G20 Leaders Call for Global Health Passport which would Force EVERYONE to be Vaccinated

Global leaders recently met at the seventeenth annual G20 summit and after years of pushing tyrannical pandemic policies, they are now calling for citizens of the world to have “global digital health passports” to control international travel.

The G20 is a consortium of the world’s major economies. Its members are responsible for more than 80% of the world’s gross domestic product, 75% of global trade, and 60% of the world’s total population.

The G20 is comprised of 19 countries and the European Union. The 19 countries are Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, France, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Mexico, the Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, the UK, and the US.

At the end of the summit, G20 leaders issued a joint declaration advocating for a universal standard on proof of vaccination for international travel and urging the creation of “global digital health networks to strengthen prevention and response to future pandemics.”


This declaration came after the Health Minister of Indonesia, Budi Gunadi Sadikin, individually pushed for the global digital health certificate to be used to restrict movements of the unvaccinated across the entire globe.

Speaking to the crowd, Sadikin said, “Let’s have a digital health certificate acknowledged by WHO. If you have been vaccinated or tested properly, then you can move around. So for the next pandemic, instead of stopping the movement of the people one hundred percent, which [collapse] the economy globally, you can still provide some movement of the people.”

Sadikin noted that Indonesia has already reached an agreement to deploy this digital certificate.

The G20 leader’s declaration states in part:

“We support the WHO mRNA Vaccine Technology Transfer hub as well as all as the spokes in all regions of the world with the objective of sharing technology and technical know-how on voluntary and mutually agreed terms. We welcome joint research and joint production of vaccines, including enhanced cooperation among developing countries.”

“We acknowledge the importance of shared technical standards and verification methods, under the framework of the IHR (2005), to facilitate seamless international travel, interoperability, and recognizing digital solutions and non-digital solutions, including proof of vaccinations. We support continued international dialogue and collaboration on the establishment of trusted global digital health networks as part of the efforts to strengthen prevention and response to future pandemics, that should capitalize and build on the success of the existing standards and digital COVID-19 certificates.”

After the summit, Indonesian President and G20 host Joko Widodo said in a press conference that “world leaders agreed on the content of the declaration,” suggesting every G20 member, including President Joe Biden, is on board with these digital health passports.

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35 thoughts on “G20 Leaders Call for Global Health Passport which would Force EVERYONE to be Vaccinated”

  1. But is this forced vaccination going to be free of other things like
    an RFID chip or squaline directed compromises of the human body
    with what is known as “soft kill” under the metrics of population

      1. The Geneva Convention is not going to protect the public from population control. This is all about control nothing more nothing less.

    1. They Can take their mandated vaccine and stick it where the sun don’t shine.
      The Key word here is Technology meaning we have the means to beat this thing,
      But not one friggin elite is interested in trying to because they want total control of We The Sheeple? THIS Nikola Tesla wannabe knows how to deal with it and if the opportunity knocks WILL with less recognition of course. be it one at a time starting with yours truly.

  2. I will not comply with any chipping or marking on my body period. These leaders do not scare me Jesus Christ already owns me and makes my heart. Joe Biden will be voted out in the U S. next Election and Indonesia can just butt out of the United States business.

    1. Amen! The audacity of these people to believe they have the ability to control the world is heartbreaking, and that so many people blindly follow anything the say is even more troubling. My kid and future daughter-in-law haven’t seen each other since this nonsense started. The U.S. and Canada are unrecognizable anymore. We really want here here. How do we repent, and stand in the gap, for a nation hell bent on self destruction?

  3. I wonder if the people of the G20 countries are aware of what their leaders are doing. Are they on board or not? Any sane person would reject all this, especially in the name of free agency (the right to make one’s own health choices, or any of the other choices of one’s life). United States…get out of the UN!!!

    1. Gary – it is the diabolical WHO we ALL need to be “Out Of !” With all the science and medical evidence available on the deadly nature ( particularly in the young ) of their much loved mRNA witches’ brews, I am totally NOT surprised that “doctor” Tedros and Company could be chomping at the bit for the chance to enforce genocide on all the Civilised World.

      As for the “UN” – that is now only an Arab Talking Shop – unless their country flies the flag of islam they’re just wasting time, cash and resources being a “member” !

      This planet is on a Hellbound Trip – unless it wakes up to its crazy politicos antics, the world as we know it will cease to exist within two Generations ( say 150 years at most ).

      Happy Christmas to all Good People – as for the rest …… $£ *%$£ themselves 🙂

    1. Population control at its best we need to get out of United Nations. They are definitely not in our best interest.. unfortunately, I believe that we are the research and the guinea pigs with these vaccinations…

  4. “….We welcome joint research and joint production of vaccines, including enhanced cooperation among developing countries.”
    Are they “welcoming” research into what is actually IN these mRna injections and the documented adverse effects, including death??

  5. These shots are a proven FAILURE in every aspect of the word. They hurt, kill and maim and DO NOT stop the transmission of COVID in any respect.
    These G20 govt’s know this.

    This mandate would be about population control only, these folks aren’t doing this nasty thing with your best health alternatives in mind.

  6. This is just another Power Grab by the Globalist/One World Socialist/Marxist dictators. First the MNRA vaccine doesn’t stop the spread of the virus. In fact recent research shows that there are a lot of side affects to them including Brain swelling and heart problems (the PM in the UK read them off in one of their meetings).. Biden and the Communist Democrats are out to destroy our country. He wants to let foreigners rule over us. He also Wants to allow Them to institute gun registration and control over us. I’m if this happens travel to foreign countries will certainly be impacted! We need to impeach Biden and Harris now and stop this infringement on our Sovereignty and Constitutional rights!

  7. I won’t put stuff in my body and IT’S MY BODY AND MY CHOICE if i want that stuff that would KILL ME and OTHERS slowly. YOU CAN’T make me do anything i don’t want to to my body and STAY OUT OF MY LIFE you COMMUNIST LEADERS!!!! YOU ARE NOT MY MOM OR DAD and don’t forget it

    1. Before this BS happens, we MUST require that “vaccine” manufacturers are held fiscally responsible for any and all injuries or deaths to vaxed children and adults.
      Every political should be required to disclose all pharmaceutical stocks purchased after September 1, 2019 and any financial gains on those purchases will be taxed at 100% of gain.

      1. Make that January 1st 2000, and we just might see how much our politicians are personally “invested” in Big Pharma.

        This scenario has not only just come into being, it has been growing for a LONG time – ask Bill Gates he’s bound to know what we’re talking about here, especially as he is SO committed to “Reducing Humanity” on our planet.

  8. CORRECT – Population Control is the plan of the Elitist Globalists who are selfish egotists.. When Sleepy Mr. McGoo Biden is out of office (HOPE HE GETS IMPEACHED), all of this crap by a worthless WHO will be gone. WHO is a total joke .. let’s rename them as the WORTHLESS HEALTH ORGANIZATION ! I would never travel to a country that is so uncaring about ALL OF THEIR PEOPLE !!! No one has the right to force a person to take the JAB … should have never been called a VACCINE ! Big Pharma and Criminal Politicians are getting payola at the cost of every human who has lost their life or who is now troubled with health issues due to the JAB. Am I angy .. You Betcha !!!

  9. They’re all bloated fools who got their money and power from the people. It’s time we the people deny them these things. If they fight back to much then we deny them everything, including their citizenship. The world doesn’t need the elites. We can take them out of power when we want to ……..I think the time is now

  10. Biden is such a pushover. Trump would have stood up and said if you attempt this the US will pull out of this travesty of an organization, and stop ALL FUNDING immediately. Biden instead has no mind, so knows absolutely nothing about he is doing or saying. He’s a mindless PUSSY!

  11. Anyone running for national public office in the next election cycle needs to be asked if they support this attempt. If they do, then they certainly lose my vote.

    1. Wrong, it is his Puppet Master the foreign enemy emperor “Butt Pirate Bathhouse Barry the Osamanator.”

  12. “G” an indicator of fulfilling the desires of Globalists through their NWO Cabal, an abundance of lame threats made by the few who claim to be capable of rational thought pertaining to taking up arms and waging a war against the Globalist NWO Cabal for over 6 years now but it is inevitable that at least 3.5 billion people will be exterminated and the rest wishing they were dead because they will be forced into slave labor.

  13. Does that include the illegal immigrants because there is no purpose if they are not included as they have not been required to have any vaccines as they flood the US southern border? And we have no idea all of the illnesses they are bringing into our country and in some cases illnesses that weee I eradicated in the US years ago. Ugh

  14. Yes, I realize that there was more than Joey’s ancestor on that ship transporting said ancestor but sum it up to acceptable losses if justice had been served by that ship having sank.


    1. Totally agree…. Pretty soon travel anywhere will require grade school shot records and 72 hour quarantines just to visit someplace outside USA… gotta dump the donkey dimwits asap.

  16. Absolutely crazy!!! They HAD BETTER NOT pass something like that…no one will be able to travel again. I will NOT get vaccinated!

    1. It is the collusion with the G20 and the WHO that concerns me. All the elitists wanting to control the population. The WHO was exposed two years ago as a hack organization working for China. We must pay attention to stop this madness. Our liberty is being threatened.

  17. Every outrageous totalitarian proposal (votes for illegals, COVID mandates, gun grabs) have increasingly moved all but the radical base to realize this Administration means to seize permanent power. If Devolution is real it is getting more and more likely to be well-received. Mean tweets are better than no heat or food. RR strike may well be the catalyst to move.


  19. QUESTION : –
    If we total ALL the Worlds’ “Politicians” and count them to be , say, 100,000 – How many out of that 100,000 could we TRUST to always have our / the people they “represent” interests at heart ( as primary concern ) ?
    ANSWER :-
    Many “Talk the talk and walk the walk” but at the end of the day EVERY ONE of them is primarily interested ONLY in themself !
    Once it starts, there can be NO PRISONERS 😉

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