Other than “convicted felon Donald Trump,” the term that we are all hearing when we turn on the fake news media these days is the insistence that, “No one is above the law!”
The Biden White House managed to convict Donald Trump of a paperwork violation in a rigged trial in front of a rigged jury and judge whose family has become personally wealthy by prosecuting Trump.
They got him! No one is above the law, see? But wait a second…
Let’s take a quick trip down memory lane, back to the ye olden times of 2016, and see if some people who are not named Donald Trump are in fact, above the law.
Let’s start with Crooked Hillary. Harvey Weinstein’s favorite Democrat politician, acting in collusion with the Democrat National Committee (DNC), paid $2 million to the Perkins Coie law firm in 2016. Perkins Coie then paid that money to Fusion GPS, which paid some of that money to a foreign spy named Christopher Steele.
Steele used Crooked Hillary and the DNC’s money to invent the Russian potty dossier out of thin air, which was then used to hamstring the incoming Trump administration for more than two years. This was a campaign expense that was hidden from the public and the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
The Clinton campaign and the DNC deliberately—and with malfeasance—labeled this as “legal expenses” to Perkins Coie to hide the fact that the dossier was nothing more than opposition research and was not grounded in fact.
If you take two steps back, this is the exact same crime that Donald Trump now faces 130-some years in prison for committing in the so-called hush money case. The difference being that Trump never knew any of this was happening in the background, and Trump didn’t spend any campaign funds, and someone at the Trump Organization labeled the Stormy Daniels extortion payment as “legal expenses” to Michael Cohen.
Both the fake Russian potty dossier and the fake Stormy Daniels situation were supposedly campaign expenses that were hidden as legal expenses. The FEC ruled that the Stormy situation was not a crime. It ruled that Crooked Hillary’s Russian potty dossier WAS a campaign finance violation. She had deliberately hidden the campaign expense as a legal expense. In the end, Crooked Hillary and the DNC were forced to pay a $113,000 fine. Which seems like a bit of a slap on the wrist, since Donald Trump could potentially go to prison for the rest of his life for the same paperwork violation.
It’s almost as if Crooked Hillary is above the law!
Hey, does anyone remember back when Congress had a slush fund of taxpayer money set aside to pay “hush money” to the men and women who were sexually harassed on the job by Representatives and Senators?
Back when Bill Clinton was in the White House (1997), Congress established a special system in which victims of sexual harassment could internally file informal charges against Representatives and Senators. Before they could file a complaint, however, those victims had to sign a strict Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). If they violated the NDA or tried to file charges externally or talked to the press, the victims were entitled to no money from this slush fund.
After they jumped through all those hoops and exposed their identities to their harassers (which opened them up to retaliation), the victims were finally allowed to bring their complaints to the Office of Congressional Workplace Rights. That office would conduct a secret, internal investigation that was hidden from the public. If the complaint was found to have merit, the victim would get a cash payout from Congress’s secret sexual harassment slush fund.
Between 1997 and 2018, Congress spent $18,200,000 in hush money so that the sexual harassment victims would keep their mouths shut. To this day, we have no idea which Representatives and Senators spent your tax dollars on hush money like this. We do know that there were 291 cases in all those years, meaning that the average payout was about $62,000.
Those 291 cases all involved hush money and strict NDAs, and your tax dollars paid for the whole thing. And you’re never allowed to know which Members of Congress did the sexual harassing.
Because no one is above the law!
Lock up the Clinton’s
What about Bill Clinton ‘s “Hush money” scandal??? Oh his hush money was ok???? Deodrays play dirty politics. Corrupt lying hypocrites. Wake up America. We are being terribly manipulated.,
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Lock the didgeridoo bill. And Hillary up in the same sell. The didlear.
if trump is covected for hush money that he did not pay for his self but his attorney did,. why is his Attorney not n jail for putting money to pay her out of his on pocket not recognized in court. he broke the law by paying Daniel s out of his own pocket. he covered it up too. so first off why was he not sentenced to prison as well? it seams that he broke the law first by paying the woman out of his own pocket and hiding the fact that he to was involved in this deception and didn’t say anything about it till elections time. Questions.Is he working along with Biden the put Trump out of the run since Trump was such A competition. makes you wonder
Hillary is one of the biggest crooks in the Nation just like the rest of the Democrats.
Hey Clinton she’s a Criminal and a Traitor to America and Americans Lock Her Up
I agree 100%! I was shocked that Trump didn’t put her in jail, as I thought he would because of what he said during the debates. When Hillary became Secretary of State, she sold her position to the highest bidder creating the “Clinton Foundation’! She was also responsible for the deaths of ALL the people she left in Libya to die! Her ZIPPER husband was doing his exploits in the OVAL office with dear ole Monica, I believe that BILL had his hand in the death of Jeffrey Epstein. Of course, he denies that anything happened at the parties that took place in Epstein’s house&he did nothing wrong. Kinda like Prince Edward who had a bout of insomnia during that time. And I would like to know, why an investigation isn’t done with Nancy Pelosi amassing MILLIONS on a public servant salary! Cocaine in the white house, A congressman pulling a fire alarm (what happened about that) and other scandals!
Hillary and gang are so far below the law no one can find her to charge her. She is ugly trash, a traitor. a liar and a murder. When will people in this country wake up.
Hillary is so EVIL you can see it in her eyes. She will pay a very high price for her actions.
A SPOT has been reserved for her&her lying husband!
I worked on a television show that she was to make and appearance after her secret service made sure she would be safe. So I was having lunch with her protectors 4 secret service agents. And they were talking about Broomstick 1. So I asked them who were they talking about. Those 4 agents hated H. Clinton the way so treated those 4 agents. Threatening to fire everyone. When Broomstick 1 arrived on our set. She past out cardboard photos of herself. And demanded $50 if you wanted her to sign it. I tore mind in half and left the stage. Retired Teamster with Local 3 99. With 30 years working on Motion Pictures and Television shows From California to Philadelphia to Porta Vallarta Mexico.