Don’t Believe What You See, Pollster WARNS Americans (VIDEO)

A quick look at the results from many mainstream polls, and you may think that Biden is a shoo-in for winning the 2020 Presidental Election. In fact, quite a few Democrats are predicting a landslide victory for the Democratic candidate. But Trump’s pollster, John McLaughlin, sees things very differently.

“This is deja vu all over again,” McLaughin responded when Richard Pollock asked him about the state of the race. McLaughlin was quick to point out the polling similarities between now and almost four years ago. In 2016, things were looking so bad for Trump based on poll numbers that the RNC chairman asked Trump to step aside. Of course, we all know how that election turned out.

Later in the interview, McLaughlin pointed out, the exceptionally strong push against the President by the Democrats in an attempt to use the Trump’s COVID-19 diagnosis and Trump’s quicker-than-expected return to the White House as political fodder.

While Senator Ted Cruz remarked that he sees this election as “volatile,” McLaughlin preferred to use the term “challenging,” however he did mention that Republican support for the President remains solid. Several of the recent poll results place Trump even or ahead of Biden.

According to McLaughlin, negative polling numbers are all part of the Democrat and left-wing strategy that is aimed at discouraging Trump voters.

Watch the full interview from One America News below.

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15 thoughts on “Don’t Believe What You See, Pollster WARNS Americans (VIDEO)”

  1. I think that Pres. Trump is doing an admirable job under often difficult circumstances! I very much hope that he’s successful in the coming election and that his next four years as President are as well managed as these almost four years have been!

    1. Please do NOT believe any POLLS — NOT EVEN ONE — because here is the catch regarding polling strategies. Every polling organization wants a “certain outcome” regarding its polls, so it will poll only areas that will give it that outcome.
      For instance, if the polling subject is about a democrat project that needs numbers to look good, that Polling place will only poll an area that is full of strong democrats in favor of that action. Yes, this is absolutely true!

      In other words, Pollsters “know” what areas to poll to get the right responses. If they want to make it look like Biden is leading Trump, the Pollster will poll a strong Democrat area to get that outcome…which is exactly what they are doing!

      Come on Americans! Have you seen the outpouring of support/love for our President at his rallies. ALL RACES are supporting him — Blacks, Latinos, Asians, Caucasins, you name it! They have turned out in the thousands, waving Trump flags, our American Flag, the Blue Line Flsg for our Police. And 2nd Amendment Flags! And they are shouting OVER AND OVER AGAIN, “FOUR MORE YEARS!”

      Americans do NOT need any fraudulent POLLS to tell them who is going to win this election. Patriotic Americans know who they are voting for, Latinos know who they are voting for, Blacks know who they are voting for, sane Americans know who they are voting for, and The Silent Majority knows who they are voting for — and it is NOT Joe Biden, but President Trump! You can see it with your own eyes, no matter what the meddling Media says or any Leftist Polling place says. President Trump will beat biddy Biden by a landslide and there is nothing those crazy dems nor Media can do…except maybe implode!

      1. In Prescott Valley, AZ on Monday there was a rally for our President. He arrived at our Airport in a helicopter with three more helicopters preceding him. There were over 30,000 people at the airport and another 15 000 people at a huge Pavillion in town — all to see President Trump! And there was a huge percentage of Latinos with signs that read, “LATINOS FOR TRUMP”!

        PLEASE understand that the Radical Left will say anything and do anything to try to stop Trump Supporters from voting — including trying to make us think that Biden is leading so we won’t go Vote for Trump. IGNORE THOSE POLLS, IGNORE THE RADICAL LEFT AND EXTREMIST MEDIA…GO VOTE FOR TRUMP AND TAKE YOUR RELATIVES, NEIGHBORS, AND FRIENDS WITH YOU!!


        Besides, with Hunter Biden’s computer with him naked and smoking coke in front of young teenage girls, both Bidens have a whole new issue to confront of corruption, pedophilia and predating on young girls. Good luck with that because it’s difficult to fake pictures of such depravity and you two boys are going D O W N !!

  2. I do not look at polls. Playing number games. I believe God. He loves this country, He sits in heaven and laugh and ,so will not hand it over to Biden. Continue to pray. If we pray God will hear from heaven , answer and heal our land.
    2nd Chronicles 7:14

  3. Most polls are just more spin from lame stream media. They will get more in line the last 2 or 3 days before Nov. 3rd. Don’t count on anything from the alphabet channels since they are in their own little dream world. They must like egg on their face every 4 years. The eggs they use never hatch.

  4. After the Hillary Clinton fiasco, nobody believes polls or fake news media anymore. The only option for Democrats now
    is to corrupt the voting numbers.

  5. Back in the 90s, I got calls almost daily asking me which candidate i was planning to vote for. the pollsters seemed to be everywhere.
    since the placement of barak houssein obuma into office by the cia, i have not heard a peep from any pollster other than the ones on these channels.
    I believe that being all of the major news outlets are in liberal cities like NYC, LA, and DC, the only people they poll are the local sheeple. those of us in what they call “flyover country” dont seem to get asked anything.
    I believe AOC said recently that the farm people are outnumbered by the city dwellers, so our voices dont count as much.
    I have news for her. we farm folk can live without you. you cannot live without us. Im sorry, but food doesnt just magically appear in the grocery stores.

    1. Good for you Mr. Schultz! AOC is just as clueless as the rest of the dems! She just thinks she is smarter. Ha ha ha ha! She isn’t even as smart as a dairy cow!
      One day the dems may learn that they are responsible for their actions…or not. In that case, good luck to them when their stomachs are growling and they kicked to the curb the one group of people who provide us our food — our Farmers. Maybe a starving stomach would do all the dems some good!

  6. I believe that a high % of registered voters have enough common sense to not vote for a fermitted swamp rat (47 years) that is directed by a socialist platform. President Trump is a “BOSS MAN” that cuts to the bottom line and insists on quick action. He is a results oriented businessman that only wants positive achievments for everyone. The reduced taxes for big companies allowed them to expand , upgrade their facilities and hire more employees; the tax reductions helped everyone! Bidens increased tax plan is a terrible idea that will bankrup America. MAGA!!!

  7. I do not look at polls and I don’t believe it. For example – pollster called my friend (R) asked him who /party will he vote for, he said he will vote for (D)/Biden.

  8. I predicted a win for Trump in 2016, I saw what Clinton was doing and knew that we were not crazy…..This year I’m predicting a Red Wave total landslide which will drown out all the liberal lies being told….all you have to do is see the numbers of rally goers and the enthusiasm on the Republican side. Couple that with all the new voter registrations going 70% over the 30% Democrat registrations and we will have a massive win. After the election, there will be NO WAY to say that it was even close.

  9. I’m ready to get this over with Trump & Melania in the White House and all his children staying healthy and preparing for another 4 years of work to be done. America a Constitutional Republic by the grace of GOD.

  10. I don’t really go by polls..seem to be inaccurate vast majority of time. And unfortunately it depends on who is conducting them and their agenda! The best thing for our country and citizens is the re-election of the best President in my 71 years! He keeps his word and puts our country and people first. You would think every elected official would but actually few do!

  11. There is a big difference in the polls depending on the party it is being done for.
    Conservative polls actually ask questions that cover both sides of the question.
    Liberal polls usually only have questions that favor their view and if its appears to be multiple choice all the answers are in their flawed view of reality. Matter of fact their so called polls look like something out of Stallin’s Soviet Union.
    Before the Libtard trolls say I have only looked at the Conservative polls you would be very wrong.

  12. Dems are going down in flames Nov.3. This country still has enough patriotic Americans to defeat any Socialist-Democrats who would turn the U.S.A into the U.S.S.A.

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