These Dems Face Political Extinction For Standing By American Values

A pair of Democrats recently stepped over the party’s red line in the sand. One continues to introduce pro-life and traditional gender legislation. The other has committed even more egregious sins by refusing to support court-packing, ending the Senate filibuster, and not backing the far-left political theater to impeach the president, again. The likelihood that these moderate Democrats will face primary challenges and see a massive reduction in campaign support appears imminent. West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin and Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard face political extinction.

Having earned a place on the 2020 presidential primary debate stage, it seems inconceivable that Rep. Gabbard could be so far outside her party’s platform. As the first Samoan-American congresswoman, she brings the racial diversity liberals crave from their political leaders. She won state office at 21 years old and went on to win a congressional seat in 2013. She has been a fixture ever since. But her background and faith appear to trouble party insiders.

Gabbard served in the National Guard while a state representative and did a 12-month stint in Iraq. Her bravery earned a promotion to Major, and her uniform is decorated with the Combat Medical Badge and the Meritorious Service Medal. Couple her commitment to the country with the fact she is a woman of Christian and Hindu faith, and it’s obvious why her time on the presidential primary stage was short-lived.

The Hawaii lawmaker recently introduced legislation to “ensure a health care practitioner exercises the proper degree of care in the case of a child who survives an abortion or attempted abortion.” She also slapped radical Democrats by introducing legislation that states a person’s gender is “determined on the basis of biological sex as determined at birth by a physician.”

In the Senate, Manchin recently went on the record bucking all of the top line-items far-left insurgents want while they hold both legislative houses and the Oval Office.

“With packing the courts, I’m not voting for that,” Sen. Manchin said. “I’m not voting for basically breaking the filibuster because that means that we’ve given up on the Senate. It’s supposed to work in a bipartisan way. I would never do that.”

He has also gone on the record stating that he will not back adding U.S. Supreme Court Justices to create a left-wing majority and steamroll the legal process. Sen. Manchin is widely considered a “centrist” by Washington insiders. But more accurately, he stands as one of the last conservative Christian Democrats in Congress. If not for his overwhelming popularity and West Virginia and track record for putting his constituents first, he would have already joined the dinosaurs after the leftist extremist meteor hit.

Adding insult to the liberal snowflake’s injury, Manchin recently warned Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and her followers that another phony impeachment of President Trump was “so ill-advised for Joe Biden to be coming in, trying to heal the country, trying to be the president of all the people when we’re going to be so divided and fighting again.”

Clearly, Manchin has not gotten the memo. Unity for the Democratic Party means silencing conservative working families, forcing socialism down their throats, and late-term abortion-on-demand. Both Sen. Manchin and Rep. Gabbard would be wise to prepare for their party to try and put them down.

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28 thoughts on “These Dems Face Political Extinction For Standing By American Values”

  1. I would counsel Gabbard and Manchin to switch to the Republican Party and encourage other centrist democrats (if any) to so the same. To Congresswoman Gabbard I would say, once you make the switch, work as hard as you can for the benefit of the citizens of the State of Hawaii. Thank the both of you for the courage to stand against evil and calling it out.

    1. inside the republican party there is a war between trumthep supporters and RINOs. like the democrats there is a central section between the two viewpoints. if democrats follow their CA prototyping they will introduce legislations to enforce the democrat domination such as dismisal of the electoral college to better allow domination by large high density populations controlled by the democrat machine. so in effect there will be a democrat superparty and a weak republican party. and the current republican party has a lot of RINOs who follow the democrats. what is better for the USA would be less party machine influence. so let’s say the democratic centrists and the conservatives form a party each (making 4 parties). instead of ONLY creating a third party which would handicap the party split in two, let’s create two new parties. this would leave the democratic socialists, the democratic centrists, the republican RINOs and the republican conservatives. Our current system is party machine steered by two parties only and would soon be one democratic supermajority. so fi the parties were split then parties will not be able to dictate outcomes by decree. positions like house speaker would not be able to majority dictate. positions like majority/minority leaders will have to be rethought. perhaps all it might take is an agreement from the two new parties to proceed.

      1. Removing electoral college is a constitutional amendment and they’d never get anywhere near enough states to ratify it.

    2. Tulsi, maybe, Manchin is too much of a passive aggressive weasel and can’t be trusted. We already have enough RINOs to deal with. Only reason Tulsi is a Democrat is Hawaii is full of lazy, fat Kanaka natives who don’t work and live off of welfare. Remember, Manchin voted guilty in Trump’s Senate impeachment trial. The MFer got reelected anyway, for the same reason Bitch McRINO always does, too many lazy fucking hillbillies in those states who the pork!

  2. Sen. Manchin an Sen. Gabbard,
    Strongly consider switching yo Republican with all your strong values!! Even though the leftist will get you out of office either before or during your next time for voting. That’s a given. Come over to the Republicans that have moral values!!

  3. Im a Republican but these two democrats are the only two with a brain. The rest of the democrats have lost what little brain they ever had if any at all.

  4. to Senator Manchin an Senator Gabbard, I am a democrat and I moved over to the Republican party because I am feed up with the democrats and also this impeachment which is a farce. I heard the president speech and nothing in that speech said to riot . to listen to them they other day they made fools of them selves . saying he condoned the riots. we welcome you to the republican party.

  5. I am now an Independent: I was born into a Democratic Family, this is not the Democratic Party anymore, I left because of Pelosi, Schumer I am not sure who they are; Pelosi, Schumer (?), Schiff, and that Swalwel MUST be removed, they are EVIL and if the Capital Police, FBI, DOJ, CIA due their jobs, they will find that the Left paid to have rioters/people BLM start this Jan. 6th Riot. They all live w/such Hatered they can not see past this. All in the pockets of CHINA/Big Tech. Look at your videos of how the Capital Police were allowing those thugs into the building. REALLY do they think we are that stupid, that we cannot see some of the very same faces from Utah, Chicago ETC, LIKE that Sullivan? Yea, they all put on Trump hats/clothes, but facial recognition is sooo easy. Senator’s Gabbard & Manchin come over to the Independents and do not allow our TAX DOLLARS go for this BS Impeachment or to Bail out CA, NY, or any of these poorly run States. ALSO Our Tax Dollars should not be paid To Pelosi, Schumer Schiff or that Swalwel, for all their EVIL acts they should have to repay US their 2020 salaries because they have not earned one penny. Thank YOU

  6. I just said that yesterday in one of my comments.
    unless you are a flaming socialist, the commie left will try to destroy you

  7. I have long believed that G & M both belong in a different party than the Democrat however I’m not sure it’s Republican. Both are strong and willing to voice opposition to the party line, believe in America and the Constitution and should probably be Independents, or join the GOP as moderate to left. Too bad G didn’t win the nomination! You have to wonder since Biden didn’t pick a black female as he promised why he didn’t pick G??????

  8. If Biden really wants to heal the nation like he says then understanding 75 million people voted conservative he should remove Nancy Pelosi from the house and put some conservative politicians on his cabinet

  9. God bless Congresswoman Gabbard and Senator Manchin for standing up for what is right! Why are they still member s of the Democratic Party? Perhaps, they can do more good being Democrats by voting on the side of the Republicans.

  10. Gabbard is no longer a congresswoman, she did not win reelection. So if she became a Republican she could not win in Hawaii, no one could. Manchin should switch parties asap. West Va is a red state, sohe should be red too…we will see if he keeps his word……

  11. First off, Ms. (Maj) Gabbard, thank you for your service to your country past and present!!! As a woman veteran we need more like you! Thank you and Mr. Manchin for standing for what our country is truly about and not the socialist, radical views some are trying to turn our laws and country into. I know I didn’t fight (serve) to have my freedom as well as those my countrymen taken away from me especially someone like Pelosi who is too coward to put on a uniform. Pelosi is the one who needs to be removed from office. The stuff she sprays across the House, the Media and anyone else is nothing but hatred and pure socialist even closing in communistic. Something our forefathers would be rolling in their graves over. So please continue to make a stand and use your positive peer pressure to influence others to make the stand AGAINST her crew we Americans want FREEDOM not socialism or communism.

  12. This might be fake news but it came through my phone that Pelosi wants to bring the pope back to power, Could be espionage so do not take it as truth , It said Live from Pelosi, I hang my favorite popes sayiongs on my wall and look foward to him being in power again. Could be Fake, but interesting theory. With Trump impeached The pope can serve Biden and I pray for that

  13. There is no such thing as a good Democrat. They are required to cheat, lie, deny, and steal. They also think they are superior to every one else. The want to be the Master and you be the Slave. Now hard times are coming so get ready for them.

    1. You said it all Brother. I come from a Democrat family. I wasn’t in school yet when I had to sit at my Maternal Grandfather’s feet and listen to him lecture my Father and my Uncles on how anything that got the Party approved candidate elected was O.K., lie, cheat, steal, even murder was permitted if it guaranteed the Democrat candidate election. When I was just 6 years old, I asked him if the Democrats had such a better message, why did they have to go to all of these illegal shenanigans to get their candidates elected? It would appear that nothing has changed, they stole this election plain and simple and they have bragged about it.

  14. The Democratic Party is not the one I joined 40 some years ago, I am now a registered Republican. The last good Democratic President was JFK. Satan now has control of the Democratic Party and the lying media!

  15. Tulsi and Joe come on over to the Republican Party, then we would have 52 and they would have 48, that would be absolutely the right move. You would be the two who would save America from the far left Democratic Party, Socialism, and Communism. Both of you would go down in History as Heroes.

  16. So-called Democratic “moderates” have been dancing with and feeding the crocodile of totalitarian communism for a long time hoping to delay their own being eaten. My sympathies are very limited.

  17. The Democratic Party should change its name to the Socialist Nazi Party since they want to control the population by using the pandemic as an excuse. They also want to create a dependent class that is why they want open borders so they will have a voting block obligated to them. They have done this to the black population for years and now they are focusing on the immigrant population from South & Central America. This effort started with the Johnson Administration with the war on poverty which stole its funding from the Social Security Trust Fund. Naturally the spineless Republicans( except for Ronald Regan, did nothing to stop the Democrats because they are all part of the same “good old boys” club. Along comes Bill & Hillary Clinton who corrupted the Office of the President. The question must be answered “Who killed Vince Foster”???
    Donald Trump the outsider decided to change the swamp and that is why he is hated by the Democrats and the RINO’S. He was not part of the club, The only reason they liked him is because he contributed to both parties so he could accomplish his business objective just as all the other corporations and foreign nations who grease the wheels of government via their lobbyist. Lets face it the country is in for some terrible times with a crook and prostitute at the helm.

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