Let’s Red-Pill All of Our Vaccine Fanatic Friends with the Pfizer Phase 3 Clinical Data

It’s been nearly a full year since the Pfizer Phase 3 clinical trial data for the COVID shots came out. The data has been publicly available since November of 2021. It’s RIGHT HERE. Yet the mainstream media and the medical establishment in America continues to pretend that this evidence does not exist. The vaccines are still “safe and effective” according to the CDC and CNN alike.

But they’re not safe and effective. Most of us have now either taken the shot, or we have friends or family who have taken the shot while we remained unvaxed. People who have been vaccinated are reluctant to admit they were duped by the government and the media. Let’s red-pill them with the Pfizer data that’s been out for almost a year now.

All of the data points that I’m about to share with you come directly from the Pfizer Phase 3 clinical data linked above. This is data gathered at the 6-month mark after the shots were rolled out and collated and published in November 2021. If these data points do not convince people that the shots are dangerous for humans, nothing will.


The Phase 3 clinical data did not show any all-cause mortality (ACM) benefit. In fact, it showed the opposite. We were supposed to have fewer people die in 2021 – after the vaccine rollout – than died in 2020. That didn’t happen. More people died in 2021 when Joe Biden was in the White House and the vaccines existed than died in 2020, the last year that America had a real president, and the vaccines did not yet exist.

Remember when placebos were explained to you as part of the scientific process in school? You give one group an experimental medicine (such as an mRNA COVID shot) and you give a roughly equal-sized control group a placebo like a saline shot, without telling them. Then, you record the results.

If the medicine works, then the people who got the real medicine will be LESS likely to get sick or die from COVID. The people who got the placebo saline shots will be MORE likely to get sick or die from COVID. That’s science. Period.

But the opposite happened with the COVID shots. The people who received the placebo from Pfizer were less likely to catch COVID, less likely to get sick and require hospitalization from COVID, and less likely to die from COVID.

That’s not me saying this as an unvaccinated skeptic. It’s not Alex Jones or the Health Ranger or Jimmy Dore or Bill Maher. That’s PFIZER saying this. Their own Phase 3 clinical data showed – more than a year ago – that the people who received a placebo shot were less likely to get sick and/or die than people who were vaccinated with the COVID shots. The Pfizer data proves this!

Your vaccine fanatic friend or relative might be saying at this point, “Big deal! I had the Moderna vaccine!”

Moderna’s Phase 3 data was worse! All of the data from both Pfizer and Moderna showed a 40% to 50% increased risk of cardiac arrest among vaccinated people when compared to the unvaccinated. If it needs to be said, that’s not safe or effective.

Pfizer’s own Phase 3 data also shows that for every 22,000 people who received a COVID shot, 1 life was saved. Uh… what?!

1 out of 22,000 vaccine recipients had their life saved by the shot? Wait a second!

This means that after 220 million Americans became fully vaccinated in about October of 2021, only a maximum of 10,000 people were spared from death-by-COVID. Yet if you check out the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) data since the COVID rollout, far more than 10,000 people were injured, seriously injured, or killed after the shots became available nationwide. And this is accepting the VAERS system’s numbers at face value; many estimate that VAERS is under-reported by a factor of 41X.

Again, vaccines are supposed to save lives or at least improve lives. They’re not supposed to destroy lives. But that is what the experimental DNA-altering COVID shots are doing. They are killing many people or causing permanent disability from rare neurological disorders (or nearly 1,300 other different side effects).

This Pfizer data has been available for almost a full year now. I plan to show it to my sister this weekend, since she’s the only person in my immediate family who was duped into taking the shot. I hope I can red-pill her. If not, I’ll just have to come to terms with the fact that nothing will convince her or my other vaccinated friends that they were tricked by the government and the media when they lied to the American people about these shots.

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16 thoughts on “Let’s Red-Pill All of Our Vaccine Fanatic Friends with the Pfizer Phase 3 Clinical Data”

  1. Both @iden and that little parasite fauci should be strung up and hung from the same tree branch….just inched off the ground so they can suffer to the last…

  2. O. K.; We all have our view points like everyone has a ‘Belly Button’ = I’m a Pfizer person with all the shots as & when recommended. I have also been exposed to COVID several times!! Guess What? I’m sticking with Pfizer! Why? I’m either Superman or Pfizer works!
    C O Miller

    1. Good Luck buddy!!! That doesn’t mean a thing.. I have friends that after 3 years just starting to see the effects of those jabs!!!

    2. No your wrong on both statements.You see its because viruses progress in 2 ways they become more contagious but weaker or they become less contagious and stronger it went more so and became weaker to the point it’s almost like the common cold.

    3. Highly significant!! An uncontrolled, non-blinded study of one (1). There are tens of thousands suffering adverse consequences of these shots. When Pfizer and Moderna request to not release their data for 75 years, it’s REAL Simple; they’re hiding something!
      RPh, MD, MPH

    4. Keep waiting it will get you, you stick with a killer a vax that disabled many thousands of people and killed thousands of others. Covid shots kill your immune system so you will die from probably a little common cold! Sorry to be blunt but your own CEO and ex-VP Yeardon both said it doesn’t work that there is no immunity! So, your just another ostrich with his head in the sand.


  3. I got the first 2 Pfizer shots against my better judgement because I was going to travel out of the country on vacation. It seems awful coincidental that I was very healthy and active before the shots and hardly ever got sick other than a common cold occasionally, then 4 days after the first shot I got sever double vision for 2 and a half months and a palsy condition in my right eye, then shortly after the second shot I was diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure and have been suffering from shortness of breath ever since years later. Then about a year ago I started bleeding internally and after some tests, they discovered a tumor in my left kidney, and it was cancerous. I was always in excellent health, didn’t smoke, exercised regularly, ate healthy, participated in competitive sports until I was 68, only had a few beers occasionally when I went out for dinner. Before I got the shots, I was doing things physically that kids half my age probably couldn’t do, and I was in my early 70’s then. I now have very little energy and get short on breath just walking to my mailbox about a hundred feet from my house. This is all too suspect to have happened just after the shots??? I think there is a lot they are not telling us or covering up. I hope this is investigated thoroughly someday soon. A lot of money was made on these vaccines which leads to my suspicions??? Then if you throw in Politics, it really raises suspicion!!!!!!

    1. I’m so sorry for what happened to you. I too got the Pfizer against my better judgement because my husband wanted to travel out of the country. As it turns out, we couldn’t go because I was diagnosed with Covid but I was never ill. I have lifelong allergies and was warned by a nurse friend that if I was tested with the PCR test, I’ll come out positive. The provider who administered the tests even told me that if they had used the Antigen test, I would have probably come out negative. I’m like what’s the point of testing if the tests aren’t comparable in accuracy. I refuse to get any boosters and finally my husband has come to his senses. We’re going on three years and hopefully we won’t be experiencing any negative results from those vaccines. So very sorry for what happened to you. I agree with you. There’s too many “coincidental” incidents happening to people who’ve gotten the vaccinations.

  4. Those of us who took the vaccine took the vaccine not knowing what to really expect. I didn’t believe that a government that believed in health and wanting to help people would deliberately lie to us. Since 2020 what has happened outside of vaccines. We now know that sunblock can cause cancer and round up can cause cancer. What you say yes some sunblock does cause cancer and they’ve known about it for years. The same is true about round up yet it’s used in Canada but not in the USA. How can we go about our lives when we now know the government has hidden the truth about a lot of stuff we thought to be safe. We now know we can’t. Do we trust them now on climate change? They’ve lost me.

  5. Most of my family is injected…PFIZER is admitting to the fACT that 10 weeks after injections you will shed covid to other humans. So injected humans spread the virus. No injection is our worlds history has EVER done anything for any virus!! EVER!! NO today those members of my family, cancer has done major damage in their bodies, brain cancer, stomach and lung cancers are prevalent. SCARY scary injections…it is not a vaccine it is a BIOWEAPON!! Meant to harm, hurt and destroy your immune systems and it is doing that exact thing!! Others in the family have constant migranes, can not focus, exhausted always and inflammation – puffy bodies then before

  6. WOW! I got the one shot wonder from Johmson have not gotten covid .. did get the booster shot from pfizer..
    I take zinc vit C and elderberry caps I think I will stick with them and NO MORE JABS

  7. The world has become a different place in the last 30 to 40 years and I’m glad I was able to enjoy my life BEFORE all this shit hit the fan. I will be 80 and still enjoying a younger wife and in our faith in the man above. Keep smiling, get above it all and FJB, the new Prince of darkness… Live it up while we still can! Let’s go Brandon! And FJB again and again!

  8. Well, i have always taken VIT. C, but since 2 Phizer jabs at the nearby Army post, 18 months ago, My wife and i have upped the VIT C and included zinc and D3…..So far -so good. But i tend to suspect that there may have been different formulations for different batches, (this said NOT knowing mortality rates for different population groups. ) , dispensed to civilians vs. military etc. THERE IS NO JUSTIFIABLE RATIONALE FOR THESE COMPANIES OBFUSCATING THEIR VACCINE DATA FOR ANY TIME PERIOD. What research group could JANE&JOHN Q PUBLIC fund and confide in to study and reveal the “TRUE STUDY OF THE COVID & VACCINE EVOLUTION”?

  9. Am I blind? In reading the linked article from the New England Journal of Medicine, I could not find what was referred to in the above article. I could not find in the “study” anything stating that more people died after getting the real vaccine than prople dying after getting the placebo.

    I know any study can shift words around to make it say what the author(s) want it to say. But I need an actual quote deform the study to put two and two together. Most people aren’t going to put the time in to reading statistics, but I just did. From what I read, the NEJM article and Pfizer-study said exactly what the CDC wanted it to say.

    I do not trust the CDC, Fauci or the government though. I trust truthful evidence. Please show me what I am missing. Full disclosure: skeptical of Pfizer data, but have received 3 total doses of Moderna vaccine. Not wanting any more doses.

  10. I had covid in Dec 2019 but was stupid enough to get the first two shots. Caught Omicron in Chaco Canyon, lasted two days, not as bad as common cold.

    Friend who had two shots and FOUR boosters caught covid and was sick for 2 weeks. Mo more shots for me.

    Besides Vit C and D3, I take Zinc and Selenium. Also, use Zicam nose swabs when in crowds (major university health system study with ferrets showed ferrets treated with Zicam nose swabs then exposed to covid did not catch covid).

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