A Closer Look at H.R. 127 — A Bill That Kills the Second Amendment

On January 4, 2021, Representative Sheila Jackson Lee, of Texas, introduced H.R. 127 to “provide for the licensing of firearm and ammunition possession and the registration of firearms, and to prohibit the possession of certain ammunition.”

This bill is the most sweeping and comprehensive attempt by the left to control firearms in history. And with a Democratic majority in Congress and a certain number of weak-kneed Republican senators, it is a concern that this monstrosity of a bill may have an opportunity to pass.

Here’s what you need to know about House Resolution 127.

Firearm Registration

Under the bill, gun owners will have three months from the date the law goes into effect to provide the following information on all guns owned prior to the legislation:

  • Make, model, and serial number
  • Owner’s identity
  • Date of acquisition
  • Manner and location where the gun is stored
  • Identities of anyone you’ve loaned your gun to (AG must approve of the person you loan your firearm to and the duration of your loan)

For new gun purchases, this information will need to be provided at the time of purchase.


The bill calls for the establishment and maintenance of a database of all registered firearms to be available to the public, members of law enforcement, all military branches, and all state and local governments.


The bill calls for licensing for the possession of all guns and ammunition. In order to obtain this licensing, people must meet the following requirements:

  • Age of 21
  • Criminal background check
  • Psychological evaluation (conducted by psychologists approved by the AG)
  • Complete a minimum of 24 hours of training
  • Obtain firearm liability insurance

Licenses may be revoked or denied if you are determined to be “psychologically unfit” for any number of reasons.

Magazine Capacity

The bill establishes that large-capacity ammunition feeding devices include magazines, belts, drums, etc. that can accept more than 10 rounds of ammunition.


The bill also states that those who knowingly violate the bill shall be fined no less than $75,000 and no more than $100,000 in addition to facing imprisonment of no less than 15 years and no more than 25 years unless a crime was committed, including suicide and unintentional shootings in which the fines and penalties are even harsher.

Financial Costs of H.R. 127

In addition to all the details of the licensing process, the costs of gun ownership in the U.S. will rise exponentially due to the requirements of this bill. Gun owners will now face licensing fees for firearms and ammunition (which have not yet been determined), firearm liability insurance costs, background check fees, psychological testing fees, training course fees, special fees for owning antique firearms and military-style weapons, and more.

It looks like we’ve come a long way from “Shall not be infringed,” if this bill passes.

Featured Image by Cory Doctorow

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18 thoughts on “A Closer Look at H.R. 127 — A Bill That Kills the Second Amendment”

  1. The second amendment stays.Crazy
    commies,socialists,blacks get out!
    How long are we going to keep taking
    this crap?Let’s get the revolution started.
    We still vastly outnumber them.

  2. I wonder who will I force these rules? The military, homeland security, will there be a shoot to kill for resisters? Cost? Will criminals be required to register? Will this bill make you and me criminals? This bill is worse than laws in Russia! God be with us.

  3. You want to stop ALL gun control. It is very simple. Whatever is done for gun ownership verification is also used for voter records and certified documents. Demacrats will pass nothing then

  4. I feel most politicians would not pass all of these requirements if used to get into office. I’d like to see all politicians get back ground checks, IRS audits, Psychco audits, IQ test, common sense test, finger prints, do they have some debilitating political view? Do they know the pledge of allegiance, have they read the constitution, can they work 5 days a week away from home, drug test, can they debate without a temper tantrum?

  5. This is insane! If the Democrats in Congress want to start a full- fledged Civil War in this country, this is the way to do it! They are barking up the wrong tree! This bill must be “shot” down – pardon the pun – because it is clearly unconstitutional. What is our country coming to? Piece by piece, the USA is being dismantled by the radical “progressive” hypocritical left. If the bill becomes law, gun owners may be forced to “fight like hell” – literally – to preserved our Second Amendment rights. May God be with us.

  6. These DC elite are out of control. This won’t end well. Another thing,, they are voting how they want, what is good for all their children back home. They have forgotten that they are there to do the people’s business, not theirs. I say impeachment is to good for any Congress member that votes for this shit.

  7. ONCE they identify everyone armed, it is a short time to remove all means of resistance. Russia, China, EU, and every other socialist/communist country has done this. We are the last and then the NWO can truly come out to rule the world and that will include the USA! And you can bet if we resist this all, the UN communist society housed in our country will join in the battle on our soil!

    And it is so obvious in the last election the world and dark money helped steal our election. It has been a long time since this nation stood up to protect and declare the rights we all have in the constitution on this soil but the time has come to either live as sheeple or stand up as patriots.

    Civil war breaks out in this generation? But the enemy within is deeply buried in our country. I wonder if we will end as Rome did, overrun from within by the enemy within called the dim wits, dark money, rinos, NWO Soros and his ilk? Extinquishing the light we use to represent of freedom defined by all the rights listed in our constitution. This is a sad day for any patriot, our country is being stolen and overrun as we watch. Not even three hundred years and this dream is failing. Pulled down by greed, corruption, and egos.

    I guess I am too old, I remember being proud of this country and our leaders but it seems my generation was naive. This greed, corruption and gigantic egos has been fermenting for a long time!

  8. The US constitution cannot be replaced
    Our right to gun ownership shall not be abridged. It takes more than a bill to rewrite the constitution.

  9. The comment from SDOFAZ says it just right. If the demoncrats want a civil war, they are working hard to get one going. What the hell ever happened to the Civil servants we elect to serve us!! Now they want us to serve them!! I expect the Dems to destroy this ONCE GREAT EXPERIMENT CALLED A CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC. They want TOTAL control of our lives from birth to death. George Soros is just one of the cabal of wealthy individuals that want total control of all people of the world.
    I hope and pray every day that we as citizens are not willing to let this happen.
    I would hope that someone in Texas has the cajones to stop her from moving this bill forward.
    She needs to enter a re-education program about the Constitution

  10. With weak kneed republicans, this is a real possibility. But i defended american rights in vietnam and i shall do so prouldly on american soil, if need be.THE TIME FOR ALL PATRIOTS TO STAND AND BE HEARD, AND IF THIS MEANS GIVING MY LIFE TO GIVE MY GRAND KIDS A BETTER LIFE THEN so be it. I gave blood for this country and i land up with the most ignorant selfish un proud americans that i have ever seen or heard.Listen senile joe and his whore backers, if war comes i shall give no quarters to those that want to take my american familys right and freedoms away. No quarters expected from the communist socialistic FOOLS and i shall extend none to them.Anyone that wants my weapons are welcome to try to take them from me, but do not send young men or women that have no stake, send senile joe or his direct representative to try and take the weapons away.SEMPER FI MAY GOD BLESS AMERICA This not a threat, it is merely a fact,

  11. What can be added that hasn’t been already been stated? In case other’s don’t know this; “follower”, within the Democratic party, Sheila Jackson Lee is the: “Stain”, of the great state of Texas! She’s the one who ways had her nose up Obamer ass so far she that she only had time for hairdo’s and clothes, NOT helping her constituents, how she ever got elected is a mystery, she only causes hate, misconceptions and the lost of unitity. I hope this will be the cause of her demise. believe be this mindless woman was lead to this action! She will go down in history for starting a civil war if she gets this passed!!!!

  12. It,s very apparent the democrats don,t know what the 2nd amendment really means. it give the militia the right to bare arms. let me guess what they meant the militia to be, It,s the average citizens right to bare arms to stave off an oppressive government . We sure have that know and its called the democratic party and the traitors in the republican party who go along with them and funded by the one world government that,s already here in the silicon valley behind there own walled city in California. What is more oppressive than the government in power know. Wake up America lets have the revolution know before its to late and they have establish their goal of taking away our arms. I also might add its an impossibility for a man who had a hard time to draw flies [ Joe Biden] during the election rallies over a man [ President Donald Trump ] who had a hard time to land the Presidents plane until they cleared massive crowds away from the runway so the plane could land safely.

  13. By this act this government is going to make it just about impossible for gun owners to use their guns and for others to buy them, this way citizens are disarmed and it makes it much easier for communists to take over the country, THIS MUST BE STOPED BY THOSE WHO HOLD DEAR THEIR LIBERTIES AND FREEDOMS AND THE 2OND AMENDMENT, COMMUNIST HAVE TAKEN OVER THE WHITE HOUSE!!

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