“We’ll be Back” — Sen. Lindsey Graham Says U.S. Troops will Return to Afghanistan

South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham told a BBC reporter the U.S. will eventually send troops back into Afghanistan.

“Whether you like Trump or not, whether you believe it’s Trump’s fault or Biden’s fault, here’s where we’re at as a world: The Taliban are not reformed, they’re not new,” Graham said.

“They have a view of the world out of sync with modern times. They’re going to impose a lifestyle on the Afghan people that I think is going to make us all sick to our stomach,” he added.

“But most importantly, they’re going to give safe haven to Al Qaeda who has ambitions to drive us out of the Mid East writ large and attack us because of our way of life,” he continued. “We will be going back into Afghanistan as we went back into Iraq and Syria.” Graham continued.

The report was not the first time Graham noted the war with Afghanistan is not over. In a recent Fox News interview, the senator said, “We’ve entered into a new deadly chapter.”

Americans have been divided on Graham’s responses on Afghanistan, but on this matter, he’s likely right. He recognizes something many Americans don’t. Afghanistan never said the war ended. The Taliban still wants to develop a radical Muslim society that is part of a great global caliphate. Many holding the worldview still want to destroy the little Satan (Israel) and the big Satan (America).

It’s only a matter of time before one of two things happen. Radicals in Afghanistan will either do something so bad in their own country that Americans will cry out for intervention, or radicals will attack Americans somewhere else, either in the U.S. or another part of the world. This will lead to troops heading back into Afghanistan for another round.

As Americans, we don’t like long wars. We want victory, and we want it quickly. The Taliban simply sees its rise to power as part of its next phase in the long war against the west. As much as we’d like to say it’s over and be done, the best we can say is that it’s over for now.

Somewhere along the way, Graham figured this out. The Biden administration hasn’t. You can claim victory in a battle, but you can’t just walk away and say the war is over when the other team keeps picking more fights.

Whether Americans like the words or not, Graham’s prediction of American troops returning to Afghanistan is likely true. Biden had to send back 6,000 troops just to get most of the Americans out that he left behind.

Hopefully, when the nation has to act in the future, there will be a new administration that better understands the realities in the region. It would also be nice to see a new president who cares enough about Americans to truly not leave anyone behind.

Our nation desperately needs leadership that cares about America First and truly values the lives of every American.

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8 thoughts on ““We’ll be Back” — Sen. Lindsey Graham Says U.S. Troops will Return to Afghanistan”

  1. With 44% of Americans approving of Biden after all the Biden has shown himself to be, it would seem Americans are too uneducated, unaware and undiscriminating to really care. Even people like Lindsey Graham have not yet recognized that the enemy is Islam. Taliban are students and practitioners of the Quran (Talib being the singular) and all the various regiments of Taliban all over the World under various names including Pakistan, Turkey, Qatar, Malaysia, and Saudi Arabia want to carry out the commands of Mahamad contained in the Quran and establish Islam on the rubble of all civilization.

  2. Such a shame that America is under the rule of a Dementia Riddled Idiot — Biden and his Socialist Agenda ! I still have hope for America and see that Biden’s ratings are steadily declining. People start to notice when the cost of living an everyday life starts to zoom out of control. Problem is with all of the lies being told by this defective Administration and their 1 Disaster After Another Results.

  3. It is not to worry about the Taliban in Afganistan but to worry about the rise of the islamic nation here in the USSA. Thanks to this current administration more are entering the southern border daily. they will have no qualms about raping your children. Mothers will have to be very viligant when going places with their daughters as they are a prime target. In these countries women dress covered from head to toe, why. Not to encourage men to touch them. If it happens they are not allowed to testify against the offender. The only way that will happen is if four men are witnesses and will testify in her behalf. (fat chance of that happening) So the father or husband usually retaliates by murdering the known offender for her. this is the new USsA. You must realize we are still in the happy days of this administration. It will get much , much worse.

  4. Who really cares what Graham has to say? He turned on Trump and now tries to look like the hero rescuer of America!

  5. The only way good people will win is if we
    Dont forget why we’re here. Alive as humans And that we have a God Muslims were taught by Mohamed who was the anti Christ They bow to the devil 4 times a day They kill any who leave the sect His demise will be when Jesus returns WE MUST NOT RELY ON OTHER HUMANS TO DEFEAT THE DEVIL. THEY CANT. WE MUST PRAY TO GOD. WHEN DID YOU TALK TO GOD LAST AND ASK FOR HIS HELP???!

  6. Yes Sir you are so right we as Americans we do need a president that cares about our people overseas. My husband was to have been home in June but he is still there Biden promised that he was going to bring all of the American people home but he didn’t. He left my husband and others there to die. We have two sons and they miss their father. They ask me everyday when is dad coming home and I’m tired of telling them soon.Mrs James

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