What Is PizzaGate?
For people who do not check in regularly on social media, an online storm has been brewing for the last seven weeks or so as a new scandal threatens to envelop ...Continue reading
Trump Disavows Racists
Of all the big chips on liberals' shoulders related to Donald Trump's election to the presidency, the biggest one tends to be the accusation that Trump is a rac ...Continue reading
Who is Jeff Sessions–America’s New Attorney General?
As President-Elect Donald Trump continues to appoint and nominate people to his cabinet, liberals continue to be rankled by his obviously partisan choices. But ...Continue reading
Kanye West’s 20-minute Pro-Trump Rant
As pop stars go, Kanye West is a pretty big deal. West is not just one of U.S.'s most popular musical artists (albeit the most crazy one too), he's one of Ameri ...Continue reading
A Conservative Thanksgiving
Conservatives have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. If you think about it, more than a year ago, the Republican primaries were just getting underw ...Continue reading
Liberals Can’t Cope with Trump’s Win
The surprise victory of Republican Donald Trump in the presidential election caught so many liberals and progressives off-guard that the number and variety of m ...Continue reading
Keith Ellison VS Steve Bannon: A Media Bias Expose
When the story hit the airwaves that President-elect Donald Trump had appointed Stephen K. Bannon to the position of chief White House strategist- virtually wit ...Continue reading
Steve Bannon: Is He Qualified to Serve in Trump’s Cabinet?
An important post-election question is whether or not Democrats intend to treat their defeat as a lesson in the limits of ad hominem attacks. The early indicati ...Continue reading
Who Is Keith Ellison?
For the Democrats, the loss of the 2016 presidential election was a particularly hard blow — one that has liberals and progressives pointing fingers at each o ...Continue reading
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