in the 70s and 60s. Thank you Donald Trump!

  11. More than likely the truth be told those that are claiming President Trump is ruining their sex lives more than likely didn’t have much of a sex life to begin with and are duds. That’s a good thing because God forbid the last thing we would need is if any of them who are claiming this would reproduce.


  13. CaptTurbo: On the mark ! Oh, I am so happy with this news I am going to take a world trip (via airline of course), twice, and have steak everyday {hold the veggies to a minimum for fiber}.

  14. Silly weak pleas of snowflakes who need help even performing a task God gave them the knowledge to do ! Maybe Trump needs to hold some classes on how to perform normal duties of life !!!! No he has enough on his plate to worry about instead of teaching those how to grow up . This is an example of the government being your children’s parents . Sex education classeducation never worked and still don’t by these results. And get a life and guit blaming your failures on someone else . The insanity of those who think they are cool never ceases to amaze . Being this cool will either send you to the hot place or a straight jacket . If you are that stupid about sex then you are not mature enough or in the right mind for what you are attempting to do . When failure happens with a thing . You must step back and figure out what you are doing wrong . Insane silly selfish immature people who are out for a thrill moment can definitely not blame anyone for this kind of failure .

  15. some of you men hit it right on the head .. if they weren’t gays , lesbians, bi-sexual or transvestite.. they wouldn’t have sex problems but since they are ..all of the above they do have serious issues .. so don’t blame the President for your sick issues ..

  16. ~ Liberalism is a Mental DisOrder ~ Now !!!! ~ SEXUAL DISORDER ~
    So To Cure This New Spreading deasease radicate all Liberals remove morons and commies from spreading other problems tell them to drink a full glass of yellow car anti-freeze to cure them and make them into Nyphomanactic that will have sex drives till the cows come home. ~

  17. Trump did not cause this, The libs did this to themselves. Just like obozo said, “You did not build it yourself”, but in this case they did build it themselves. Their self inflicted anxiety is the cause of their impotence. Maybe it will do some good, in that it may limit the Aids epidemic, at least to some extent. Could this also be a comeuppance for their stupidity.

  18. As a Canadian, I believe the USA is extremely blessed to have DJT as President. You are so fortunate to have a strong man to stand up for common sense values.

    Trump won the election fair and square. There was collusion—conducted by the swamp members: Brennan, Comey, McCabe, McCain, Obama, Hillary and the rest. If the USA is to rise again to 1st rate status, justice against the swamp creatures must prevail.

  19. So hilariously and so predictably liberal behavior – blame someone else for your own failures.

    But then, there may be some truth to this. Feelings about the person “in charge” do affect our ability to relax.
    I have been sleeping SO much better since 8-Nov-16 . . . . . Thank You, Mr. President!
    And Thanks to those REALLY in charge – the millions of Patriots whose votes put DJT in the White House!

  20. Hey, if this is the case, that means that they will no longer be breeding any more….oh frabjous day, caloo-calay!!

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