COVI-PASS Immunity Passport is the Latest Attack on Personal Freedom

VST Enterprises, led by a CEO who is laser-focused on working with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals Collaboratory Initiative, is partnering with Circle Pass Enterprises to create a COVI-PASS immunity passport that would allow government officials to access any individual’s personal and health information at a distance.

As the name implies, the new COVI-PASS immunity passport would also be used to deny services to certain people based on criteria set up by technocrats and their unelected allies. VST currently has a contract with fifteen leading nations, including the United States, to start rolling out the technology.

“COVI-PASS™ is a global bio-science and technology company that has developed a certified return to work protocol in collaboration with global corporations and governments,” the company’s website reads. “What truly separates COVI-PASS™ from any other company is the patented VCode® technology from VST Enterprises that is equipped with military-grade encryption. VCode® has more than 2.2 Quintillion variations of codes to secure a number of scans performed and user login, time, facial recognition, touch ID, geo-fences and handset brand.”

COVI-PASS backers have long asserted that there is a real “need” to track and monitor ordinary citizens as they go about their daily lives. The general public, on the other hand, has been wary of ventures similar to COVI-PASS in the past.

The coronavirus pandemic has changed many people’s perspective on personal freedom. Individuals of all ages and walks of life seem to have resigned themselves to being tracked in the name of “public safety” — even if it means that they have no personal privacy and the government.

However, there are those who are still concerned about this dystopian approach. How could the technology be misused not just now but also in the future? Would the government not only lock down COVID-19 positive people but also anyone who has underlying health conditions? Could a future government use the data to segregate the population based on their health conditions? Sure, this sounds conspiratorial now, but so did the idea of shutting down the entire global economy just a few months ago.

Government officials aren’t the only ones eager to gain access to private health data. Various Miami hotels, Delta Airlines, and others have already shown interest in a new app that was originally intended to streamline reservations, but has now been adapted to show if someone has tested positive for COVID-19. Other companies, especially those hard-hit by the pandemic and ensuing lockdowns, are likely to want to use this technology as well.

In the near future, a health pass that contains all one’s private health information could be a prerequisite for travel, holding down a job, or even entering the local grocery store. This should scare anyone who is concerned about basic personal liberties.

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46 thoughts on “COVI-PASS Immunity Passport is the Latest Attack on Personal Freedom”

  1. This whole coronavirus has gone on to far who cares when people have breathing troubles they can not wear a mask and mask don’t safe Lifes they cause trouble

    Are people forced to get this cure vaccine people saying its a miracle no this vaccine has a chip in it no one will is going to get it

    Encomony needs to reopen again with bills pilling up and rent is due it’s good thing president trump is reopening schools if some of these parents so scared they can their snow flakes at home but these kids need go back to school time to end this so called scared of the would

  2. Shut this Socialism/Communism scheme down NOW! We are a SOVEREIGN nation, and the UN or this company has NO business implementing this GARBAGE. We The People are a FREE people and WILL NOT be run by the DICTATES of the UN MARXISTS or their FAILED “experiments” (LAWS). Oh! – and lets NOT forget to DEFUND the UN as WELL as the FAILED WHO! One Wary Patriot. Team Trump and his allies 2020.

  3. They will control your entire life. Including shopping. You won’t be able to chose what, when, how you buy. And they can take you money and leave you broke if you don’t do as told.

  4. Whoever from our country signed onto this pass system must be fired, jail and more.
    We must never required anything from an UN agency to exercise of liberties and freedoms

  5. Obey the commie scum, surrender your rights and turn in your weapons….
    Live free or die trying!

    1. The commies have a better chance of seeing God in drag today than getting their filthy pedophile hands on we America lovers guns. I dont understand why they dont just go join other commies as its obvious there’s nothing they like about America.

  6. I agree with everything you have just published. We are a nation 0f FREE PEOPLE. Keep up the good work.

  7. I will not acquiesce to these commie bastards. I like most good patriotic Americans would rather go down fighting.

  8. Are you kidding, Courtney? If you have trouble breathing you shouldn’t go outside. Covid loves people with breathing problems. And a mask protects other people from being infected by you. Don’t be so selfish and shortsighted. (Also, check your spelling before you post next time.)

    1. Karo, If you are so afraid of getting the wu-tlu maybe it’s you who should wear a mask and stay home.

    2. This article is about everything you just said. They have everyone so afraid of possibly getting corona that they are willing to give up everything this country stands for. The first step was those masks. Apparently you can’t read or are blinded by fear. Either way the first thing we all should do is start refusing to wear masks or don’t shop where they make us wear them. Stop giving up your rights out of fear. Read a history book. Everything that has happened in the last year is a prerequisite and was done in this order by every single communist and socialist government in the past. Wake the fuck up.

  9. Not aprayer in hell fight fight fight fight destroy destroy destroys lot of people hurt or killed. I am an American REPUBLICAN Citizen I do not live in COMMUNIST SOCIALIST country.

  10. This is the news that the media should be reporting about…but wait, the news has been bought out by the CCP, lib Dems, Elitists & UN worshippers! I am thankful for sites like this & those who still believe in telling WE THE PEOPLE the truth. And i’m praying that there are enough of us who still love our country to take a stand for the liberties our relatives fought to keep & pass on to us…it’s like our country needs the 1947 Freedom Train to roll through again

  11. Time to defund the UN sounds good. But maybe we should take it a step further…Shut the UN down completely
    and boot them out. Tear down the whole complex and turn it into a park commemorating all the police officers
    who have fallen in the line of duty.

  12. Unconstitutional yet, sign of what was foretold. Read Revelations. The Lord is coming and we must be ready.

  13. That is a direct assult on the privacy act. It won’t stop there either. It will be taking our bank information and other private information.

  14. I agree with the patriots’ comments above. The UN has overstayed its welcome, and should be sent to Paris, with NO money from USA. As for personal liberties, we must stand and fight. Remember, Ronald Reagan said that freedom is only one generation away from being lost. It is painfully evident that his statement was true, and we are standing on that precipice now. I oppose any “Big Brother” tactics, and this also demonstrates how vital it is to keep President Trump in office. To not vote, or to vote democrat, is national suicide. Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus!

  15. time for all true Christian American Patriots to stand up to these AmComs and retaliate before it is too late, get off your ass’s and get going now. If not armed get armed. Luke 22:36. USA has turned their back on The Living God. We allowed this to happen because we did not stand up to these fools. The AmComs have taken the 10 commandments out of our schools, they kill babies in the womb, they worship evil, they are pedophiles, they praise homosexual/lesbian lifestyles, they hate our police and military ……they hate all conservative values, they hate our history. they just hate.They are Satans lapdogs. Jesus was all about love, let that sink in… Seek His forgiveness first to save our country or it will be lost. This war is Evil against Truth , Satan against The Living God. We will be judged according to our actions. Trust in The Living God, he paid the price for all of mankind.. all you have to do is ask for forgiveness of your sins, seek the cleansing of your soul with His blood, believe that He is alive and that He has a plan for each of us.. to die is to live..This is FREE to all that accept and believe by Faith alone and nothing else… He will come again and it won’t be pretty for the evil that is left behind. The Rapture is real… I will continue to pray for our Constitution believing leaders, our Country and for ALL that are not saved by His blood. This is the Great Commission, May God Bless the USA

  16. If we don’t stand up to evil & tyranny, & bullying, we can only expect more of the same. This nation was dedicated to Jesus Christ & the advancement of His Gospel from its conception. Remember, the only way for evil to succeed is for good people to do nothing !

  17. I say we burn down there building creating this crap and go hunting all who want this shit , It is time to destroy and eliminate all from earth who want any of this now because if we do not then they will murder in cold blood 3 billion people, this is your only warning from the future.

  18. We do not bow to the UN or it’s communist friends. The UN and the WHI have done far too much damage to our great nation. Get the UN out of the US and get our country back on track. Past time to kick out all of the haters and terrorists that are already here. Send them to China where they obviously want to be.

  19. Time to watch out for the “CHIP” to be planted into people!! Just like “DOGS”!!!!
    My suggestion…Be careful when getting injections of any kind….refuse getting that “CHIP”!!! GOV’T is sneaky:(
    Better read the BIBLE…Mark of the beast..666!!!
    We’ve been warned..Up to you!!!
    GOD BLESS US ALL!!!!!!! JESUS IS LORD!!!!!! PRAY!!!!!

  20. So un-American it hurts!!!! Shut down this movement NOW. Americans have rights and brains, they need to be allowed to use them.

  21. All this mayhem because they hitched their soul to the she devil Hillary and she lost. Get over it and let’s get back to work and school.

  22. It’s past time for all patriotic Americans to come forward and vote for Trump! That’s the only way we’ll get our country back on track! Any who don’t vote will be sending us all to become a Socialist Communist Country!!!!!

  23. Reelect our president he is the only man standing between America becoming socialist or staying a republic, after he is reelected maybe he will see the wisdom of booting the UN and defunding it because the UN does not recognize America as a free nation they keep trying to make the US a puppet country, so kick them out and take the building and turn it into something useful for the benefit of the American people, he kicked WHO out and defunded this halfass organization because it catered to China, did not do what it was paid to do for the rest of the nations, so in this light maybe he will see why getting rid of the UN where they are happy to take the US dollars but sit on their do nothing butts and let the commies try to rule the US, if we pull the US dollars from the UN the UN will self destruct because America pays the greater portion of their funding and no other country will pick up the slack, the US has been suckers long enough

  24. There are many that understand God is Freedom and Satan is Bondage but far to many don’t believe in either and don’t teach their children anything about it they removed any mention of God from public schools and look where we are now seperation of church and state never existed in the context the Leftist pushed, this country was founded on Judeo Christian philosophy not Islam or some far eastern religion legal maneuvers were used more is spent on education than anywhere else in the world no civics no economics no real American history is in the curriculum you have teachers that just relay what America’s Bad garbage that they are told to/to many parents have the belief it’s up to the school to raise their children 22 trillion spent on poverty programs since the mid 60s trillions on drug enforcement and your absolutely correct the UN is behind many of these failed policies they are embedded in the CDC and many other unconstitutional beauracracies so if your wondering what this has to do with the FRAUD COVID is without any laws being passed they have declared Martial Law they can’t scrape together 600,000 global deaths on a planet with supposedly 7.8 million people and claim to care about our lives when they push the murder of millions of Babies and call it choice how much are our lives worth just remember this in Revelation it says clearly in the end times You will not be able to Buy or Sell without the Mark of the Beast this is all about control and they already know who won’t comply and they aren’t to happy about the #s this is there last chance for their Globalist Utopia minus
    us the United States has been a thorn in the UNs and Globalist side for decades if Trump loses in Nov it is over for the US the Media won’t cover what really is going on and by the way Newark NJ the biggest city in NJ has almost no violence since the riots started the community and police are working together so it doesn’t and many other places that won’t allow it even Fox has not mentioned it because it’s also been infiltrated by the likes of Paul Ryan our former RINO Leftists speaker of the house. Duda

  25. You guys may think this is something new; it isn’t. The Feds have done all this and much more, for a very long time.

  26. Trump forced a lot of these communist slimes out into the open and put a rush on their plans. It’s now or never people! Remember the weasels who pushed this garbage and are trying to destroy the American way of life. Vote TRUMP 2020!

  27. The Devil is leading his marching band and stomping all over American rights. This is biblical, folks. Christians had better stand up and fight! The mark of the beast is imminent.

  28. Unfortunately Trump cannot stop state officials from requiring vaccinations. It is likely many will flee the states that do and take refuge in those that don’t. Civil war approaching.

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