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Told You So: White House Blabbermouth Admits There’s No Chance of Michelle Obama Replacing Joe Biden on the Ticket

Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, Dick Morris, and many other well-known figures on the right have been claiming for some time now that the Democrats have a grand plan for Michelle Obama this year. At some point this summer, Michelle Obama will “parachute in” to save the Democrats from having Joe Biden as their 2024 presidential nominee.

And Michelle Obama will be so popular that everyone will forget about all the damage that her party has done to the country in the last three years, and the voters will elect her in a landslide and save America from Trump.



There is one person who has been vehemently disagreeing with that assessment for a long time. I like a lot of the guys who have been pushing this Michelle conspiracy theory and have even met a few of them. They’re all great, but they’re wrong in this instance. Just remember later this year when Michelle Obama stays far, far away from the 2024 election you heard it here first from Moi: She’s not running!


We know this because a high-ranking White House official blabbed about it to none other than James O’Keefe of OMG. That official was Charlie Kraiger, the Cybersecurity Policy Analyst and Foreign Affairs at, the Executive Office of the President. Charlie is an insider’s insider in the White House. He’s in charge of cybersecurity for the State Department and the United States Agency for International Development. He’s inside the White House all the time and talks to everyone on the staff.

For some reason, Charlie—who is obviously gay—agreed to go out for a drink with James O’Keefe. For his part, O’Keefe donned a clever disguise for the undercover interview. He put on a pair of eyeglasses. That was sufficient for Charlie to have no idea who he was blabbing his mouth to, and he had no clue he was on camera.

During their wide-ranging conversation, O’Keefe steers things to the 2024 election. Here are a few of the revelations from their conversation:

Everyone inside the White House knows that Joe Biden is completely shot. He has dementia and he’s in terrible shape. Everyone wanted Biden to step aside and let someone else run, but he didn’t.

Everyone hates Kamala Harris. Black staffers can’t stand to work for her, and they quit en masse. Kamala is also wildly unpopular with the American people and the White House staff wanted her to be replaced on the 2024 ticket as well. Unfortunately, they couldn’t do that because the Democrats are held captive by identity politics.

Kamala Harris is Haitian and Indian by background, and that’s more important to the Democrats than the fact that she is a nasty and stupid person who no one likes, and who is incapable of connecting with voters.

So… the White House staff wanted one or the other to be replaced on the ticket. Charlie Kraiger says that’s not going to happen, and the party is now stuck with Biden and Harris for 2024.

O’Keefe takes the opportunity then ask about Michelle Obama. Kraiger tells him that Michelle Obama is an emphatic “No” when it comes to running for president—and he heard it directly from her mouth.

As I have been saying all along, Michelle Obama is way too lazy and selfish to run for or be president. She’s so lazy that she had staffers plant and grow a garden at the White House, and then take pictures of her in the garden as if she had grown the vegetables herself. Michelle is now fabulously wealthy and believes that she is very entitled to that wealth. She’s also 60 years old.

The last thing in the world that Michelle Obama wants at this stage in her life is to have to get a job. Why would she want a grueling, 18-hour-a-day job like being the Commander in Chief when she can lounge by the pool with servants feeding her grapes and painting her toenails?

She’s not running, and a White House insider says he heard her say this with his own ears.

Here’s the first part of James O’Keefe’s undercover interview with Charlie Kraiger. Watch until the end, when O’Keefe takes off his “disguise” and reveals who he really is—it’s hilarious:

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7 thoughts on “Told You So: White House Blabbermouth Admits There’s No Chance of Michelle Obama Replacing Joe Biden on the Ticket”

  1. I just got paid 7268 Dollars Working off my Laptop this month. And if you think that’s cool, My Divorced friend has twin toddlers and made 0ver $ 13892 her first m0nth. It feels so good making so much money when other people have to work for so much less.
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  2. Come on man .. Joey is not the president nor will he ever be. Joey is following a script given to him or he will get in trouble. How many times has joey said that ? How many times have we heard joey say “you know .. the thing” ? LOL How many people have done a #1 or #2 in their pants in front of you ? LOL Obama is the illegal third term president and he is on a path to destroy our country. Joey is nothing but an installed puppet with stage 6 dementia .. and .. along with his puppet masters have committed numerous acts of treason. Joey is not even remotely capable of writing an executive order. Doing a #1 and #2 in his pants and jammies .. frequently tripping over his own feet .. frequently getting lost even on the white house lawn .. mumbling incoherently .. frequently forgetting what city he is in .. shaking hands with invisible people … all this puts him in stage 6 of 7 with his dementia. Tell me joey is the president after doing a “biden voter fraud scheme” and “biden gaffes” search on youtube. Joey is not the president.

  3. That is good news, MO like her husband couldn’t run a Hot dog stand. What is worrisome is how Joe Biden and the Deep State is going to cheat to get him in this time. Covid got Trump out. What deadly disease do they have planned for Americans this time? Biden is a puppet & signs executive orders that someone else writes up for him. Who is it?

  4. Gavin Newson has already killed out California– we don’t need him in office to finish killing out America. And what’s with that silly interview anyway i thank it’s put on. And one thing is for sure we don’t need any democrat in office for another four more years. Our homeland will not make another round with a destroying stupit hair-brain idiot destructive democrat. Hope and pray to get all democrats out of all government offices and agencies that’s the only way our country can survive.

  5. Michelle Obama would make a horrible president andbyou also would get “Him” back ouch !!!!!!! Don’t need that shit again.

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