Silent Majority No More! Biden, Trudeau Pelted with Insults and Projectiles

“I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore!”

That’s what aging news anchor Howard Beale proclaimed in the 1975 movie, Network. Those words are coming back to haunt liberal and Hollywood elites because the previously silent conservative majority is fed up.

Although the establishment media declines to cover the increasing backlash against left-wing politicians such as Joe Biden and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the rising number of confrontations has become a challenge to hide. College football crowds across the country opened the season with thousands chanting “F*^k Joe Biden.”

Keep in mind that Democrats have taken every conceivable measure to brainwash and indoctrinate college students into their brand of woke socialism. These protests were not restricted to one or two games. Fans in Texas, Wisconsin, Virginia, Iowa, and the Carolinas, among many others, broke out in the chant that echoed throughout stadiums and across America. The open disdain for Joe Biden has evolved into bumper stickers and flags spelling out the profane middle-finger salute to the current White House occupant, who former President Donald Trump dubbed the “Surrender-in-Chief.”

Canada’s liberal party leader has gotten similar welcomes as he campaigns for re-election. At a recent stop, cameras caught some of the behind-the-scene pushback dishonest media outlets try to avoid. Trudeau was pelted by rocks and his media buddies were forced to craft a narrative to minimize the incident. Some tried to call the projectiles “gravel” or “dirt” and, of course, Trudeau was provided a platform to spin it against conservatives and those who don’t want to get the Covid shot or wear masks.

“It’s not just at political rallies that this is happening,” Canada’s prime minister said. “There are health care workers across the country who are getting hassled and intimidated and bullied as they’re going into work to keep people safe and alive. There are store clerks and waitresses and people going about their daily lives getting yelled at and pushed around for wearing masks, for being vaccinated.”

Actually, Canadians are just mad — at Trudeau — and they aren’t going to take it anymore.

In New Jersey, Biden required Secret Service and local police protection while touring flooding for photo-ops. Perhaps the most disgraceful moment came when his handlers enlisted a young boy for Sleazy Joe to hug for the cameras. But Biden’s handlers once again screwed up the media-friendly moment when the boy inadvertently proved it was a scam. It appears the youngster didn’t even know who Joe Biden was because he handed a note to Senator Cory Booker that read: “I bet your parents are proud of you, Joe.” The Biden Administration is so phony, you can’t make this stuff up.

Trying to hoodwink the public aside, residents shouted Biden down from their properties. “F*&^ Joe Biden” was shouted by numerous residents and makeshift signs read “Biden go back 2 the basement.” As things became heated, Joe Biden was shuffled to a car as people criticized officers for “protecting him.”

Democrats are holding sham hearings trying to blame the Jan. 6 overrun of the Capital on Trump. What they cannot comprehend is that the silent majority isn’t going to take it anymore. Patriotic Americans are mad as hell.

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7 thoughts on “Silent Majority No More! Biden, Trudeau Pelted with Insults and Projectiles”


  2. I am mad as hell & not going to take it! Trump called the China virus & he was right. Trump called Biden the surrender in chief & he was right again. I’ve got another movie quote for you. Are you feeling lucky punk? Well, are you? My rights don’t end where your feelings begin. Impeach Biden he has divided & damaged every day since January 20,2020.

  3. AMEN TO THIS ARTICLE ! Americans are sick and tired of Biden-Harris Administration’s tyrannical actions and indoctrination of America’s youth into Socialism, Wokeism, Cancel CultureISM ! “We are not going to take this anymore” – Hmm – Sounds like a good song college students should be singing at football games and sports events across the country !!!

  4. I’m a Canadian, and I can tell you that no one I know likes Trudeau. He is a liar, condescending, patronizing, virtue-signaling, childish, and is trying to ram Communism down our throats. He ran up $1.45 trillion dollars in debt with profligate spending, he tells Canadians they’re “racists” and pushes mass immigration from war-torn Middle Eastern countries – including some convicted jihadists. He doesn’t care what this will do to the country. He is corrupt, taking bribes from China, and is essentially handing Canada over to them. He wants Canada to be a Communist nation like China. He allowed Chinese troops to train in Canada. He does whatever Bejing tells him to do. He abstained from a vote to condemn China for genocide. He passes censorship bills, to stifle free speech. He is destroying Canada, a once-great nation. The list goes on and on. The corrupt media backs him because he pays them billions of dollars of our money! Read this excellent article about him, on why people are so angry at him:

    “Why Justin Trudeau Does Not Deserve to Lead Canada” by Janice Fiamageo.
    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been a preening, spendthrift, and fundamentally unserious leader throughout his time in office. Recently, however, his calculated vilification of the unvaccinated and his divisive stoking of fear and rage reveal a profound malice that threatens us all.

    For most of his political career, the Bollywood-jiving feminist was too busy burnishing his progressive image to worry about such dull political matters as ethical conduct (two ethics violations and a major charity scandal); energy policy (plans to “phase out” the western petroleum industry); or the federal debt (with highest debt to GDP ratio in Canadian history). Trudeau has never shown much interest in those who do not qualify for, or desire, the largesse-with-strings his government has doled out to academics, journalists, Quebec francophones, feminist organizations, labor unions, and a multitude of other special interest groups.

    But his inadequacy might not have been deadly if his “sunny ways” mask had not slipped so decisively in recent weeks. True, some observers were alarmed when, even before being elected PM, he expressed admiration for Communist China’s ability to “turn their economy around on a dime,” but the statement seemed to express less a dictatorial yearning than a youthfully idealistic zeal (Trudeau has always seemed younger than his actual age, an advantage he has assiduously cultivated). When he paraded his family around India in traditional dress, hands clasped in the Hindu Namaste tradition, the burlesque performance was written off as forgivable over-enthusiasm, and drew attention away from the presence at Liberal events of a convicted Sikh terrorist. Even multitudinous gaffes don’t necessarily signal a politician’s end—at least, not immediately—if their purveyor can maintain public good will.

    Recently, though, Trudeau hasn’t even tried to seem to care for all Canadians, and his expressed contempt (or worse) for the minority who object to his policy of mandated Covid injections has at last revealed his true bullying, authoritarian nature. During the election campaign, Trudeau has been unabashedly coercive, threatening “consequences” for federal workers who choose not to be injected and characterizing opponents as rabidly unhinged. After a campaign stop in London, Ontario, where he faced one of many angry crowds, Trudeau described the protesters as “a mob” who were “practically foaming at the mouth.” On other occasions, he referred to the “far right, anti-vaxx fringe” and said, with almost laughable predictability, that they were “lashing out with racist, misogynistic attacks.”

    Rather than expressing empathy for the many business owners, parents, university students, and ordinary citizens pushed to despair by tone-deaf Covid policies, he has evoked a stark moral polarity in which he and the nation’s saviors occupy one side—the altruistic high ground—while gravel-throwing, irresponsible malcontents hulk on the other. He has frequently conjured the image of valiant healthcare workers being spat upon and menaced as they “save the lives of people who themselves chose not to get vaccinated.” Details that would make the picture more complex—the significant number of healthcare workers who face firing because they refuse the injection; the double-vaccinated or even triple-vaccinated who are still getting sick and dying; the evidence that vaccinated persons are just as likely as unvaccinated to spread the virus; and the edict forbidding medical practitioners from speaking against government Covid policies—are neatly erased from his sanctimonious portrayal.

    Even worse, Trudeau is now appealing directly to Canadians’ worst fears and scapegoating tendencies. Recently, he contrasted his air-travel vaccine mandate with Conservative leader Erin O’Toole’s emphasis on testing, stating that “O’Toole has basically said that any of those anti-vaxxers who are protesting could be sitting across the aisle from your 12-year-old on a flight south in a few months. But they’d have gotten tested. That’s not good enough.”

    The logical incoherence of Trudeau’s position would be laughable in a sane era. Is Trudeau not aware of how few cases of Covid transmission occurred on airplanes in the many months prior to the vaccines (so few, despite the lack of distancing, that air travel doesn’t even warrant its own category in Canadian government reporting on viral outbreaks)? But logic is no longer in play in a country gripped by irrational fear. Trudeau’s scenario encourages every already-terrified mother to regard an unvaccinated person as not only a mouth-foaming “anti-vaxxer” extremist but also as a potential murderer of her child (despite the fact that fewer children have died from Covid since the start of the pandemic than die in a regular flu season in Canada).

    The appeal to raw hatred could not be much more evident. In Trudeau’s words, his opponents are not just wrong, “they are putting at risk their own kids, and they are putting at risk our kids as well.” It is small wonder that, according to the Angus Reid Institute, a near-majority of Canadians “don’t think unvaccinated individuals should have the same priority for medical treatment if they become sick with COVID-19.” Such a bigoted and cruelly vindictive mindset would normally be cause for concern in a civilized country, but in Canada today, it is being enthusiastically promoted by the country’s own leadership.

    It is hard to believe that Trudeau the angry demagogue is the same person who, after the Boston bombings in 2013, which killed 3 people, blew off the limbs of 17, and injured hundreds of others, said in an interview with CBC’s Peter Mansbridge that the two men who perpetrated the atrocity clearly felt “completely excluded” from their society. The last thing Canada should do, he stressed, was make people like them feel even more excluded by pointing fingers at members of identifiable groups and cultivating a culture of fear and mistrust. It was quite the performance.

    Let’s take a moment for comparison. The men who made the Boston Marathon bombs had carefully planned as much death and dismemberment as possible, targeting people who had done them no harm to advance a remote political agenda. In contrast, those refusing injection do not wish to harm anyone; most simply prefer to make their own choice about when and if they take what they believe, with abundant evidence, to be an inadequately tested substance whose safety and efficacy are far from assured. At the present time, there are about 6 million of them in the country, an ever-shrinking but still significant minority for whom Trudeau’s expressions of disgust are unsettling, to say the least.

    Targeting one’s political opponents as evil-doers who pose an imminent threat to the lives of children is clearly not an appeal to unity or calm; in fact, it is just steps away from incitement to violence. The Trudeau government has not only deliberately hidden from Canadians the minimal threat posed by Covid-19 to the general population, especially to the young and healthy, but has persistently targeted the unvaccinated as killers who should be, at the least, segregated and punished for their refusal. A leader who expresses such detestation for his own people—and encourages frightened followers to participate in their dehumanization—should not be trusted with the reins of government.

    1. well I know i cant stand the pos and my uncle who lost both legs in the Canadian army i think would agree Trublo is a punk. He is a muz lim and could never be trusted with any position of power.

  5. Americans may be mad as hell but millions are also stupid as hell. Let’s see what happens in Mexifornia today, I predict Newsome will survive. I hope I’m wrong, but I’ve learned that liberals are liberal first and everything else a distant 2nd, 3rd, 4th….

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