Attorney General Merrick Garland is a month-and-a-half late on complying with a congressional subpoena, so House Republicans are moving to finally hold him in Contempt of Congress. The House Judiciary Committee subpoenaed the audio of special counsel Robert Hur’s interviews with Joe Biden regarding the hoard of classified documents that Biden stole from the US government over a 30-year period. If they can get their hands on that audio and release it, it would show the public just how much of a vegetable Joe Biden truly is.
The Judiciary Committee will meet later this week to advance contempt charges against AG Garland. The measure should easily pass in the committee before being sent to the full House for a vote.
From there, the contempt charges would be advanced to the Justice Department for prosecution. (The Senate wouldn’t be able to rescue Garland by taking a vote on contempt since the charges are only coming from the House.)
We already know what happens from there since we’ve seen this movie before. The first Attorney General to ever be held in Contempt of Congress was Obama’s “wingman,” Eric Holder. The Obama regime hatched a plan to deliberately sell guns to Mexican drug cartels, in the hopes of getting American civilians killed by those guns. This was part of Obama’s broader plan to undermine the Second Amendment.
The plan worked, except for the part about undermining the Second Amendment. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was murdered using weapons that Biden and Holder sold to a drug cartel. Four American civilians were killed in a shootout at an Arizona apartment building with Fast & Furious weapons.
ISIS killed 138 people and wounded more than 400 in the Bataclan nightclub massacre in Paris in 2015, using AK-47s that were traced back to Fast & Furious. When the CIA captured drug lord “El Chapo” Guzman, he had a .50 caliber sniper rifle in his jungle hideout that Obama and Holder had sold to him.
After Team Obama unleashed all that slaughter and death around the world, they refused to hand over the Fast & Furious documents to Congress, citing executive privilege. Eric Holder was held in Contempt of Congress and the charges were forwarded to the Justice Department. The same Justice Department that Eric Holder was in charge of. Holder laughed at Congress and mocked them, and then refused to investigate or charge himself with a crime.
The same thing will happen this time, only with Merrick Garland doing the laughing and mocking while refusing to investigate himself. When the fox is already inside the henhouse, he doesn’t really care if the hens vote for him to leave.
But back to the audio that House Republicans are trying to get their hands on. Robert Hur interviewed Joe Biden for five hours. This is the longest period of time that any human has spoken to Joe Biden in the past four or five years. As we have been accurately pointing out for years, the amphetamines and barbiturates that they inject into Biden to confer lucidity on him only last for about 50 to 60 minutes. After that, he starts to revert to his normal vegetative state.
A five-hour audio recording will clearly show that Joe Biden has the mental capacity of a piece of celery. That’s obviously why Merrick Garland and the rest of the Democrat Party Gestapo don’t want to turn the audio over to Congress. Hur even said that he didn’t bring federal charges against Biden because he is too old and stupid to put on trial.
There’s no law enforcement advantage to holding Merrick Garland in Contempt of Congress because the measures will go nowhere. The corrupt Department of Justice isn’t going to arrest the boss. There is a definite advantage to getting that audio released before the election, however. The American people have a right to know that one of their choices running for president no longer has a functional brain.
If there are any patriots left in the Justice Department (and that’s a big “if” at this point), hopefully they will get their hands on a copy of that audio and send it to every media outlet in the country, including outlets like the Gateway Pundit and Breitbart. Everyone would be forced to play it, and then there would be no more hiding Old Joe in the basement for another election.
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