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Obama Reveals “Crazy Uncle Joe” Biden Not Really Running the Country – So Who Is?

Former President Barack Obama may have finally revealed the truth, saying that “crazy” President Joe Biden is not actually calling the shots in his administration.

While campaigning in Georgia for incumbent Senator Raphael Warnock ahead of next week’s Senate runoff election against GOP challenger Herschel Walker, Obama referred to the president as a “crazy uncle,” noting that he has not been given “serious responsibilities.”

“We all know some folks in our lives, who we don’t wish them ill will. They say crazy stuff and we’re all like, ‘Well, Uncle Joe, you know what happened to him,’” Obama said to laughs from the audience. “They’re part of the family, but you don’t give them serious responsibilities.”

According to Obama, Biden isn’t actually in charge of anything, rather he’s just a figure head in the White House.


This could explain why White House staffers are repeatedly walking back claims made by Joe Biden on a wide range of topics, including things like the military, national security, and the COVID.

The White House’s constant efforts to undermine Biden has forced people to wonder whether or not the president’s words even carry any weight with other leaders on the world stage.

The president also often claims that a group of individuals, which he refers to only as “they,” have a pre-approved list of reporters which he is supposed to take questions from and he is often times seen wandering around with a notecard giving him step-by-step directions about what exactly he’s supposed to do.

Could it be that Obama, who has clearly stated in the past he wished he could just “talk into an earpiece” and control someone, is using Biden as a puppet for his third term? A look back to a rather embarrassing scene that occurred at the White House suggests that’s not so far-fetched.

In April, Obama returned to the White House to celebrate the Affordable Care Act and Biden was completely ignored by the entire audience as they went gaga over Barrack.

Biden was seen walking around by himself, pacing back and forth looking for somebody to speak with as Obama and Kamala Harris manned the stage as if they were the true duo in power.

At one point, Biden even seemingly tried yelling to get Obama’s attention. When that didn’t work, he tugged on his former boss’ shoulder just so he would speak to him.

Now that Warnock is fighting for his political life in Georgia, the Senator has opted for Obama to campaign alongside him rather than the President Biden. It seems “crazy Uncle Joe” is being ignored once again.

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25 thoughts on “Obama Reveals “Crazy Uncle Joe” Biden Not Really Running the Country – So Who Is?”

  1. Remember when “O” said “If I could make an arrangement where I had a stand-in, a frontman or frontwoman, and they had an earpiece in, and I was just in my basement in my sweats, looking through the stuff, then deliver the lines, but somebody else was doing all the talking — I’d be fine with that,” O said.
    Xiden is that puppet and O is pulling rhe strings

    1. If that’s so then lets just give him a make believe retirement pension because that’s all he’s worth.

    2. Essentially, Obama is in his third term, which we all suspected. However, I also suspect obama is part of the whole group of deceivers orchestrating the great reset that will ruin this country and world.

      1. I think so too . I told my Family right away that Obama would do ANYTHING to destroy our Country . If you watched Obama 2020 then you would see why . He promised his Father that he will destroy the USA and look at us now .

  2. Since Obama omitted the truth of who is running the country, but he won’t admit he is one of “THEY” . To bad the democrat people who voted for the democratic party really didn’t either know or care about their own government or their own personal rights. People from other cultures are trying to change the country into the country they left.

  3. Intelligent American voters ( not Voting Democrats knew this) but the fix was in. Bias media controlled the narrative and Biden was kept in his cellar or basement and wasn’t allowed to speak. Keep the heat on Trump with lies, hide the the Biden family corruption accusation and just get him elected. Then Obama gets his third term and becomes his wish to be king or dictator. Don’t be surprise if he’s working on his 4th term. Non intellectual voters are still out there.

    1. Pres. Kenya is pulling the Pedo puppet’s strings, while unseen forces are in turn pulling his strings. Obviously the 2020 was rigged, and unfortunately half the country is oblivious or have Stockholm syndrome towards the evil gangster govt in control… they just think kindly old uncle Joe beat bad “orange man” as they wallow in their TDS, that “he” is gone…. The destruction of their own country is worth it, to have these vile monsters in control and Trump out.

  4. This is in fact an illegal treasonous act, an admitted coup d’e’tat – (illegal seizure and removal of a government and its power) by someone, or something other than our so-called “Commander in Chief”, Admitted treasonous seditious act against the American people and their sovereign government by a former President of the United States! A definite act of Guilt against our Democracy and the Republic!

  5. I have known this from the begining. I went bankrupt under Obama and I am just about bankrupt again. I just got my bankruptcy discharges and here we are again. I can’t understand what mostof us see whats going on and then the rest are oblivious to what is happening. Obama has opened ur borders so terrorist can just walk in and take control our Country.

  6. We all knew that. The American people are not as stupid as the far left think. Let’s get rid of the whole crew From Obama Biden on down including Michelle and Hillary. The whole mob! Lets do what we have to, to take back our country!!!! Vote wisely.

    1. Yes! The media is in on the plot of course but the SAD part is that the people depending upon gov handouts are supporting this coup. Soros, Gates, Zuckerberg & the rest are greasing the palms of those who would be a problem to their takeover.
      Jan 6 was created to foster the sham.
      It’s pathetic that our media has no impact to stop it, and the few politicians who are brave or foolish enough to object are coerced into compliance.

      What to do? Seems like EVIL’S got us in a death grip.

  7. Too late to vote wisely. Americans Have Been Cheated For A Second Time By Treacherous Tyrranical Democrat Dupes. Democrats think they are Woke but will Never Wake Up To The Truth

  8. You know ”when” people will Finally Wake Up? When it effects All of them, Enough. Apparently It’s Not Been “Enough” Because….the Left, the Demonrats long ago figured out HOW to Buy & Pay For Their Power By Controlling the Weak & Promising the Weak & Those Just “Like” Them, the Elitists, Like…Hollyweird, the Rest of the Leftists. Those Who Care Only About Themselves Because….They “Deserve” it All. No One Else Does. They All Have Commonalities. They All Truly Believe They ARE IT. Look Around, See them Gloating As Long As They’re Fellow P’s of Shi- Are In Power. The Only Reasons They All Hate Trump is because He Is NOT Like Any Of THEM. For that, He & We Have Been & Will Continue to Be, Targeted, Persecuted & MARKED. Wait Till the “Digital” Money & Dollar Is Fully Implemented. You think They Control Everything Now? It’s Going to get a Lot Worse. China has Implemented this Control about 5 years now. So Says Some Who’ve Been Able to get that News Out of the Country. This is EXACTLY Why & How Demonrats/Globalists/Enemies aka All of the Same, Will Forever Hold All of the Power & Control From 2008, with Exception being the Fluke of 2016, Hence Their Intense Anger & Hatred for Trump for That…& For the Rest of Time. Only One Thing Will Ever Truly Challenge Their Power Ever Again, Don’t See that Coming.

  9. The Second Coming will! All these evil U.S. Constitution haters and other enemies of freedom, will be destroyed by the brightness of His coming! Only then can the millennium of peace be made a reality where He will reign personally upon the earth!

  10. Well, Uncle Joe never should have been placed there. He is a danger to the nation….and whoever is telling him what to do is an accomplice to the crimes he has committed against the people. (All those EO’s he signed….outrageous!! I think he set a record for the most of any president…which is the lazy and tyrannical method of getting what they want.) China may be the real “resident.” DJT is still Commander in Chief and will be my elected President until they prove there was NO FRAUD in the 2020 election. They have not proved it, therefore, we all know and have seen the proof that there indeed, was fraud….and will take that for what it is – Proof of fraud!! DJT needs to be placed back where he belongs….and SOON, before our foreign and domestic enemies overtake us.

  11. So now someone (Barry soetero) hates our country is calling the shots! Surely B.O. can be put in jail and Soros deported!

  12. The “signs” are all there throughout the world that the END OF OUR WORLD is in the near future. Just read Revelations in the bible and it says it all…. Good will be seen as Evil, Evil will be seen as Good. Christians will be persecuted, etc. All the weather related disasters, the Mississippi River is almost dry ! My advice for everyone…. Get good with God, before it’s too late. HE is there for you, just talk to Him.

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