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Irresponsible Hillary Strikes Again

Immediately following the final presidential debate officials at the Pentagon were wringing their hands, completely dumbfounded as to why the former Secretary of State- Hillary Clinton- could or would possibly think that it was even remotely appropriate to announce on live international television the response time of our missile defense system and return attack response against an incoming nuclear attack.

Sources inside the DOD, speaking anonymously say, Clinton has almost certainly violated no less than two high-level Dept. of Defense SAP protocols during her debate with Donald Trump by announcing on live television- no less- the United States Government’s effective response time to prepare for a nuclear launch.

This is what she said, in an apparent attempt to sound authoritative and overcome Trump’s successful attacks on her character. “Here’s the deal. The bottom line about our nuclear weapons is that when a president gives the launch order, it has to be followed. There are roughly four minutes between that order being given and the complete response of the people who are responsible for launching our nuclear weapons to launch them.” –Hillary Clinton

It’s almost surreal, the idea that a former Secretary of State could do something so daft, so irresponsible, it almost feels like it happened in a movie, a comedy- not a real presidential candidate with a serious chance of winning- a real and salient chance at becoming the commander-in-chief of our nation’s complete armed forces retinue.

To the consternation of intelligence officials, the fact that such highly top secret information is now common knowledge not only proves beyond any shadow of doubt that Clinton is grossly “unfit to fill the role of commander-in-chief,” but, much much worse- it also poses a direct and existential threat to the security of the nation and everyone living in it.

A high-ranking intelligence officer explained that any calculated time frame pertaining to an American nuclear launch “would have been little more than an educated guess, in the absence of leaked documents, and there have not been any such breaches” prior to Clinton’s slip of the tongue during the debate.

“Secretary Clinton has proven tonight that she is unfit to be our commander-in-chief,” a top-ranking DOD intelligence official said after the debate. “What she said compromises our nation’s security. She is reckless, cavalier and in my opinion should be held for questioning so that we can find out why she said what she said.”

According to sources at the Pentagon, the information that Clinton made public is extremely Top Secret intelligence under the U.S. Special Access Program (SAP) that dictates protocols and safeguards for such highly classified and Top Secret information.

The particular details of this country’s nuclear response time carelessly discussed by Clinton, sources have said, are known only by a very select handful of persons outside the ranks of top military brass.

In light of the email scandals, Clinton’s flagrant irresponsibility in Benghazi- which cost the lives of at least four people, Clinton’s dealing with state sponsors of terrorism and peddling influence to nations with atrocious human rights records- all of which have been snidely denied by Clinton herself (despite piles of evidence) all seem so much more starkly near and relevant in light of this recent slip.

It would appear that the safety of our nation, its citizens and allies are far from the forefront of Hillary Clinton’s mind. She appears much more concerned about her appearance than she does the nation she is asking to be in charge of.

And worse, knowing what WikiLeaks has recently shown about her connections to international globalists who have an interest in breaking up powerful nations- there is reason to wonder if she might not have been paid to reveal nuclear secrets.

“Targeting derivatives by intercontinental ballistic missiles, either air or sea, launch orders, procedures and response times are some of the most heavily guarded secret tenets of our national security plan and infrastructure as well as the secret US nuclear war policy,” another Pentagon source confirmed.

“It is truly unbelievable that nuclear response times- as part of an Emergency Response Option- are now public knowledge, out there in the public and freely available to the adversaries of this nation.”

U.S. Defense sources have said that according to the developed U.S. counterintelligence, Chinese military officials, as well as those in North Korea, Syria, Russia, Iran and even ISIS previously had nothing like the definitive and salient intelligence it would take to determine what Hillary Clinton gave away freely, and with apparently no thought or inkling that what she was saying was perhaps better left unsaid, during her final presidential debate.

For a foreign government to steal, through espionage, information like U.S. nuclear response time would take decades of massive spying and years of unmitigated good luck, and Top military sources have reluctantly acknowledged that her calculations were accurate.

~ Conservative Zone

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