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U.S.-China Scorch Earth Like Game of Thrones

In a move that mirrored the recent Kings Landing massacre in Game of Thrones, the U.S. and China trade war just went scorched earth. The Dow Jones plummeted upwards of 700 points on news that both countries would inflict another round of damaging tariffs. Unless some accord is reached, the tit-for-tat bloodletting could result in high casualties.

“U.S. equity markets are taking a battering as China has responded in kind to U.S. tariffs,” economic analyst Neil Wilson of reportedly said. “Make no mistake, this is a serious escalation, and we have a trade war on our hands again.”

The two economic world superpowers have been fighting a protracted trade war since January 2018, that has been underscored by negotiations. The U.S. continues to suffer a trade deficit that crossed the $400 billion threshold in 2018 and threatens to unseat America permanently. Since scrolling back business-killing regulations from the previous administration, President Donald Trump elevated the U.S. back to the top economy in the world.

After more than a year of fruitful talks, China reportedly reneged on its promises to balance the playing field and stop stealing American innovation and intellectual property. According to estimates, China’s intellectual property theft may be as high as $600 billion annually.

“We had a deal with China, it was 95 percent of the way there,” President Trump said. “And then, my representatives, they went to China, and they were told things (that were fully agreed upon), were not gonna get anymore, they’re gonna unagree to them. We’re not gonna get anymore. And I said ‘good, that’s fine, put on the tariffs.’”

China has held the trade high ground for decades. By ignoring patent rights and strategically subsidizing specific markets, the Asian giant has been unscrupulously tipping trade power in its favor. Previous administrations including both Bush presidents, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama failed to stem the communist’s unethical and illegal actions. Many believe the U.S. lost the trade war years ago, and President Trump’s struggle may be in vain.

It’s difficult to imagine that the U.S. looks more like a Game of Thrones Winterfell mob when compared to China’s Golden Company and Red Keep. However, China’s economy has grown dependent on the massive exports it sends to the U.S. and other aspects of American success.

Prior to the Trump Administration, presidents and Congress were fearful that trading fire with China would upend the U.S. due to foreign-held debt. China reportedly holds $1.13 trillion in U.S. Treasuries. But that’s now only about 17 percent of the untenable $22 trillion national debt. And, China’s return on investment relies on American success.

“It’s a self-destructive nuclear option,” global bonds expert Robert Tipp reportedly said. “Maybe it helps (China) as a bargaining chip, but it’s endangering the value of something they’re deeply involved in.”

“China will continue to use this is as a threat, perhaps, but in reality, I think it hurts them more than it might hurt us,” Kim Rupert of Action Economics reportedly said. “It hurts their portfolio. Whether they are willing to endure the pain. I think they might, but not to a great extent. I think it will be more a threat than an actual tool or strategy.”

President Trump has viewed China holding U.S. Treasuries as part of his leverage and some experts now agree tariffs hurt China.

“I love the position we’re in,” Trump said. “There can be some retaliation, but it can’t be very substantial by comparison. We’re taking in tens of billions of dollars.”

In his most recent move, President Trump instructed U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer to ready the next wave of tariffs against Chinese imports. According to reports, the U.S. now has the right to impose another $325 billion at 25 percent in additional tariffs.

“I say openly to President Xi & all of my many friends in China that China will be hurt very badly if you don’t make a deal because companies will be forced to leave China for other countries,” the president tweeted. “There is no reason for the U.S. Consumer to pay the Tariffs, which take effect on China today. This has been proven recently when only 4 points were paid by the U.S., 21 points by China because China subsidizes product to such a large degree.”

Casualties appear to be mounting on both sides of this epic economic showdown, but it seems President Trump has a dragon on his side. America’s GDP rose to 3.2 in the first quarter of 2019 while China’s has slowed to its lowest rate in three decades.

~ Conservative Zone

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15 thoughts on “U.S.-China Scorch Earth Like Game of Thrones”

  1. Mr President you are doing a great job. Just keep the pressure on china they will cave in. Again thank you

  2. It is ABOUT TIME that the lies and deceit of the Chinese are turned into a massive defeat to them. Since WHEN do we reward LIARS and CROOKS (time to also throw out OUR POLITICIANS, who are a CLASS of unabashed crooks).

  3. Past trade deals have been purposely crafted by the Establishment to accomplish a continual transfer of our wealth to the rest of the world. When Senate passage of NAFTA was being debated, the infamous Council On Foreign Relations stated that in order to raise the standard of living in developing countries, Americans must accept a lower standard of living. I say nuts to that nonsense. President Trump deserves the support of every red blooded American patriot.

  4. We elected our President to do a job , Now, let’s get behind him and help him do the Job that the Past 4 presidents didn’t know How to do , OR , Didn’t have the balls to do !!
    Thank you Mr . President for your efforts to make America Great Again!!!

  5. Start looking for MADE IN THE USA or MADE IN AMERICA labels. Many other Asian countries will also step up to fill voids in electronics and dollar store goods. Evidently China wants a return to an isolation policy like its little underbelly N. Korea. Give some of the smaller Asian countries a chance. By cutting export profits could cut into the huge military build up and the Commie party running everything while pleading peace and beating war drums in their country.

  6. someone said electronics
    The highest quality electronics are and always have been made in the USA
    China need the USA the USA does not need China
    Tell them to go pound sand
    stay the course
    we can destroy there economy

  7. Our imports from China are miniscule compared to her exports here.
    Trump is “The Man,”

    The trade war, (so-called), is “The Moment,”

    Fair and free trade is “The Mission.”

    China will buckle, her economy can not take this kind of Donald Trump Hard Ball.

  8. This is no different than our WWII effort. Sacrifices were made on the home front to support the war and contribute to the greater good of our country. There were shortages ,rationing , and a lot of make do with what you had . The same should apply now . The public needs to quit whining and support Trumps effort to take down the unfair trade practices from China. Prices get too high …..don’t buy. Commodities running our companies out of business with cheap alternatives …..don’t buy. Destroy their market ! The results will greatly benefit ALL ! Of coarse that would mean the present day self obsessed , small minded , spoiled , shallow thinking American needs to suck it up and for once put aside their selective hypocritical outrages . ie……. think of something other than themselves. Fat chance of that happening………


  10. I would incur age the president to raise the import tax to 50% for china. Its time to bring the work back to the united states. There are to may unemployed people for low level jobs that are on welfare get our people of welfare and put them to work

  11. President Trump IS the best negotiator on the planet !! That is one of the reasons the whacko left wing commies can’t stand him..They have neither the skills nor the “balls” to stand up to a tyrant..President Trump has built his life playing “hard ball”. The commie demoRATS only steal from others..Ask yourself how obummer left office with $40,000,000.00 He came in broke.. a “community dis-organizer”/..! Then we have the clinton “crime cartel” they apparently came to D>C> broke , just like the Kenyan.But when they left town ,they left with the white house silverware,PLUS,PLUS..AND, then began the “foundation” ..$$$$ where did all those millions come from !? Well, we do know about the uranium one “deal” with russia..But there is certainly a whole lot more.. Pres. Trump came into office relatively wealthy.. He does NOT keep his pres. salary .ALL of it is donated to recognized charities..( as opposed to the clinton scam)..If I were still a democrat(i was until johnson) I would need to have my head examined to blindly continue supporting such an obvious screwing of the american taxpayer and the illegal lining of their VERY corrupt pockets ! democrats are now the communist party of america..As such,they should ALL face execution! ASAP…

  12. Our businesses doing business in China should start doing business in free trade countries likeIndia, Vietnam and other countries that believe in our ways of doing business unlike China who has been screwing us for years and stealing our technology!

  13. Very good people will love their country. American cannot keep on transfer their worth to China. Support the president for the goods of our country. Fellow Citizens wake-up for the common good. This is our chance.

  14. No matter how hard the left-controlled “unbiased” media tries to persuade me to stay home in 2020, I WILL be voting Trump! Also, ignore the many posters between now and then who will try to make us stay home as well – you know, the ones that start out: “I’ve been a strong (Republican, conservative, Christian, patriot, etc.) all of my life, BUT I believe the media when it says that Trump and the (R)s are going to (bankrupt, get over on, harass, torture, etc.) us if they win”. 2020 is a big one, folks!

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