Another peaceful January 6 protester has been murdered in her home by some type of mysterious government officer. Dr. Tammy Towers Parry, a Seattle family practitioner, was shot and killed by a government agent of some kind as they were serving her and her husband papers to evict them from their home.
“Dr. Tammy,” as she was known online, is just the latest peaceful professional to be murdered in America for exercising her First Amendment right to petition her government for a redress of grievances on January 6, 2021. This is absolutely shameful.
Dr. Tammy was one of nearly 100,000 Americans who traveled all the way across the country on January 6th to attend a political rally on a weekday. Like tens of millions of other Americans, she believed the 2020 election was stolen and the mountain of fake votes for Joe Biden (81 million!) should not be certified until a full investigation was carried out. There’s no indication that Dr. Tammy went inside the Capitol and she was never charged with a crime.
However, her life was destroyed by liberal Democrats and the Washington state government because she dared to object to Joe Biden’s fake and stolen election. Rat fink tattletale Democrats identified her from social media and doxed her mercilessly. They found out that she obtained her medical license from the University of Washington back in 1994 and things went downhill from there.
Dr. Tammy’s social media accounts were suspended immediately after she was identified. The only way to find videos of her now are through the Twitter/X accounts of obnoxious Kamala Harris supporters who are rat fink communists, like this one:
BREAKING: Q believer J6 insurrectionist Tamara Towers Parry, 57, shot dead after pointing a gun at people delivering documents to her home. J6 VIDEO: “It was wild. We just stormed the Capitol.”
Meanwhile Trump was partying with his staff chanting: Make them riot. DO it— KamalaDreams (@KamalaDreams) October 3, 2024
Some threat to democracy, huh?
She started to lose business at her family practice in Seattle after that. Mentally retarded liberals were afraid to receive medical treatment from an “insurrectionist.” When more than a year went by and she still had not been charged with any crime, the Washington State Medical Commission decided to step in on behalf of Joe Biden.
The commission demanded that Dr. Tammy submit to a forced mental evaluation.
When she refused, they revoked her medical license. She was dis-employed and had her career destroyed for exercising a constitutional right.
It became increasingly difficult for her and her husband to pay their bills after she was unjustly persecuted like this. Two people showed up at her home on Tuesday to serve her with eviction papers. Here’s where it gets outrageously suspicious.
The Seattle Police Department says that Dr. Tammy “presented a shotgun” when she answered the door. There’s very specific legal language that police always use when there is any type of officer-involved shooting. They are not saying that Dr. Tammy pointed the gun at anyone. The police don’t say that she “brandished” the gun, which would imply that she was waving it around. Nor did she “menace” or “threaten” anyone. She just “presented” the firearm, which you have a constitutional right to do in America when you answer the door—whether Democrats like it or not.
The police then say that “a man” pulled out his gun and shot her in her doorway, killing her instantly.
What the **** does that mean?!
“A man?” Was he a police officer? A sheriff’s deputy? An FBI agent? A random passerby who decided to shoot her? Was he Merrick Garland’s butler? Was he another DHS employee practicing his aim for the next Trump assassination attempt?
Why the hell are they being so vague about this? The obvious answer is that Dr. Tammy was just murdered on her front doorstep by someone from the government. The media isn’t doing much to try to clarify the deliberate vagueness that she “presented a shotgun” and was killed by “a man.” They don’t care. Another “insurrectionist” just got what she deserved.
By all accounts, Dr. Tammy was a friendly and outgoing person and a good family practitioner. Her life was destroyed and she was just murdered on her front doorstep by some mysterious figure.
When we send Donald Trump back to the White House, there needs to be justice for the peaceful January 6 protesters. There’s no excuse for this.