A new CNN poll indicates President Donald Trump’s approval ratings have rebounded to their highest point since the 100-day mark in his presidency.
The poll, conducted by SSRS, reports a 42% overall approval of the way Trump is handling his presidency, which places Trump within four points of predecessors Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama at the same point in their terms. This poll was conducted during March 22- 25, before the Trump administration announced the expulsion of 60 Russian diplomats in response to what the U.S. and allies believe was Russian involvement in the nerve-gas poisoning of a former Russian spy and his daughter.
The independent research company polled 1014 respondents, 408 by landline and 606 by cell phone. The poll was conducted in English and Spanish, and weighted to reflect the national census. 29 percent of respondents identified themselves as Democrats, 25 percent said they were Republicans, and 46 percent said they were independent or other. Trumps numbers rose seven points overall last month, with his highest marks being for his handling of economic issues.
For the question, “Do you approve or disapprove of the way Donald Trump is handling the economy?” 48 percent — nearly half of respondents — approved, with 7 percent having no opinion.
To the question, “Do you approve or disapprove of the way Donald Trump is handling foreign affairs?” 39 percent approved, with 8 percent having no opinion. President Trump has received both criticism and praise for his handling of perceived national threats from Russia and North Korea.
For foreign trade handling, the president received a 38 percent approval rating, possibly in response to recent action he took implementing tariffs aimed at Chinese imports, steel and aluminum, which sparked rumors of possible trade wars.
When it comes to a question of approving of the way the president handled the polarizing issue of gun violence, only 36 percent of respondents approved, with 10 percent having no opinion.
To the question “How do you think Donald Trump has handled U.S. relations with Russia so far?” 47 percent of those polled said he is too easy on Russia, and 41 percent felt his handling was ‘about right’ with 8 percent having no opinion.
For the group of questions that began with “Thinking about the following characteristics and qualities please say whether you think each one applies to Donald Trump”, 42 percent said the president cared about people like them, and 40 percent said he could manage the country effectively. When asked if they thought Trump will unite the country and not divide it, 35 percent said he would unite it — the highest rating since August 2017. In the question of Donald Trump being someone you are proud to have as president, 38 percent said he is =- the highest since July 2016.
In the poll, SSRS referred to two women who “have said that they had relationships with Donald Trump which were sexual and occurred during Trump’s marriage to Melania Trump.”
The question that followed asked if respondents believed the women or the president. 21 percent said they believed the president, and 63 percent said they believed the women. There are both party and gender divides at play in this area. Women were more apt than men (70 to 54 percent) to say they believed the women claiming to have had affairs.
A question was worded: “2 women are currently pursuing lawsuits seeking to nullify agreements they made which prevented them from talking about any relationships they may have had with Donald Trump. Both women received monetary compensation as part of these agreements. Do you think those women should be free to talk about any relationship with Donald Trump or do you think the agreements should remain in place?”
51 percent of respondents said the women should be free to discuss, 41 percent felt the agreements should remain in place.
59 percent of women felt the women should be free to discuss, while 48 percent of the men said the agreements should remain in place.
78 percent of Democrats felt the women should be free to talk, 49 percent of Independents and 25 percent of Republicans felt they should be freed from the non-disclosure agreements.
Nearly two thirds of those asked supported the President’s plans to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
~ Conservative Zone
Why does this smell like “fake news”?? Just back from a trip and most folks that I spoke to were embarrassed by Little Donny, the pathological liar.
A trip to where? If it was to California, NY, DC, Europe or a Blue state or city, then that could be true. That tidbit is important to the statement you made Seymour. If you only travel in circles with like-minded people, you will come up with the outcome you seek. The same can be said for the right.
I’ve been involved with polling for almost 50 years. If CNN is reporting a Trump approval of 42%, you can add about 15 points for a more accurate figure of 57%. However, it would be wise to not put your faith in any poll. Polls are not for measuring ir reflecting public opinion. They exist to influence and manipulate public opinion; especially the intellectually challenged.
Five days prior to the election, Gallop had Hillary with a 13 point advantage over Trump.
I had Trump by 4 points.
You’re full of crap. The ‘most folks’ you talked to were undoubtedly your libtard family.
I’d be more embarrassed if I was a Jew who supported an illegal muslim for 8 years. A muslim who armed Iran with nuclear weapons capabilities that the Iranians intend to point directly at Israel. Schmuck.
How can you say he is a liar , can you name one bad thing he has done since he has been in office ? If you were to list all the Good things he has done since he has been in office ,( that wasn’t blocked by Congress or others) you wouldn’t have enough paper. Seymour you need to see more then just past your nose.
If it is a CNN Poll you know President Trump is likely several points HIGHER!
You must have gone to Mexifornia or NY. The pathological liar left office in January of last year. Why do YOU smell like fake news? Or maybe it is just that you smell, PERIOD!
Who other than his immediate family cares? He got my vote for his common sense and ability to repair serious issues within our country. He has already repaid my trust and will only get better. If Congress won’t build the wall let’s set up a non-profit private trust to get it done. I would be happy to divert my political donations to help build the wall.
I agree with you 100 percent. I figure the vast majority of those who said they disapproved of Trump’s job performance were democratic congressmen, democratic party leaders, democrats hoping to become the next president, members of the mainstream news media, and union bosses. The people who actually count are more than satisfied with what President Trump has been able to accomplish under almost impossible odds.
It will exceed more and more as the months go by because its citizens are appreciating his determine his will to make America Great Again. Because of this those who don’t care for him will come election time vote for him because of the benefits they will get as investors. Hush Hush Sweet Democrats.
The top reasons why President Trump’s approval rating is going up:
Mueller investigation is starting to appear to be acting like “a fart in a blizzard”.
Corruption by the Clinton campaign, the DNC, the DOJ and FBI bureaucrats.
The uncovering of the true involvement of the Obama administration in the phony Russian dossier and the systematic attempt to destroy a Presidential campaign and the spying on private citizens.
The illegal immigration, DACA, and border wall issues being stymied by the Dems and the far left.
The MSM reporting fake news and obsessing about Stormy.
And the inability of the Dems to shut up Hillary, Biden, Hollywood actors and late night TV hosts.
The reluctance of the Dem Party to stage a coup and dethrone Chuck and Nancy.
I live in South Central PA. Things are really booming. Plenty of work. People are really enjoying the extra ‘crumbs’ that they are finding in their pay checks. A lot of hiring going on with people working 40 Hrs. plus. Despite the democrats baloney the credit for this is going to TRUMP. There is no way in hell that he could ever lose an election here
I give Trump a “Liar’s” rating, which is the lowest of all. Everyday all I hear are lies from his mouth. People are not paying attention to what he is really doing, what he has done illegally, and continues to do every day. Putin should not be invited to the White House at this time, yet, Trump made this decision on his own. He has made contact in person with Putin or the Russians this past year 12 times, but we had to hear about it from the Russians every single time. He has been involved with violating the emollient’s law and lied about it, and impulsively makes decisions doing what the heck he wants. He is taking down our country. I want him out. Sincerely, Jean Parsons
Hey Jean, you better get off of those drugs your on. It’s beginning to show in your attitude. You must be one sick person to be taking what your taking. Anyway, have a nice day.
Jesus said judge not that ye be not judge. Look at the President’s work and how he has helped American Citizens so far. He is trying to protect America. The majority of the American people voted him in, so learn to live with it and stop listening to fake news. Also the President has the authority to invite whoever hi wants to the White House. Remember that.
This comment was intended for Jean, how it ended up on your post is beyond me.
Awwwwwww Jeanie….. Are you triggered little girl? Maybe you should take your coloring Book, Crayons and your Teddy Bear and go down to mommies basement to cry. Because you do not have a snowballs chance in Hades of getting Trump “out” any time before his 8 year term! The beauty of this whole thing is that people like me, will relish at the frustration and tears of people like you, for that time frame. The “liar and chief” was Ovomit. He lied and did illicit dealings to undermine America for 8 miserable years. People are finally beginning to realize what an anti-America, Muzzie loving, traitor he truly was. So you keep crying Jean and we will keep laughing at you and your triggered friends and family! Trump/Pence 2020
MAGA……….One deportation at a time!
I give Trump a “Liar’s” rating, which is the lowest of all. Everyday all I hear are lies from his mouth. People are not paying attention to what he is really doing, what he has done illegally, and continues to do every day. Putin should not be invited to the White House at this time, yet, Trump made this decision on his own. He has made contact in person with Putin or the Russians this past year 12 times, but we had to hear about it from the Russians every single time. He has been involved with violating the emollient’s law and lied about it, and impulsively makes decisions doing what the heck he wants. He is taking down our country. I want him out. Sincerely, Jean Parsons
Awwwwwww Jeanie….. Are you triggered little girl? Maybe you should take your coloring Book, Crayons and your Teddy Bear and go down to mommies basement to cry. Because you do not have a snowballs chance in Hades of getting Trump “out” any time before his 8 year term! The beauty of this whole thing is that people like me, will relish at the frustration and tears of people like you, for that time frame. The “liar and chief” was Ovomit. He lied and did illicit dealings to undermine America for 8 miserable years. People are finally beginning to realize what an anti-America, Muzzie loving, traitor he truly was. So you keep crying Jean and we will keep laughing at you and your triggered friends and family! Trump/Pence 2020
MAGA……….One deportation at a time!
Looks like a few piss ants are out today and following the path of Hilarity Clinton’s mentally unbalanced denial. Nothing new here. When the man gives you money and is trying to protect Americans, only the insane would stick to the lies and TDS that the liberals keep harping on. The Democrats have proven they only want immigration, DACA, and the wall defeated now so that they can use it as a whip during the elections in November. Obviously the Democrats don’t give a crap about America and Americans. They’re too busy trying to shore up their flagging base with properly “grateful” Hispanics.
I Think you are a great President, and your ratings will continue to increase. Let’s make America great again and let’s make America AMERICA again. Up with that border wall and please, withhold funds from that sump hole of deplorable sanctuary politicians. And continue hard with immigration reform and visa limits.
What a great feeling it is to have the DACA issue dead in its tracks. If they want to be citizens, let them apply through normal channels and do it legitimately, like my wife did. We did the whole thing, and now she is a citizen and a Republican voting in our local elections. She is totally against illegal immigration, chain migration, visa abuse, and sanctuary politicians. If you want to set her off on a tirade, mention illegal immigration.
We need for President to succeed or the Dems and Obama will sell us all out to whoever. Obama was the worst 8 years this
country has ever had as a leader. As for Chuck, Nancy and Maxine they all deserve to be defeated in 2018 and 2020.
When will Republicans realize that most people respond positively to conservative ACTIONS, not just talk? Republicans will have a higher approval rating when they do as Trump has, and keep conservative campaign promises. Republicans’ low Congressional ratings are the result of their failure to deliver on their campaign promises, particularly their failures to repeal Obamacare and cut unnecessary spending. The Republican establishment must start to support conservative values, not Democrat and Washington values.
Like the saying goes:President Trump could walk on water and there are those would say He couldn’t swim. Just like Rothstein said in his post. .What difference does it make? Hillary is not President.
Hillary isn’t president because she could lie & point fingers & suck in the liberal democratic popular voters, and the illegal votes, but thank God the electoral representatives could see thru her BS and recognize her and Obama as the crooked politicians that the investigation into Trump collusion has uncovered… Corruption at the top that encouraged corruption in the lower organizations… And they say trickle down doesn’t work…. Just look at Obama, Hillary, & the FBI higher ups… I see trickle down in action for sure….
Only 7 points. Not out of the 40’s yet. And at the rate he is going, it may take the 4 years to get out of the 40% bracket. not a Dem, was a Republican, but don’t vote either way now. I think the government is a swamp from the top to the bottom. Maybe when there is a change and true christian’s that care about their fellowman rather than just stuck on their own personal agenda I will return to caring one way or the other. Until then, the whole government, both sides, stink.
My question is where were all these women before he ran for and then became our president?
A man that was always around Beauty Pageants, TV, and other areas with many women. They avoid talking about the FACT he has so many women working for him!
This is nothing more than a smear program used time and time again by the leftists, Commies is what they REALLY are!
Then this guy above: “Seymour Rothstein” Where did you take your trip, how convenient of you to mention travels and then to leave out WHERE? Get out TROLL!
The only one who took down our country is Obama , and President TRUMP is trying to undo all of Obama’s EVIL doings that put us in these bad times along with the Clinton’s. I give President TRUMP a lot of credit for even taking on this task, and we should all stand behind him.
If people could get over their emotional reaction to what Trump says and how they perceive his behavior and focus entirely on his performance (getting things he promised done which he is) his approval voting would be noticeably higher. And additionally if folks got more educated about what is going on in the country by the socialist/communists radical leftist they would be more inclined to appreciate what the Donald is accomplishing.
The numbers have always been there. It just depends on who runs the poll. Go Trump.
Hi. Funny thing, 15 minutes ago I heard Sean Hannity say that President Trump’s approval rating is the highest it has ever been. He showed the poll– 51% approval! Then 15 minutes later I see that CNN said his poll number was 42%, a 9% drop from what Sean said! I appreciate Paul Z’s insight and comment that “If it was CNN reporting it, he smelled Fake News.”
Good discernment, Paul.
BTW, Sean said that was higher than President Reagan’s or Barrack Obama’s approval ratings at this point in their first terms, which was 49% for each of them! I love our President and pray for him Every Day!!! “Thank You, Lord, for Donald Trump! Bless our President!”
Put a real concerned person in charge of the EPA and your ratings will soar; if you allow that person to do the people’s bidding!
His approval, then, is at least 57%. The frenzied and non-stop anti-Trump coverage in the “media” is worth at least 15 points.