Joe Biden is doddering around in Europe for the G7 meeting right now and embarrassing America on the world stage (again). During a photo op with the other leaders, he started to wander off into a field. The Italian Prime Minister had to grab him like a dog and lead him back to the group. The debate on June 27th should be interesting.
Even though Biden is basically non-functional at this point, his handlers had him meet with Ukrainian dictator Volodymyr Zelensky on Thursday so they could solidify Mitch McConnell’s impeachment trap against Donald Trump.
The greedy, backstabbing, treasonous, America-hating loser Mitch McConnell came up with the idea to secure a ten-year funding agreement with Ukraine, just so he could set an impeachment trap for Donald Trump if he tries to end this big congressional money-laundering operation.
The deal was signed by Zelensky and Biden on Thursday. Congress and Joe Biden have now officially aimed a firehose of cash at Ukraine for the next decade.
Zelensky, who canceled the elections in Ukraine in May and is now officially an unelected dictator, hasn’t even been shy about how he’s lining his pockets with your tax dollars.
Imagine if your lower middle-class neighbor suddenly purchased a luxury estate from the royal family in Great Britain. The following month, your neighbor purchases a luxury beachfront casino resort on an island in the Mediterranean Sea. You’d think something was up with your neighbor Jerry, right? Like maybe he’s got a new job with the drug cartels, or he won the lottery, or a rich uncle left him a little something.
That’s how Volodymyr Zelensky has been living since Joe Biden and Mitch McConnell sent him the last sack of American cash with $65 billion in it.
Zelensky makes an annual salary equivalent to about $48,000 US dollars. He’d be close to qualifying for food stamps in some states here in America. Yet somehow, the crooked dictator purchased the former summer home of Prince Charles and Princess Diana in the UK in May. The asking price was around $21 million USD.
At the start of this month, Zelensky bought a luxury beachfront casino on the island of Cyprus for $200 million. You just can’t make this up.
Maybe we should start an office pool to see who can guess what he’ll buy next with our money, instead of fighting the war that the money was supposed to be for.
Meanwhile, we know that the kids of people like Joe Biden, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, and Mitt Romney have been raking in fat stacks of cash in various Ukraine money laundering operations. Who knows what the rank-and-file Representatives and Senators are pulling in?
And now this is going to continue for the next decade.
You have to understand the money laundering, graft, and bribery side of the Ukraine-Russia conflict to understand why Donald Trump represents such a huge threat to Congress and Joe Biden. The crooks are making tons of money off of a pointless war that Donald Trump will snap his fingers and end next January. He’ll make a couple of phone calls and then the money spigot shuts off for people like Mitch McConnell.
So, how do you stop Donald Trump?
You sign a ten-year funding deal with Ukraine for untold trillions of dollars. As we all know from Donald Trump’s first term in office, withholding any amount of cash from the holy nation of Ukraine is the gravest sin that a president can commit.
When Congress thought that President Trump might withhold $400 million in security funding for Ukraine, just the possibility of him doing that launched the first impeachment hoax.
Now that Mitch McConnell’s ten-year, bilateral money laundering agreement has been signed by Joe Biden, they’ve set the impeachment trap for President Trump if he tries to implement his whole world peace thing that is so repulsive to the US Congress.
The funding for Ukraine must continue, no matter the cost in lives and no matter the cost in treasure from the US taxpayers.
How dare we rubes in flyover country want to stop Mitch McConnell from lining his pockets even further at our expense!
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Joe Biden, Mitch McConnell, the Demoncratic Cartel are all leeches on the backs of hard working taxpayers! Have been for decades!! That’s why the Little Dictators are so drawn to them!! I say put them all on an island somewhere and watch them devour one another!!
I like that idea!!
Zelensky has no business interfering woth American policies. He is a total smoocher taking the American dollars to keep Trump from winning the presidential election. Zelensky better clean up Ukraine with that money he took from the American people’s tax money. It takes one arsehole Zelensky to another arsehole Biden to destroy America. Two sick individuals.
Joe Biden and Bitch McConnell and both despicable human beings. A couple of losers who can’t do anything right. one has dementia, and the other one is a douche bag.
I agree with you whole-heartedly!!
Lock em all up
All nasty Democratic politicians should be in a nut house.
Julia u suk…..quit spamming this site
Joe biden and mitch McConnell should be locked up in gitmao bay prison and reverse every thing have Joe biden impeached and mitch McConnell arrested they are corrupt and the drug cartels need to go after the democrats party. It’s time that this 65 billion dollars goes to the American people
We need to remove every person who is in our government and start over
Totally agree!!
That’s how they make their money. They don’t give a damn about the American people. Don’t forget that McConnell is married to a Chinese politician.
I agree with you 1000%.
Death in Gitmo becomes these traitors to The United States Of America after water boarding them
You have said it so well and I agree with every word you wrote. Thanks for your great reply.
Mc Connell is just another dictatorial Kentucy ass. All the Good Kentucians left long ago and the rest continue to vote for Mitch the bitch
The China connection! Both are control by China! Both deserve a boat to get back to China without a motor!
The idiot comedian Zelinsky has Biden by the balls
This guy has some serious compromising material against him and that is why taxpayers money flow in to his pockets. When Trump comes in power, Ukraine should be made a new state of us and milked for all the taxpayers money which went there. The land which is occupied by Russia should be given to Russia and peace will follow. Don’t forget the guys from this administration who got reach by having the taxpayers money come back in to their pockets through different bank shore accounts. Have them tried for treason and put away as the January the 6th patriots are . Maybe somebody should take a good look at Mitch McConnell .This guy is dirty for too long.
Time to stop money laundering with our money. To impeach a sitting President for protecting his own people first should never be a thought. Time to make them abide of their own words. “No one is above the law”. I want my money back and I want my social security I paid in for years. Time to put Americans first and strip all these criminals of their money they stole from us. I am at a point where it is time these people and their families live like the rest of us. Ukrainian President needs to have all his asset’s stripped and given back to the US citizens. I’m tired of everyone else getting my money while I live with very little and now they are killing off our food supply to make us obey or we don’t eat. News flash I have not been eating much anyway because I can’t afford it. Only ones who can are democrats and foreign leaders and illegals. Time for change.