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There’s a Big Problem with the 2020 Presidential Election Polls…

As the saying goes, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame in me.”

The political pollsters would like American voters to believe that Creepy Joe Biden will unseat President Donald Trump in the 2020 election. This is a false narrative we have all heard before, and the polls supporting this conclusion appear as faulty as they did in 2016.

One splashy headline from The Week states that “Texas voters are evenly split on reelecting Trump.” Conservative Americans are fully aware that any Republican must secure Texas’ electoral college votes to occupy the White House.

“In the poll of 1,200 registered voters, a solid 39 percent said they definitely would vote to reelect Trump next year. But a greater portion, 43 percent, said they would definitely not. Another 11 percent said they would probably opt for Trump in 2020, while nine percent said they would probably not,” The Week article states.

Naturally, the poll was supported by a college elite from the University of Texas at Austin, one of the few Democrat strongholds in the Lone Star state. But the inherent flaw in the hit-piece is that while 85 percent of Democrats say they won’t vote for Pres. Trump, even the biased polls says 73 percent of Republican will vote Trump.

Pres. Trump won 52.6 percent in Texas, outpacing Hillary Clinton by more than 800,000 votes. The only thing that has changed in Texas is a commitment to border security, the booming oil industry, and a robust economy. A valid conclusion should be that President Trump will, in all likelihood, carry Texas in 2020. It’s not even a battleground state.

In theory, political pundits claim Florida is a battleground state, one that Hillary was expected to win in 2016 and Al Gore back in the day. Remember those polls?

In a recent rally to officially announce his 2020 bid, President Trump enjoyed record-breaking support as people literally camped out in tents to attend the 20-seat Orlando arena where the announcement was made. More than 100,000 ticket requests were reportedly fielded.

According to Real Clear Politics polls, Biden has a commanding lead over other Democratic nomination hopefuls of 27 points in Florida. He also supposedly had a 9 point lead over President Trump in mid-June. Before the November 2016 election, three of the seven most esteemed polls had Hillary winning Florida, two called it a tie. Only two gave Trump the edge. These are the same outfits touting the president’s impending 2020 defeat. Faulty?

In reality, the outpouring of support for the president has been overwhelming in Florida. He has effectively made Mar-a-Lago the southern White House, was instrumental in hurricane recovery efforts, and the state elected another Republican governor (with Trump’s endorsement) in 2018. Pollsters can text message all the angry liberals they like, but Florida is Trump Country. Republicans, Independents and even many moderate Democrats living in Florida are likely to line up and vote for a president they consider one of their own.

Despite pollsters giving hair-sniffing Biden a wide lead, on the one hand, they are pushing click-bait information that other Democrats could move ahead in pivotal Iowa and New Hampshire. For example, a CBS News poll tried to make a case that Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth “Fauxcahontas” Warren was well within striking distance. The survey attempts to claim that Biden’s numbers are at 55 percent with Warren a 49 percent. But the credibility drops out when the same polls say California Sen. Kamala Harris enjoys 45 percent and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders is running at 43 percent. Clearly, that’s more than 100 percent. That’s because the poll allowed people to pick more than one candidate. Faulty?

Recent news coverage touted Biden’s brag that he would carry the South in the 2020 election. But even in liberal polls, he has something of a fight against members of his own party. While Biden may seem like a moderate compared to the likes of Bernie Sanders and Native American faker Warren, recent elections show Republicans gaining voters in southern states and increased conservative and pro-life laws being passed. That shift may outrage atheist and abortion Democrats, but those laws are the result of voters’ will. The votes simply don’t stack up to faulty polls that Democrats will win in the South.

Anyone who looks at the 2016 electoral college map can see that the prosperity ushered in by the Trump Administration and GOP is unlikely to change states from Red to Blue. People vote, not polls.

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