The CDC’s Guide for Summer Camps Makes Absolutely NO Sense

Children who were hoping to enjoy some summer fun with their friends after the 2020 lockdowns are sure to be disappointed and horrified by the CDC’s senselessly strict guidelines for summer camps.

The CDC has drawn up a long list of strict rules that one would think were intentionally made to discourage children from spending time outdoors with their friends. According to these guidelines, children would need to wear two masks outdoors and indoors, even though outdoor temperatures in some states hit well above 90 degrees. Children would be grouped in small cohorts, and would be forced to social distance themselves from other groups in the same camp. Staff members would need to remain six feet apart from children — even if these adults have been vaccinated. Contact sports are discouraged, as are activities that involve sharing supplies.

This of course raises the question: what would be the point of attending a summer camp at all?

The absurdity of the above-mentioned rules is plain to see. The CDC’s own statistics show that out of the three million children who caught COVID-19, only 271 died. Well over 900 children die as a result of drowning accidents every year, but the CDC hasn’t bothered to issue draconian guidelines about how, when, and where children can be around pools, lakes, or other bodies of water.

The CDC is working closely with the American Federation of Teachers to put absurd limitations and conditions on in-person learning. So, it’s easy to suspect that the summer camp guidelines have little to nothing to do with keeping kids safe from COVID-19 — and everything to do with public school teacher unions and their push to prevent children from restarting in-person learning. After all, if it’s perfectly safe for children to go to summer camp, there should be nothing wrong with returning to a school, especially if a few common-sense precautions are taken.

The CDC’s ridiculous COVID-19 guidelines for summer camps could either discourage camp providers from providing outdoor activities or discourage kids from attending such activities. In either instance, the outcome is likely to be the same. Children who could benefit physically and mentally from enjoying fresh air, sunshine, exercise and constructive activities with peers would be stuck at home. Such children would then suffer from poor health and a weakened immune system that would leave them susceptible to the flu and other sicknesses that may come around in the fall or winter.

Sadly, it seems that President Joe Biden’s appointees at the CDC are either too incompetent to see the end results of their ridiculous guidelines, or are far too concerned about being woke and keeping teacher unions happy. In either case, America’s children are losing as a result.

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6 thoughts on “The CDC’s Guide for Summer Camps Makes Absolutely NO Sense”

  1. Biden grabs power in the name of pandemic and controls the US with the communist playbook. Government agencies, CDC , FBI, DOJ, even Supreme Court justice John Robert’s are the extension of Biden’s power and policies. They work for Biden , not for the American people.

  2. Shameless thugs, crooks, marxists!!!!
    America is DEAD forever!!!!!
    The sheeple could go now to get their “ ear tag”
    attached !!!!
    And stop “ behehe- ing !!!!

  3. “POWER” and “AUTHORITY”. Regardless of one’s thinking, the two are NOT interchangeable. The CDC has (supposedly) been given the POWER to control all things health-wise but, does not have the AUTHORITY to do so. Where is Congress in all this? Sitting around double masked, wringing their hands and doing absolutely nothing! WE The People supposedly elected these people to work for us. ‘Nuff said. I sadly have to agree with the comment from The Dragon . Go get branded all you sheeple – drink the kool aid and fall into line. Oh, don’t expect to see me or AMERICANS like myself in line. When God calls me home, I won’t be earmarked or branded nor, will I have partaken of the (alleged) pandemic vaccine! All I will say is “God Bless America” but, better yet, “AMERICA BLESS GOD!”

    1. I was only allowed to vote for 4 of those people, one of which didn’t win, or so they say. I doubt even the ones I voted for work for me, some lobbyists are probably in control of them. Apparently a lot of them were elected by those morons that voted for sleepy joe.

  4. My family had 18 people yesterday for Mothers Day, we had no masks or any other CDC bullshit. People need to get outdoors, lose the masks and tell anyone who hassles them to f**k off!

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