Mike Pence Will Soon Announce His Doomed 2024 Campaign Against President Trump

History’s biggest failure is prepping a run for president in 2024. The first thing that most conservatives thought this past week when it became obvious that Mike Pence is running was probably, “Gross!” The second thing they thought was probably, “Well, at least this will be hilarious!” This could actually reach ‘Please clap?’ levels of hilarity. We know that Pence is running because A) he’s hinted that he’s going to run, B) the media suddenly loves him, and C), because a George Soros-affiliated publishing company paid Mike Pence $4 million to “write” two books that no one is going to read.

Points A, B and C all tie together nicely. Mike Pence the coward and liar is now on a media tour for his Soros-commissioned book that came out on November 15th. The media loathes Mike Pence because he’s supposedly opposed to gay people or something, even though he’s never articulated an intelligible answer on that question.

When’s the last time you’ve seen a real conservative author appear for fawning interviews on CNN or MSNBC for their latest book? That just doesn’t happen. But Pence is doing it right now, because they are prepping for the 2024 battle space.


Pence has been asked more than once if he’s going to run against his former boss Donald Trump in 2024. He coyly replies that he’s going to “pray” about it until after the holidays with his family and then he’ll make the announcement sometime next year. Pray to who, Mike? Judas Iscariot? The Father of Lies?

Most of us Christian folks in America got tired of the fake “Christian” politicians two decades ago, when we realized that that other “Christian” politician George W. Bush was incapable of ever saying the name of Jesus when talking about his faith. He would say “Christ” but never “Jesus.” (Funding all of those abortion clinics on Native reservations was also kind of a giveaway when it came to “W.”)

We prefer people who are truly transformed and who behave like fearless Christians. You know, like Trump!

Anyway, Pence gives these coy answers that he’s going to pray about running. But if he intends to pray about it, why is he already hiring campaign staffers? Another closeted coward, Ben Sasse, is retiring from the US Senate. Pence has hired Ali Kjergaard, a spokesperson for Sasse, to run his Advancing American Freedom PAC. (Advancing as in… “Forward?”)

Advancing American Freedom has been described as Mike Pence’s “campaign in waiting” by Politico. If Pence isn’t running, why’s he hiring staff? He’s obviously running.

The mainstream media loves Mike Pence all of a sudden. The media always finds a strange new respect for fake conservatives who betray the GOP base. It’s one of the only reasons why John McCain ever had a career. Or Mitt Romney. Hey, is there a pattern there?

The media loathed Mike Pence for the four years when he was Donald Trump’s vice president. Mainly because he was Trump’s vice president, but also because of some vaguely worded, not exactly full-blown objections to sodomy. That’s a big no-no to the media and the globalists. You have to be all-in for sodomy, like President Zelensky of Ukraine, or the media and the globalists will hate you. The fact that the media is now chummy with Mike Pence… well… you can figure that one out.

Finally, there’s probably nothing more corrupt in America right now than the book publishing industry. We know that’s saying a lot when entities like the FBI and the Democrat Party exist. But it’s true. Book publishing is a money laundering scheme for the Democrat Party. It’s why George Soros is part owner of the biggest publishing houses in New York City. When people betray the Republican Party like, oh, just for example, Mike Pence, Bill Barr and Amy Coney Barrett, they get $2 million book advances to write books that no one will ever read. Book publishing is the FTX of creative expression.

Bill Barr and Amy Coney Barrett each got $2 million book advances for their roles in cheating Donald Trump out of the 2020 election. Mike Pence got two (2) separate book advances for $2 million each ($4 million total). You’re not planning to read a Mike Pence book any more than I am. You couldn’t PAY me to read Mike Pence’s books.

Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) was the first Member of Congress to fully endorse Donald Trump for president in 2024. Didn’t see that coming, but good for her. While this is not an endorsement of Mike Pence, we do want to say, good luck with your doomed campaign, Mike! We can’t wait until the primary debates when Trump mentions the fact that he put you in charge of the nation’s Covid response.

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13 thoughts on “Mike Pence Will Soon Announce His Doomed 2024 Campaign Against President Trump”

  1. What people don’t know is pence could have delayed certifying the 2020 election by 4 days without congressional approval. It is a fail safe for cases when there is turmoil in the country. I think Jan 6 qualifies.

    1. At a minimum Pence could have recused himself from the election certification process and walked out of Capitol building. As many have stated politicians are self serving, many corrupt and willing to go against their own party. He lost my respect when he tried to say it was his job or responsibility to certify the 2020 election. If you look what’s going on now , Biden is destroying our country. Trump would not let that happen.

    2. He’s going to run so he will have a public platform to ‘broadcast the most evil things he can say about Pres. Trump that he can bring up, true or not! It’s not very difficult to figure that out,,,,,!

  2. I had already figured that he was bought by a Demonrat. I just didn’t know who it was that paid him. Now he is just as EVIL as the Democrats.

  3. Who the heck wants to throw good money after bad, on a candidate that can’t garner 5% of Republican Support that hasn’t got a prayer of becoming the Republican Nominee. Pence was a disaster of a Governor and wasn’t more then Trump’s water boy. The man is despicable, prancing around the country pushing his fraudulent self serving book that demeans Trump while attempting to take credit for the accomplishments of the Trump administration. Mike Pence is the modern day Judas Iscariot, who sold his soul to the Devil himself. I would love to meet the morons backing this failed human being, I’ve got a bridge that connects Brooklyn to Manhattan that I’d sell to them cheap! I guess Pence and his backers are smoking a lot that wacky weed!

  4. Mike Pence is just another politician & for me, Trump proved politicians spend most of their time promoting themselves, raising money for their next election instead of doing anything for the constituents. I prefer a businessman who has been successful as he knows how to work & get things done.

    1. Wishful thinking,Charles! People with their heads screwed on straight KNOW that Donald Trump as President put the United States in the best possible position EVER! The man is a man of the Real World,and is able to represent the United States as we SHOULD be represented!

  5. Everything, even the very essence of his existence is absolutely Counterfeit….
    I have more respect for a turd on a dinner plate.

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