In a move that blatantly tramples on basic First Amendment rights, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has announced that he is banning all protests in New York City due to the coronavirus pandemic.
In the press briefing announcing the ban, Mayor de Blasio pays lip service to the importance of free speech the right to gather, and the right to protest — but then states that preventing the spread of the novel coronavirus takes precedence.
“People who want to make their voices heard, there are plenty of ways to do it without gathering in person,” the mayor said.
The mayor’s order came as a pro-LGBT group prepared to protest Mount Sinai Hospital for taking support from Christian aid organization Samaritan’s Purse. The order effectively criminalizes such a demonstration.
The announcement hasn’t gotten much attention from the mainstream news media. However, those who are paying attention are alarmed that the mayor of the most populous city in the nation thinks he can get away with such a blatantly authoritarian policy.
It should go without saying, but we’ll say it anyway: this sets a dangerous precedent that could be used in the future as it gives mayors and state governors unbelievable levels of political power. The fact that there are “other means” of expressing disagreement with a city’s policies is beside the point; those who want to protest have the right to do so in America.
Another note for the far-left mayor: social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube are taking down any messages and videos that go against the official narrative, making an online protest just as likely to fall upon deaf ears. A protest, on the other hand, makes it easy for individuals to voice their views without fear of being silenced.
Leftist politicians have been fighting against the right of free speech and the right of assembly for a long time. The only difference is that they now have the COVID-19 pandemic to use as an excuse. Sadly, many people are accepting Mayor de Blasio’s logic. The fear of infection surpasses the fear of tyranny.
A crackdown on basic liberties is just as concerning as the spread of COVID-19. Like the pandemic, totalitarian urges are contagious. Once a precedent has been set, nothing will stop power hungry politicians from suspending rights as and when it is convenient. At that point, the United States will cease to be a free nation.
If Cardenal Spellman and Rabbi Stephan Weiss were here today, Commrad De Blasio would have been runned out of town fast.
I do not believe that changing ones body from man to woman or woman to man is proper. This is an abomination to God. But with that said all Americans have the right to protest against what they think is wrong. The leftist want
to gain power through threatening speeches. They will if allowed kill this country. They will take what ever is of value and then us with nothin. They promise what ever the immediate crowd seems to want knowing in the end they deliver nothing to the masses, and take foe themselves. This is the way it is in all socialist communist country’s.
I f they go against the Constitution then they should be removed from Office for they all swear to uphold it Period
We Democrats do not have to obey the Constitution or the Laws of this country.
Also an abomination is GMO! God created the animal and plant kingdoms as separate classes. Man — who once attempted to build the Tower of Babel — are now mixing genetics between these classes and within those classes. God’s wrath is revealed through the scourge of pandemic plagues. He didn’t create the plague, man did! So suffer we must!
Who keeps voting for these radical, left wing, narcissists, anti Americans politicians in New York? New Yorkers, so suffer!
Who keeps voting for antiJewish democrats, American Jews, suffer!
To Lena; You answered your own question. Radical, left wing, narcissist, anti-American New Yorkers are the ones who keep voting for radical, left wing, narcissistic, anti-American politicians in New York. Stupid people vote for stupid politicians. Ditto for your last question.
Where is our President, who swore on a bible to uphold the constitution. Come on Trump, get your Justice ( Ha! Ha! ) to arrest these Mayors for treason. Don’t be a liar. Does your word have no meaning, or are you also a creature of the swamp
It serves right the BIG ROTTEN APPLE people and I only wish he deals worse with them…..
Seems they forgot already the BLACK MUSLIM’s 8 years
and went on to elect this other piece of…work…
But they are famous for such traits….!!!!!
There is extreme left AOC, darling of the abjectly rotten leftist media, bent now in ramming down our throats Sleepy Joie’s
I don’t go along with the gays and lesbians protest, but the fact that anyone’s 1st Amendment Rights are infringed upon is unconstitutional. deBlasio should be prosecuted for this.
DeBlasio wife was former lesbian.
i can’t believe that he is enough of a man to convert her unless she is into submission
You are right on Mark it is time to stop the BS and remove all of these left wing losers. To allow them to continue puts the very republic we proudly call America and many of us fought in war to protect. Just who the hell do these sleazy political hacks think they are. They and all of their family wealth need to be confiscated and used to pay down the national debt they have created. No more taxpayer handouts, no retirement, nothing but disdain for them.
Right to Assemble does not apply during an emergency.
Right now Covid Virus will kill people who have weak immune systems.
Old Nursery Rhyme during Black Plague:
Ring around the Rosies
Pocket full of Posies
Atchoo, Atchoo
We all fall down
Marie, you are so wrong. Nowhere in the constitution say that the right to Assemble is null and void during a emergency.
True the Virus will kill people with week immune systems. So I guess it makes perfect sense to put all of those who are in the high risk arena into understaffed, underprepared health care facilities for the elderly. States who have realized that this is what is happenening have moved to stop sending those high risk citizens into understaffed and illprepared care centers.
Lastly, the plague in not representative of this virus. In the Plague of Europe there were no doctors or scientist to analyze, cure or prevent the plague. It was communal and personal hygiene that was the blame for the black death. The world has learned on how to mitigate this.
But then like now, the hysteria fueled more deaths than it prevented, just like your hair on fire statement. Get a grip and stop being so chicken little scared of its own shaddow
Every year flu and pneumonia kills a lot of people, let’s have a lockdown, shall we? If this Chinese virus does not kill us, starvation and phobia will. The Chinese managed to kill more people and win the war without firing a single bullet just by sending infected Chinese all over the world. We can never say they aren’t smart.
De Blasio and Cuomo are tyranical baffons. Sending sick covid patients to nursing homes and not letting healthy people work. LUDICROUS!!!!! They complain the state needs more money, yet they will NOT let folks work . The state receives taxes on money spent. YET they do not let businesses open. WTF? They are shooting themselves in the foot. At the beginning of the outbreak they were telling folks to live their lives and not be concerned about this virus. DEMNOCRATS want to control us. The worst states are run by demoncrats remember this when it is time to vote..
They took lessons from the Chinese. Send infected people to where you don’t want them to get rid of them, pronto! Best way to get rid of the unwanted and the useless. This is Cuomos way of using his color coding.
Did any of you read his emergency color code. Heil Cuomo, it was in the news for a bit when the lack of respirator issue came about then the mafia left leaning media buried it as usual. Really can’t trust the friggin media.
Why attack the Democrats all the time. You should be attacking the Media for changing the narrative.
The Leftmedia IS the Propaganda Office of the DNC.
To Wumingren; you’re right…the ‘education’ system, the mass media and Antifa are all part of the Lie-beral DEMONocrat Syndicate.
this is the “rules for radicals” “communis manifesto” playbook in action—keep voting democrat/communist and our whole country will become a third world sh–t whole!!!!!! the communists told us they would take over our country from within.
Look at New York and Califeces, it’s third world staring back at you. With corrupt government stripping people’s freedom and people following like robots.
When I tried to email this article to a contact, it would not work.
Is this a thwarting of conservative articles
not allowed to forward emails? This has happened
with several conservative publications that can’t be
sent out.
At no point during any national emergency are Constitutional individual rights & freedoms suspended. All I see are numerous individuals drunk on power issuing decrees & rules under color of law that carry no weight other than that which they can direct. They forget we are citizens, not subjects.
It’s time for the people to vote RED and remove the Democrats tyranny bases and support or they will succeed in turning this nation into a massive dictatorship where people have no rights or freedoms at all. Next thing they’ll do will be to use police and military people to gun down people at will for protesting against the government same as Venezuela and China do. If the people won’t vote the Democrats out of office however, then they have no reason to complain about losing their rights under the Constitution.
Yes, and people following like robots, Venezuela anybody?
It’s rigged. That’s voting by mail is very important to the Rats.
The Mayor of NYC is a true Socialist/Communist, by trying to take away Freedom of Speech of our Constitution, by protesting. If a protest was sanctioned by him, it would be okay.
Like all BABY MURDER PARTY POLS, Hypocrites are well and alive in this Party.
To Ron Molter; da Blase’ is part of the problem. The Lie-beral DEMONocrats are mentally, morally, and spiritually deficient; suffering from the insanity of satanity whose only expertise is bullshitology masked under the cloak of self righteousness. They have the Look-At-Me-See-How-Nice-I-Am Syndrome AND ARE FUGITIVES FROM TRUTH ! They are the syndicate of fake, hate, negate, depopulate (abortions), and DOMINATE !
Skills of the DEMONocrats: 1. Slinging bullshit, 2. Raising taxes, 3. Slinging more bullshit.
Goals of the DEMONocrats: 1. Kontinue corruption, 2. Koddle illegals, 3. Kill babies = KKK
This is why every New Yorker needs to get out and find out more about their candidates running for mayor. The party of JFK is not the same .You need to read Joseph Stalin. Some of us out in the USA just think you New Yorkers have lost it. I’m sorry New York, you get what you voted for.
Correct! New Yorkers deserve this. They deserve cuomo and this deblah! And lets not forget the blabbering commie, AOC!
Go chite in your hat De Bl ASS cio
Why isn’t this Treasonistic Traitor to the U.S. Constitution NOT LOCKED up in HANDCUFFS removed from office yet? . . . One DISGUSTED Patriot. Team Trump and his allies 2020.
when did this idiot become God???????? Past time for him to be removed from office.sorry we don’t have martial law here!! time for that bunch to go!the dems are playing all these games to try and cover up all the crap they have been doing for the last several years.Obama is the #1crook followed by clinton,pelsoie,etc way tooooo may to list here!!!Come Nov Vote Trump 2020//
Let’s not, let’s watch New York suffer, between wanna be Maduro DeBlasio , color code, Cuomo, Madler, not typo, shotmer, not typo and blunberting commie, AOC, it’s fun to watch what a great taste New Yorkers have for politicians. They bring great embarrassment to their state.
You mean Governor Andy Cry Baby, Big Mouth Cuomo the Homo & New York City want to be a dictator Di Blabsio. Both of them need to go, but won’t thank to their true & real friends & true & real supporters-The Constantly ComplIning, whinny, cry Baby, Coddled Spoiled Brat, Fault Finding & Finger Pointing NON VOTERS who are the damned Demoncrats/Clintoncrats best friends outside of the idiots who vote for them because they are sick with the disease called SFB, hey have SFB.
Why are you blaming stupid Bill? Blame the dumbasses that voted for him. They are probably the same dumbasses that voted for Schumer and AOC.
De Blasio has put the city that never sleeps into mayoral induced coma on political life support. Why?
It is time for Real Americans to have another Tea Party in New York City and toss Comrade Bill de Blasio in the Hudson River. Real Americans fought England for Freedom.
And just think Cuomo will be running for President. the very few who do vote Republican donot stand a chance to vote these Socialist liberals out of office so look America soon you can vote for Cuomo and We can call the U.S. little Venzuela. Biden has lost it mentally so watch Here comes Cuomo.
I have an idea! Send the US Marshals to New York City. Send one group to the Police Commissioner’s office and another to the Mayor’s Office. Deliver a piece of paper to each. To the Mayor. “You will cease and desist all violations of the Bill of Rights.” To the Commissioner, “You will not enforce any order from the Mayor that violates the Bill of Rights.” The result of which will be immediate arrest and prosecution based on Abuse of Power. The end. Throw him in jail and let them work it out from there. Jail will be Federal Jail and it will not allow for quick bail-outs. Scare these idiots back onto the path. They believe all fences are down and new territory is free for the grabbing.
Our first amendment rights stand through any crisis. It’s their choice to assemble. If you don’t like it, just keep staying home and yell at the tv! The constitution guarantees our god given right to free speech. AG Barr needs to call him out and press charges. This mayor is a communist and is bought out by China. This is exactly what they do to their citizens who are jailed and disappear in some prison never to be heard from again. Is that the society you want to live in? Once he institutes his tyranny he will never give the power back to the people. You pied pipers will be next when they come to vaccinate you to put in the Big Brother is watching chip! Mark my words!
The media is based in New York and Washington D.C. The celebrities(?) who are our News Teams at the Alphabet News Networks are generally based there. They see the world from this small corridor of what they see is “Power”. The fact is, that this overblown view of self and importance has lead them to believe everyone reveres New York and Washington as they do. The truth is, very few of the rest of us are as impressed and in most cases, we see, clearly, how corrupt and wrong it is to hold this mythicized view of these places. The Governor is a partisan hack who literally (I use the word properly) murdered the elderly by the thousands by ORDERING Covid 19 infections back to Elder Care facilities where they infected thousands more. We knew from the beginning that the elders were the most vulnerable, and he chose this path rather than the Federal beds that were available and staffed. DeBlasio and he also rejected the use of HCQ as a mitigator and prophylactic. In Australia and New Zealand, it, in combination with other therapies has held their death rates to under 100 for the continent. Now they want to suspend the Bill of Rights for their citizenry because their judgement is superior to everyman’s. Really, is the hubris this deep in New York? Have they gone this far astray? Do we need any further proof that we should ignore ALL DEMOCRATS? Trump 2020 MAGA
People with their arms out and palms up are the ones voting for these commies. If you think it’s bad now wait till Piglousi and company implement this new giveaway (3 trillion) dollar cluster. This along with fraudulent mail in voting and 2ad Amendment abolishment and this country will be lost. Wake the hell up America.
Mind boggling how De Blasio & Cuomo’s are allowed to demand Americans to abide by their criminal actions.
Take him out!
Only way out of the constant lies and manipulation of Democratic Party and left leaning media is to vote for trumps 2nd term to continue to drain swamp of elites who use Gods name in vain by saying they are praying is blasphemous…we the people are in charge….vote to make sure that the president can work with congress senators and the people….vote republican..
Instead of complaining about people helping people, why isn’t the LGBT group organizing their own charitable mission to help hospitals? Seems like their energy could be spent more constructively
Is he a closet Nazi? He sure acts like one.
Bill de Blasio makes sense to declare COVID-19 in New York – forever. And he will be – the eternal mayor, and no protests.
Democrats Are Really Communists and Should Be Faced With Such A Thing As A Recall Election , and Be Removed From Office ,for GOING AGAINST THIER OATH OF OFFICE To Preserve , Protect & Defend The Constitution & Be Charged With Treason & Perjury For Such &n Betraying The People Which They Serve , Wuhan Virus Or Not –That Matters Little They are PUBLIC SERVANTS That Have Abandoned That Sacred Trust & Should Be Made To Suffer The Penalty I Just Mentioned and Face The Penalty I Just Mentioned!!!
Just another example of a goose stepping, moronic, Hitler wanna be in power with out any controls on his anti U S Constitution protections as to every U S citizen’s rights. Hey you A-hole the U S Constitution Bill of rights specifically spells out that you a now a criminal by violating the Bill of Rights. May be he can b tried and shot for treason.
DeBlasio should leave NY City for a year like when he was running for his failed Presidential bid!!! That could have been a great Comedy if he would have just called America’s funniest Video’s!!!
Sig Heil Adolf DeBlasio ! We all know how Adolf the 1st ended up but DeBlasio has his head up a body cavity that won’t be named so he will sit in his bunker and issue orders . This leftist jerk and his buddy , Andrew “Joe Stalin” Cumo both need a little something to clear their minds . The Late Comic Lenny Bruce had a good way to do it . It was called a “Hot Lead Enema !” Strap subject face down and naked on table , insert large metal funnel in butt , pour in large pot of molten lead ! Guaranteed to clear the mind and , get rid of stinkin’ thinkin’ !
deblasio and cuomo had a lot to do with the spread of this virus throughout this country. they were slow to respond, encouraged people to enjoy the city, and did nothing but whine and complain and pointing the fingers at the trump admin, while not taking responsibility for their lack of preparedness. fuck these two clowns
De Blasio needs to be BANNED from office PERMANENTLY and ASAP as per violating the U.S. Constitution. He needs to led away to a FEDERAL PRISON in HANDCUFFS. One Disgusted Patriot. Team Trump and his allies 2020.
The people in NYC need to have a recall of the mayor, boot him out of town and send him to Timbuktu.
Who does he think he is, hitler? put him out.
” The mayor’s order came as a pro-LGBT group prepared to protest Mount Sinai Hospital for taking support from Christian aid organization Samaritan’s Purse. The order effectively criminalizes such a demonstration. ”
Stunning! DeBlasio alienates a core constituency for the Democrats and trashes the US Constitution . . all in one fell swoop!
It is a self-fulfilling prophecy that States with bloated budgets will become financially insolvent if they stay shut down. The State does not have a source of income other than fees and taxes. If everyone is sitting at home, and no one is working, they are not making any money. The disbursements from the Fed are not taxable in amounts required to fund States at the rates they need to maintain the staffs they keep. Furloughs will be necessary. Unions will scream. Lawyers will file suits. Still, no one is working but the bottom feeders. No money is coming into the States. Open up like Georgia, Texas and Florida. Our restaurants and now even some bars are back open. Outdoor venues are opening. We are probably less than a few weeks from being back open in Texas with almost no restrictions. Deaths are falling, hospitalizations are falling, more testing is yielding fewer infections. Herd immunity is happening. The virus is fading out. It will be Hot and Humid here soon. We still have one enemy to defeating this virus and that is the FDA. We have a cure in Hydroxychloroquine with a Z-Pack and Zinc. Symptoms average cessation is 2-3 hours from first dose. Survival rate is near 100% if prescribed within the first week of onset. However, with 65 years of use, the FDA has thrown all of its weight into Big Pharma and MSM has done all it can to discredit those who use HCQ. CVS Pharmacy recently tried to refuse to fill a prescription by a Doctor until she told them the patient’s diagnosis. She refused based on Dr. Client Privilege. They finally relented. See Dr. Yvette Lorenzo on You Tube to get the story. We don’t need a vaccine. We have a cure and it is only going to cost around $13.00/prescription.