Left-wing, liberal political activism seeped into the 2018 Grammy Awards show on Sunday, January 28th. It was like watching overpaid NFL players crouch on the sidelines when the music for the National Anthem starts.
What is it about earning millions and being famous that makes these people so unhappy? And why do they think that fame endows them with political wisdom?
Normal viewers scratched their heads and wondered how a half-loaded Hillary Clinton’s cameo reading from an anti-Trump screed was even remotely connected to a music awards show. Nevertheless, the crowd roared with delight as the candidate who won’t go away came back to remind us what an annoyingly sore loser she still is.
Normal Americans, however, breathed yet another sigh of relief that Hillary isn’t calling the shots in the Oval Office. Seeing her do the equivalent of Richard Nixon’s campaign for rehabilitation after Watergate was a small price to pay to keep her miles away from power.
Nevertheless, won’t Hillary ever go away? She is like that 1960s Laugh-In character, Gladys Ormphby, played by the wonderful comedienne Ruth Buzzi. Gladys was the frumpily dressed gal who would whack the dirty old man, Tyrone F. Horneigh (played by the equally hilarious Arte Johnson) with her purse right after he asked in his doddering, lascivious tone, “Would you like to see my walnetto?”
Gladys and Tyrone would come back every week with a variation on that hilarious skit—not unlike Hillary’s aggravating periodic public appearances taking whacks at Donald Trump, whom she still can’t believe she lost to.
Then in the same venue without skipping a beat, there was Kesha’s gripping, tearful performance celebrating the #MeToo movement survivors of sexual assault. With all due respect to the subject matter, the performance had all the all the vehemence of an Italian opera mob scene. You know it was over the top when Cyndi Lauper got lost in the crowd of gyrating backup singers.
Kesha and her white-clad group’s performance had all the intensity of a religious revival on steroids. It was a bit uncomfortable to watch, and probably made some people long for Hillary to come back and lighten the mood.
With liberals, you can’t have hypocrisy without an amusing dose of irony. Take the award for best pop solo performance. Nominees were Kelly Clarkson, the aforementioned Kesha, Lady Gaga, Pink, and the sole male contestant, the adorable, redheaded little fuzz ball from the UK, Ed Sheeran.
You can’t make this stuff up: Ed beat out all the women. Then, to add a dash of salt to the audience’s bubbling astonishment, Sheeran was not even present to accept the award. Finally, as if to turn the knife in the liberal’s backsides, one of the two male awarders said ,“We accept the award on his behalf.”
But the hits kept on coming. Despite the Grammys take on gender equality, another male, Bruno Mars, walked away with the lion’s share of the important awards. In fact, only 1 of the 9 main prizes presented during the Grammy telecast went to a woman when the award for best new artist went to 21-year-old Alessia Cara.
Perhaps there is hope for the music industry, which so far hasn’t been rocked with the Harvey Weinstein scandals that hit Hollywood. Reacting to questions why the women didn’t win more this year, Recording Academy president Neil Portnow suggested that women who want to collect more Grammys need to “double down on their efforts.”
“I think it has to begin with women who have the creativity in their hearts and their souls—who want to be musicians, who want to be engineers, who want to be producers, who want to be part of the industry on an executive level—to step up, because I think they would be welcome,” Portnow said.
In any case, including a semi-inebriated vampire-like figure Hillary Clinton and a chubby host from Great Britain poking fun at a president that normal Americans actually like probably isn’t a recipe for future success. Even CNN reported that this year’s audience was down roughly 24 percent from last year.
Maybe they should follow our U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley’s advice in her tweet:
“I have always loved the Grammys but to have artists read the Fire and Fury book killed it. Don’t ruin great music with trash. Some of us love music without the politics thrown in it.”
It remains to be seen whether the Academy Awards produces will listen to Haley’s advice. Judging from past experience, the audience can expect more of the same from former Weinstein enablers Meryl Streep and company.
~ 1776 Christian
Let’s see was it Ann Colter or Laura Ingram who said ” SHUT UP AND SING”
Overall it is why I have not tuned in to any of the award programs Oscar, Emmies, Music, Miss America, Miss World the whole lot since 1975 it’s some 30 min of the music and 3 hours of darts dipped in tree dart frog oil made from the skins of 100 frogs, shot at our side officeholders … but what would one expect because it is a board of them passing judgment on friends. Beth Midler said it best they may have lost but they all did make $25,000,000.oo this year so they after are all winners …
Golly Gee! I’d love to lose with that kind of pay every year … Yepper $1,584,000,000.oo is a great reward …
The Sad Part is: They can not take it with them when they die. We do not know how long eternity is, but we have a choice as to where we will, or, want to spend it. Life here on earth is like a drop in the vast ocean or one pebble of sand on the sea shore compared to eternity
I agree with Ed 7Delta
I do not watch any awards programming anymore, nor do I watch any NFL games.
I think those very talented, self aggrandizing people who are ENTERTAINERS are not entertaining anyone with their opinions or views on anything. Most of us watch or listen to them because of the talents they have in what has made them rich and famous. It’s not their intelligence that dazzles us, it’s their ability to draw the salaries they do by the specialized talents they have. And they don’t get it for being the brightest bulbs in the room. Ability does not always translate into intelligence. We all have the right to our own opinions but many, if not most folks get offended by being forced to sit through a bunch of BS of Self Proclaimed experts on everything whom only have in reality, only one talent. And it sure isn’t wisdom.
Great post.
I’ve never watched the “GRIMMIE’S” nor will I because of lack of respect for “R” “POTUS”! It’s so childish/absurd that the “DUMMOCRAP’S “R” such sore loser’s as “KILLARY” & those like her portrayed!
I pray & I believe my angels from above will grant my wishes that “The Donald” w/b in office for (7) more astonishing/wonderful years.
A very happy retired vet Special op’s from Nam “MARTINI GANNINI”
Thank you for your service, Marty and I agree with everything you said here.
You don’t give an award to someone just for being a man or a woman. Awards are based on merit. That the way it is. Some people will be happy, some won’t. Breaks of the game.
“…Awards are based on merit. That the way it is…”
…or it certainly should be !
All I have to say is this is the price we have to pay for allowing such garbage into our political system. Can’t entirely blame the Obama. But then he did little to help anyone but his buddies. So it goes on and on and on. Btw not going to movies.and buying dvd’s. Saves money. Thanks Hollywood idiots. Because of your stupidity. Im saving money
Makes me think of the women’s march. It has also become a liberal leftist event though supposedly even conservatives
or independents are “encouraged” to attend. It feels like women are going crazy. Men are being thrown under the bus
constantly. Yes, women should be encouraged to follow their dreams just as men should. It doesn’t mean that women
who want to be married and raise children should be looked down on for following their dream. It also doesn’t mean that
a man who compliments a woman is a sexual harrasser. Good heavens girls, can’t you just say “I’m uncomfortable with
that language”, or “I don’t want to be touched” Are you so powerless that you can’t speak up, You can only report things
30 years later. There is probably not an attractive women anywhere who has not had to address this issue. So, yes
instead of getting into the “poor me’s” stand up for your self from the get-go – nothing will stop it faster.
They think they’re being clever, in actuality they make thierselves absolute fools. The clowns entertaining thierselves in the circus ring
usher in the JESTERS
Everything I just read is very much my take on the whole thing. I voted for our President, and proud of it. I don”t think the Grammy;s did themselves any good with having the little fat guy from England, & Hillary taking pot shots at our President, as the people of the United States voted him into office. I hope to see Trump in office for the next 7 yrs. I have leaved thru a lot of President’s in my 74 years, and to date Trump is the best, & Obama the very very worst. I have to mention the NFL, I was hoping all the players who didn’t show respect to our flag & our troops would get sacked, but didn’t happen. My father fought
in WW11, and would be rolling in his grave, if he saw what has been happening. Myself as being a war baby, am very patiot, and love this country. Thank you
I’m a Musician with a successful career behind me. It is a complete shame that the industry is rewarding DJ’s instead of real musicians. I don’t criticise the DJ’s trade as “music mixers,” but the ones who make music, artistically and sowing musical skills are being largely ignored. My question is: How a DJ would survive if there weren’t for musicians, to “create music?”
Hip-Hop, which started as an addition to music, as spoken words with a rhyme and some musical tones have degenerated into just mumbling to the rhythm and increasingly not even on the rhythm. They don’t even care to pronounce the words. It’s enough just trying to rhyme at the phrase endings, and they fail to do it too. And I am not the only one to say this. Rappers like Jay Z, Snoopy Dog, and others have also criticized the absence of message and even of words. I don’t know if there is a chance to re-build the business of music since it seems the Music Trade has been abandoned in exchange of just the only wish of making quick money thru live presentations, showing pornographic performances instead of real music playing. A shame!
Maybe the “Grammy People” should’ve NOT ignored Taylor Swift.
She certainly would’ve won some hardware ….
The Grammy Awards does not reward real musicians. It rewards singers and musicians who have sold out and become social engineers whos job it is to dumb down the Goyim. Look into Gerry Heller and The Tall Israeli. The rap music was not created by black people it was created by a group of ethnic supremacists who own large interests in the prison industrial complex. Those schisters killed beautiful African American music and replaces it with something that resembles a cross between a minstrel show and a black-sploitation Foxy Brown movie. Real musicians starve in this country. Music is about the only profession in the world w=in which the absolute best have virtually no chance of financial success and the absolute worse get rich. Bill Clinton killed music with the 1996 Federal Communications Act. Because of it, radio stations were monopolized and good music has no chance of getting on the stations that are now owned by multination corporations which also own stakes in alcohol and prisons.