Woke Mob Targets Justice Thomas’s Wife After Dissent in Pennsylvania Decision

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas wrote a scathing dissent related to the decision not to hear the Pennsylvania case challenging election changes that were under dispute during the election for state government and President.

In the aftermath of the dissent, there were many calls by prominent Democrats including Christine Pelosi (daughter of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi), Duty to Warn (a group of psychologists who are anti-Trumpers), Slate reporter Mark Joseph Stern, and California Representative, Ted Lieu; to investigate his wife for her possible role in the events of January 6, 2021. They all spoke out on Twitter about the decision and the dissent. Most were not concerned that a dissent was made but that Justice Thomas was the one to make it, especially in light of his wife’s political support of Trump and the people who support Trump.

In fact, Pelosi called on an investigation as to whether Justice Thomas’ wife, Virginia (Ginni) Thomas helped to raise money for the Capitol riots. Most spouses of justices stay out of the political limelight and seek an air of neutrality in public communications. Ginni Thomas, however, has been a vocal Trump supporter, stepping away from the norm.

Ginni Thomas has a long history as a conservative activist. She continues to support organizations like The Daily Caller, Turning Point USA, and Heritage Foundation. She also founded the lobbying group, Liberty Central, in 2009.

While she is a prominent Trump supporter today, she initially supported Senator Ted Cruz for President in the 2016 election, going as far as endorsing Cruz for President. However, once Trump won the party’s nomination, she supported him for President. On May 28, 2020, Trump appointed Ginni Thomas as a member of the Library of Congress’ trust fund board.

In the days immediately following the riots at the Capitol, rumors swirled that Ginni Thomas had paid for 80 buses to bring people to Washington, DC for the “Stop the Steal” rally that many people claim prompted the riots. However, those theories have been proven false in the aftermath of these events. Despite the evidence that she had no role to play in “funding” the riots, the calls continue to investigate her role and influence over her husband’s decision and the dissent he wrote.

In addition to calls to investigate Justice Thomas’s wife, many leftists are calling to question why Justice Thomas remains a member of the Supreme Court. Supreme Court appointments are lifetime appointments. President George H. W. Bush nominated Justice Thomas to the Supreme Court and Thomas is the second African American to serve in this capacity.

Whether people agree with him or not on the merits of his dissent, he makes a profound comment, stating, “By doing nothing, we invite further confusion and erosion of voter confidence. Our fellow citizens deserve better and expect more of us.” This is certainly true.

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14 thoughts on “Woke Mob Targets Justice Thomas’s Wife After Dissent in Pennsylvania Decision”

    1. Justice Thomas brought the truth to the open, Democrats fear truth more than anything. Truth destroys their narrative.

  1. Justice Thomas stated a truth about the Supreme Court. When the lefties pack the court they will regret their decision. They showed weakness in the face of political corruption which is the wrong thing to do.

  2. Justice Thomas’s dissent was a beautiful thing. He was the only one that spoke out about the many questions that many Americans have concerning the integrity of our elections. For the supreme court not to look at Anything to do with our elections just raises more questions about our election process and about the Supreme Court !!!!!!

    1. Gorsuch and Alito, Gorsuch did not vote against hearing the case, Alito has been outspoken before the election about the courts not taking Trumps cases. this is a takeover totlally by the left.

  3. Nasty Nancy Grows accusations all over the lace w/o a shred of evidence. She is a drama queen who wants her way all the time and, if you rebel or disagree, she goes for the throat. She has outlived her usefulness and should be forced to retire and thrown on the garbage heap of history!

    1. Pelosi & husband should be investigated for ties to the CCP. They receive a lot of money from China. Nancy also was the one that arranged the the matchup of Swalwell & Fang Fang.

  4. Nancy dear Nancy is one of the BIGGEST RACISTS there is. And by the looks of your article her daughter follows her. NP IS SUPPOSE TO SUPPORT THE CONSTITUTION’S FIRST AMENDMENT. Judge Thomas’ wife had no expression of violence by your account.
    Nancy should be impeached under Amendment 25?
    Mental deficiency

  5. So Ginnie Thomas isn’t allowed to have an opinion? More communist manifesto goals. Do not let people with opinions that aren’t in your narrative be able to speak. We are getting there (communist/socialist) people. Better watch your step. Big brother is watching you and are ready to pounce on you if you dare to speak the truth.

  6. The left will attach anyone and everyone to get their way . Take your stand and be ready to stand firm because they are want to rid all that think for themselves . How how many people did the Democrats pay for that riot ? How much did George Sores give to the BLM or Anti-???group to burn buildings, steal, rob, burn private property such as police cars ,hurt public officers trying to keep peace , hurt other people ,this list could go on . What about Democrats robbing the citizens of America with over spending bill, to cover those states that allowed all the riots to continued during the summer with this so called stimulus bill to fund all the damage done to those cities . This was not to pay for that damage , this money was to help people to try to pay their bills so not to be thrown in the streets as homeless people . What about those Democrats wasting money that America has borrowed from China. One day the payment will be due with interest to China and how we going to pay it ?

  7. Remember all the demorats accusations in the past has came out that they were the ones doing what they accused others of doing. I feel pretty sure if there’s a real investigation that polosie, mcconnell and other individuals inculding many demorats and republicans are deeply involved in paying antifa and blm to cause the crimnal acts then blame it on the Trump supporters. Fact is a lot has already been proven. But as usual the fake news doesn’t report because it don’t fit their narrative.

  8. If the idiots on the left keep pushing the sleeping lion , there will be leftists lives lost in the shuffle that without a doubt will follow. We Americans have to push back and push back with much more force than we are meeting head on !!!
    Maybe at that stage there will be respect shown for respectable people. At this point the left will only understand a forceful Right !!

  9. I live in Florida and if Trump doesn’t run I hope our governor does. At least Ron Desantis has a spine and a set to get things done. Pelosi thinks she is a queen and we should bow down to her. She certainly acts like a certain French queen, maybe Pelosi should study French history and see what happened to her. Kind of gave a new meaning to losing your head.

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