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Netflix is Turning Into a Propaganda Outlet for the Left

When the Obamas signed a deal with Netflix reportedly worth upwards of $300 million, the move sparked concerns that the streaming giant was making a hard left turn. Those concerns appear to be warranted given its track record and growing liberal-slanted content.

Barack and Michelle Obama’s production company, Higher Ground, recently hired executives to help oversee the outfit’s direction. The direction appears ominously extreme.

“With Higher Ground Productions, we hope to bring people together around common values and uncommon stories — and Priya (Swaminathan), Tonia (Davis) and (Qadriyyah “Q” Shamsid-Deen) are precisely the people to bring that vision to life,” ex-Pres. Obama said. “They’re masterful storytellers. They’re veterans in the industry. And they not only bring their unique perspectives and life experiences to every project, but they’re committed to finding new voices who have their own stories to tell. Michelle and I couldn’t be more excited about the team we’re assembling.”

Swaminathan has a penchant for liberal-minded efforts such as “Very Young Girls” that tears America down as a place where 13-year-old girls are widely thrust into forced prostitution. Davis worked with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s daughter, Amy Schumer, on her failed effort, “Snatched.” Similarly, Shamsid-Deen is best known for a documentary short about teen prostitution and a #MeToo film about a groom that goes haywire. Just like the political double-talk Americans suffered while the Obamas held the White House, the former president appears to be again cloaking his intentions.

“One of the simple joys of our time in public service was getting to meet so many fascinating people from all walks of life, and to help them share their experiences with a wider audience,” Obama continued. “That’s why Michelle and I are so excited to partner with Netflix – we hope to cultivate and curate the talented, inspiring, creative voices who are able to promote greater empathy and understanding between peoples and help them share their stories with the entire world.”

When the now-jet setting couple was in politics, they emerged as one of the most divisive voices on the American landscape. The ex-president targeted the free speech of conservative political action committees by leveraging the power of the IRS to slow-walk their non-profit status approval until after the 2012 elections. The scandal and fallout left a permanent stain on American values. For any intelligent human being to believe he would now pivot and promote better understanding between people is utterly ludicrous.

The streaming giant already invested into hatemongers such as Michelle Woolf, who took an opportunity at a White House Correspondents Dinner to viciously attack Trump Administration officials under the banner of stand-up comedy. Her hateful rant ended the tradition of a comic host at the annual event. After the controversial Woolf profited at Netflix, nearly 60 percent of Republicans did not have a positive perception about Netflix. The content provider only cut ties with Woolf after audiences quietly boycotted her show.

But Woolf is now seen as just one of many anti-conservative voices infecting its content. The recent creation of abortion propaganda piece “Reversing Roe” has many viewers outraged at Netflix’ anti-pro-life approach. Conservative critics have called the piece a “crockumentary” because it perpetuates fake news myths about the issue. The Netflix description makes a laughable attempt to promote the film as impartial.

“The film offers candid and riveting interviews with key figures from both sides of the divide,” Netflix falsely claims.

The biased work almost exclusively portrays white, middle-aged males as pro-life. Recent studies indicate that 47 percent of American women consider themselves pro-life, and a close 48 percent say they are pro-choice. Such factual data is conveniently omitted from the hit piece in what can only be regarded as left-wing propaganda.

Netflix has also slanted political issues by creating the so-called documentary “Alt-Right: Age of Rage” that showcases white males as evil racists and poses an African-American member of the violent street gang Antifa as its hero. It’s another cringe-worthy assault that touts left-wing violence and ought to offend everyday Americans.

Joining the already liberally-biased content on Netflix with one of the most divisive liberal political couples tells everyday Americans all they need to know about where the content is headed.

~ Conservative Zone

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15 thoughts on “Netflix is Turning Into a Propaganda Outlet for the Left”

  1. This is exactly why when Netflix made the deal with Obama I immediately cancelled my subscription. I will never go back!

    1. Good for you. When I read on the Internet Obama and his wife, along with his gang of supporters I knew Netflix was one business I would definitely stay away from.

  2. Like the Kennedys, the Clintons and the O’bamas are so rich and dangerous, the rich are looked upon as such, but the poor down and outers seem to worship Sanders because they think the money will come from stalks that fly over head. Still on the streets, drug shooting, gang members with no credentials and non-educateds with no job futures.

  3. I don’t have netflix nor intend to ever get it when they made a deal with the Obamas that let me know right then what kind of company they were. Obama’s are nothing but hate spewing leftist.

  4. I threw my TV in the trash years ago . And I do not care what the boob tube has to offer . The boob tube no matter if it is Netflix or any other media outlet is simply a tool to turn people into the fools they can use . All it is for is to destroy the minds of those who have been programmed by the cursed thing to begin with . The Obamas came into the White House poor and left rich . Anything these two are involved in says it’s bad to begin with or going to be with them .

  5. Obama never had a brain……….His contempt for the USA and its legal citizens has always been there for everyone to see…….TOO BAD that the LIBS never acknowledge that a muslim illegal black dicktator wanted to destroy the USA………..NETFLIX is part of the SEWER………Been using AMAZON that have many great FLIX’s……..

  6. I will never again subscribe to Netflix. I can find the same content on Hulu and other sites. And I don’t have to listen to the liberal crap being force-fed to the public just to watch a few movies. The Obama’s don’t impress me, I have no use for Trump hating comedians and I can’t stand watching movies that promote same sex relationships, athiest values, or illegal immigrant sympathizers. Shove it, Netflix, you’ve lost another customer.

  7. So President Pantload and Moochelle are in bed with Netflix. So what? I have not had anything to do with them ever.

  8. What are you Americans prepared to do about? You give consent by being silent or just complaining about which makes you just as bad as those who are ruining this country! Beware the anti-American rhinos and especially the anti-American democrats and their tool for their anti-American agendas the bought out biased medias propaganda LIES. Maybe a start would be to send daily protest letters non-stop to all [corrupt] politicians and their sponsors , to all medias [editors] and especially their sponsors, Hollywood! You Americans allow as politicians in government muslin decent American hating people ! All theses are the ingredients of a countries destruction from within! The liberalism of the lowering of standards to pacify hurts all! Beware all ,local and national fraudulent means of elections by medias or whomever!

  9. When I found out Susan Rice and Obama were invested in Netflicks they lost me as a customer immediately. I do not want leftist ideaology invading my home trough streaming under the guise of Netflix documentaries and movies. That was about a year ago.

  10. Instead of saying anti-conservative why doesn’t the author just come out and flatly say communist or Nazi or fascist because that’s exactly what the Democrat Party and what liberals today have become. This is also the case with Netflix.

  11. I canelled my subscription immediately when I found out the Obamas were going to be on Netflex and they were putting Susan Rice on their board.

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