It’s important that conservatives understand that the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) was never about being humane. Former President Barack Obama implemented what many view as an unconstitutional executive action solely for political gain.
Democrats have been in heavy retreat since Obama took office and were roundly swept out of power in the last election. With more and more Americans turning their collective backs on the party, Obama seized an opportunity to import non-American voters. Voter fraud has been widely reported by legitimate news sources, and illegal immigrants have been arrested for casting votes.
Unlike leftist extremists, conservatives weigh the moral implications of DACA in the context of what is fair, right, just and good for Americans. With pivotal change coming under Trump’s “America First” mantra, conservatives must come to terms with DACA and decide if it’s bad for Americans.
A quick examination of the policy’s various effects make that answer pretty clear.
DACA and Political Will
The amnesty program known as DACA was put into place because of what Obama called “gridlock” in Congress. That’s basically what liberals call “no getting their way.”
In reality, the country remains divided on many aspects of illegal and legal immigration alike. The proposed DREAMer Act that would provide safe harbor for illegals under 30 years old was rejected by Congress two dozen times. The majority simply didn’t agree with the policy. Like a petulant child, Obama circumvented the will of the people and handed hundreds of thousands of criminal aliens legal status in 2014.
The move resulted in a huge spike in illegal immigration. Drug cartels south of the border actually began running ads for human trafficking services.
Knowing this, it’s hard not to see how destructive the policy was from its very inception.
Promoting Lawlessness
Consider, for a moment, that a criminal breaks into your house and cleans out your refrigerator. Rather than call the police and have them locked up, you say “no problem.” The next day, more burglars come and clean out your jewelry box, then TV and on and on. That’s the basic idea behind rewarding illegal behavior. Once word hits the streets that criminals can get away with it, more will come.
DACA has rewarded criminal immigration and the trend ballooned under Obama. Of course, the opposite also holds true when dealing with criminals. If you call the police, they are less likely to try it again.
Since the Trump administration began trying to restore law and order, illegal immigration has plummeted, and illegals are reportedly returning to their home countries and moving to Canada. DACA promotes lawlessness.
American Jobs
There are currently more than 850,000 non-citizens enjoying U.S. benefits under the DACA program.
In an amusing twist, liberal Facebook mogul Mark Zuckerberg funded a pro-immigration organization that put out propaganda about why DACA must be saved. The findings left many laughing as the reasoning to save DACA was that 700,000 non-citizens are employed. Thus, ending the program and sending them back to their country of origin would create 700,000 job openings for unemployed Americans.
It may be difficult for everyday Americans to understand the left’s reasoning. It somehow places greater importance on foreigners than Americans.
The High Price of Criminal Aliens
The yearly taxpayer burden that results from illegal immigration runs upwards of $113 billion. Those costs are absorbed at the federal, state and local levels. That comes to about $1,117 for every American household.
That’s right, the tab comes to more than $1,000 per year for every hard-working American family. The money flows from property, sales and income taxes among others. The education cost of illegal immigrants tops $50 billion each year. Most illegals do not pay taxes. Of those that do, less than 5 percent of the total cost of resources they take is returned from taxes.
Basically, Americans pay 95 percent of the cost of illegals in this country each year.
Fundamental Fairness
The United States has long been open-armed to lawful immigration. The country takes in approximately 1 million newcomers each year as applicants go through the proper vetting process. America is well-known as a welcoming nation to people that share our values.
Allowing people to sneak into the country by evading border patrols or overstaying Visas flies in the face of those who do it the right way. It denigrates the immigrants who have worked hard and done the right thing to earn the right to be proud Americans. DACA is like giving them the middle finger.
Based on the inequities the DACA program places on American citizens, a group of Republicans have threatened to sue President Trump unless he revokes the Obama-era policy. The president is on the record advocating for compassion for those who were brought here as children by adult law-breakers.
~ Conservative Zone