January 6 Footage Shows Pelosi Casually Strolling out of the Capitol with a Film Crew

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has allowed three additional journalists to have full access to the US Capitol security footage from the January 6 election justice protests. The Department of Justice has refused to allow the public or the legal teams of jailed protesters to see the roughly 14,000 hours of footage.

We all know why the footage has been hidden from us. They don’t want us to see the footage because it exposes the Deep State and the media’s lies about the supposed “insurrection.” John Solomon of Just the News is the first journalist to begin releasing never-before-seen clips.

The J6 footage released on Thursday is a series of clips that highlights then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s “evacuation” from the US Capitol. January 6, of course, was worse than Pearl Harbor and 9/11 combined, so you would thing that the evacuation would be a big, stressful, chaotic event.

It would have to be, right? After all, CNN has reliably told us that it’s the worst thing that has ever happened in America. Or maybe the worst thing ever in the whole world.


Pelosi has said repeatedly the Capitol Hill staffers and Members of Congress were “traumatized” by the events of January 6th. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said she was almost raped by the protesters, even though she was in a totally different building that day. Or maybe it was one of the cops who almost raped her. Who knows? She was so traumatized that her story keeps changing.

Reporters from the Washington Post, CNN and MSNBC have all claimed that they have post traumatic stress disorder from January 6. Because it was like a war. And they were right there in it. Poor babies!

It’s really weird that Nancy Pelosi’s daughter, Alexandra Pelosi, JUST SO HAPPENED to be there with a documentary film crew following Nancy around on January 6. It’s almost as if the Pelosi family knew that something was going to be staged by agents provocateur that day.

In order to deflate yet another lie about January 6, John Solomon’s team at Just the News tracked down the big Nancy Pelosi evacuation from the Capitol that day. That is the first video that he has released so far, and hopefully there will be many more. The footage shows Pelosi’s “evacuation” from three different security cameras along the evacuation route.

Nancy and a security squad of Capitol Police are calmly strolling through the evacuation area, and Alexandra Pelosi is following her mom around, calmly and casually filming the whole thing. The “evacuation” could not even be characterized as a brisk walk. They were in no hurry whatsoever, and the reason why is because they were in no danger at all.

Former Congressman Rodney Davis (R-IL) notes that if any Republican had had a documentary film crew strolling around with them that day, they would have been subpoenaed by the Liz Cheney Committee. He’s right, because the presence of a documentary film crew on that day strongly suggests premeditation and pre-planning.

“If they had somebody, even a family member, filming them, they would have gotten a subpoena in front of the January 6th select committee,” says Davis.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) notes that Nancy Pelosi ignored President Trump’s suggestion of having more security and troops on hand that day, and then turned around and used the documentary footage from January 6 to make money.

“What everyone just saw in this video, is they used the situation,” said Greene. “They totally threw out the ability to hide exits for security reasons in the Capitol, and they used that situation to film it, so that their family could make millions of dollars later by selling the video footage in a documentary.”

That’s all true. Alexandra Pelosi sold her documentary to HBO Max, and it has apparently been airing on that station since last December. The average payout for a documentary on HBO Max, Netflix and similar streaming services is $3 to $5 million up front. The whole thing stinks to high heaven. The footage of Pelosi’s “evacuation” was not actually used in the documentary, but other clips that are more “dramatic” were used from that day.

Watch as Nancy Pelosi casually strolls out of the Capitol on January 6, completely unconcerned that the worst thing since 9/11 is happening at the same time:

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36 thoughts on “January 6 Footage Shows Pelosi Casually Strolling out of the Capitol with a Film Crew”

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    2. The only reason the j6 insurrection happened was so that piggy could call a emergency session of congress. She and others arranged the WHOLE Damn Thing….. Once this was done there were NO rules and PIGGY was in charge. vp pence was part of the insurrection as he was part of the plan to stop President Trump from being reelected to office. With piggy in charge and no one to stop her the count of electoral votes (including the bad ones) were certified and pedo joe was slide into the white house. Now YOU no why she refused the offer from President Trump, cause don’t u no it’s all his fault??????
      Now pence thinks he can run for potus after all he’s done because no no’s he helped to certify the STOLEN election.
      At least 2 of the state’s having problems with the counts Pennsylvania and Georgia had Sen and rep’s talk to pence about some time to look into the problems. He TURNED THEM DOWN because the FIX was already in..

      1. pelosi and her gang failed at every attempt to impeach President Trump from the oval office. They somehow managed to rig the 2020 election so that it would keep President Trump out of the oval office. Since President Trump was contesting the election result and asked his followers to convien in Washington DC at congressional building to voice their protest. Pelosi took the advantage of this group of people to organize an invasion into the Capitol building and make it look like President Trump planned and authorized the invasion. Then pelosi had her gang of congressional goons hold hearings in an effort to have President Trump legally charged for the invasion. For months on end hearings were held and multitudes of people were subpoenaed to give testimony in hopes of disqualifying President Trump from the 2024 elections. Having failed again, she conluded with ex President Obama to have the FBI invade his Mar-A-Largo home to find evidence of classified document held in his possession No doubt that if any documents were found, they were planted.. Pelosi and Obama, while they are no longer in office, still have and hold power of many congressional members. It is my belief that they will continue to do anything they can think of to keep President Trump from winning the 2024 election and moving back into the White House Having rigged the 2020 election, I’m sure the corrupt democratic party will continue to find ways to have illegal votes cast in favor of the candidate they put forth for the election

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  4. When you plan and practice something enough, it usually goes without a hitch. Nancy helped set up Jan 6th and her daughter is filming it for money….Does anyone buy this drama? They only people creating disorder were those paid to do it.

  5. I have been posting since J6 that it was a set up. I watched some of it on TV that day. Do not know who filmed it but watched the rally and walk to the capitol and people entering and even the shooting of Ashli Babbit . That sort of stopped the filming shortly thereafter. It was a plot designed to steal the election and the country. \worked very well I would say. congrats. the stupid republicans went along with all this. they were terrified for their lives. right.

    1. I have always felt that Pelosi and Oblabba (Obama) were involved with “point to Trump” on 1/6 fiasco where I saw a man breaking a window at the Capitol Building who had been in the Portland, Oregon nonsense! When will we all grow up? What a disgrace! God, please help us.

  6. What the hell is this shit? We have advertisements in everything now? Even a news story? What’s next advertisements on our toilet paper? The evaluation of that drunken pos is just another bullshit attempt to frame a political opponent that the left is deathly afraid of. They just will not stop! I can’t believe how many stupid people still believe the shit they come up with!

    1. You are 100% correct, the corrupt democrats are afraid that Trump will clean house this time and all these S.OB. will be in GITMO.

  7. Yeah… they ALL WERE FLEEING FOR THEIR LIVES WERNT THEY??? Piglosi is a nasty demwhore and a piece of human trash along with her slu* daughter…what a family of grifters liars and thieves…hope they get charged with insider trading and do LOTS AND LOTS OF TIME!!!

    1. I agree with you 100 percent it was a setup and old hag, douche bag lying piece of crap pelosi was behind this all and she surely was not feeling for her life as she casually walked out …it was all a set up and these people are being sentence to jail while these thugs go out and kill people for no reason at and kill our police and service people and when you look at videos they are blacks committing crime and no one can say other wise..Americans are not stupid and for every man women and sadly children who are dying from these poisinouse drugs every democratic is responsible for these deaths for allowing open borders old hag pelosi and her Demicratic party are corrupt as hell if anyone are Nazis it is the Democratics especially another old hag and corrupt Hillary Clinton…

  8. Pelosi the old sea hag and her good for nothing daughter should have to pay back all the money they made from their lies. Whatever is shown on tv of their lies should be canceled asap. People are stupid enough to believe all the pelosi’s shit. some just don’t want to know the truth . They don’t want to know how stupid they really are they just want to be blind to all the traitors we have working in our government Lining their pockets with our hard earned money. Democrats are just sitting back and laughing at the idiots who voted them into office.probably saying we got them once and we will get the idiots to do it again. Because they don’t want to go back to work or lose all the freebies the democrats are handing them from tax payers. Wake up republicans and jump start your brains and put a stop to all the democrat shit.

    1. Sadly, you will never get most of dems to see the light, because the only thing that they see are all the free schitt the left promises. These douchebag traitors to the USA, should all hang.

  9. Pelosi daughter shouldn’t have been in the House room with Pelosi. Filming, to, then excluding footage of Nancy’s calm stroll through the halls. They planned AND LARGELY DID AND INFLUENCED any violent behavior that day, by Capitol police and disguised FBI. The J6 Committee at start of proceedings had announced, strangely, that Pelosi would NOT BE AVAILABLE for questioning or testimony (helps her avoid later perjury charges) and that her notes, texts, phone calls, and emails WERE OFF LIMITS to all. We know, and Gen. Milley had talked about her being in very frequent contact with him well before J6, even BEFORE THE ELECTION, and also on that day and days following. Apparently the record of that was destroyed. He did, however, genius that he ISN’T, stated before the Committee that SEVERAL DAYS BEFORE the election of 2020, he had contacted and met with several heads of some big (MSM) media companies plus their most popular program hosts, to tell them they needed to gear up to cover January 6 certification day because there was likely going to be a riot by angry Trump supporters! He was calling this meeting and declaring BEFORE THE ELECTION that Trump voters were going to be angry and cause a post election riot! Likely a meeting thought up by Pelosi, who probably never thought Milley would testify about it!
    And the non bomber bomber? That story just petered out, didn’t it. Multiple camera views if this hooded person, from various angles, but the FBI couldn’t identify them? It was announced that J6 day, as I watched, that they were going to search all around and inside the DNC Building FOR A POSSIBLE SECOND BOMB. OK, standard call, ecacyate tge buikding a search. HOWEVER, we learned much later that THEY DID NOT EVACUATE THE BUILDING. How did we find that out? Because VP Kamala Harris, the first one they would have rushed to evacuate, stated to the news that she was not at the Capitol during the riot because she was participating in a meeting IN THE DNC BUILDING DURING THAT TIME. Obviously not evacuated, but she must have missed being told certain details of tge riot and bomb plans. Perhaps was giggling and didn’t hear the hush instructions. So we know the bomb was a fake plant, probably an undercover FBI staffer in the “bomber” pics, so of course will never be “found”. It all keeps coming together, the Dem and FBI plan to harm Trump and his future, throw over 1000 Trump supporters into vicious jail situations. ..let’s terrorize and destroy them, to teach them never to back Trump or vote Republican again, right? The truth of this giant coup effort needs to be brought to full light. The greatest evil in our history done by the most evil, yet bumbling, planners and participants imaginable. They need to be charged. It was treason. Let us hope America doesn’t fall because of events that came to be because of them.

    1. Sorry, but the USSA or United Socialist States of Amerikkka has already fallen. We let it happen, sat on the couch, watching football games, and thinking, let the other guy handle it. Unfortunately, the other guy did the same thing, and we now have a bumbling pedophile ruining, oops. Running our once beloved country. We had a good run. R.I.P. USA. Long live the communist USSA.

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    1. Peddle your money making schemes some place other than forum for serious topics.

  11. Treasonous Traitor Pence e.g. just trying to “redeem” himself by running in 2024!! He sold his soul to the devil when he SOLD OUT our country by certifying for Treasonous Traitors Piglousy, Schumer, and the rest of the Treasonous Left’s Socialism!! And then attended Treasonous Traitor Brandon’s inauguration!!

  12. Pence’s crappy book “So Help Me God” should be titled instead “How Lucifer Helped Me SELL OUT THE USA”!!

  13. But the biggest risks were not even Pelosi with her daughter – a documentary photographer, and not Reporters from the Washington Post, CNN and MSNBC, it was the same police officer who could be raped at any moment by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, “injured » events on January 6.

  14. i saw some of the events as they unfolded so i knew that it was bullshit. i saw that girl get murdered as she walked through a broken window–unarmed and unable to be a threat. i knew at the time that no police were murdered. i knew at the time that the amount of damage was minimal. then-all information was supperssed and the lying narrative was established. of course, some of the people involved were quite destructive but nowhere near the out of control rioters depicted by the communist-excuse me-democratic party. i did believe, erroneously, as it turns out, that an olfficer was hit on the head by a rioter with a fire extingwisher. a liberal lie- i found out later. the cop who murdered the girl was hidden for several months for obvious reasons- and he was protected. an intellegent person can guess why. the entire senerio was embellished to implement the destruction of president trump-a person who, at that time, i disliked because i had been brainwashed by my having been brought up as a chicago democrat in the fourties which was good at the time, but later the party changed and i listened to people like thom hartmann. when i saw morals, the bill of rights, religion, the border and the right of assembly being abridged and the second and the fourth amendments being shredded it occurred to me that i had to listen to both sides. well, when i did i had an epipheny-and i am now a staunch conservative-perhaps a day late and a dollar short.

  15. Google is presently paying $10,447 to $13,025 every month for working on the web from home. I have joined this activity 2 months back and I have earned $15,248 in my first month from this activity. I can say my life is improved totally!
    Look at it what I do———————————————>>>>> cutt.ly/mww4YuPi

  16. Pelosi is a
    Greedy power monger at any cost as are the Bidens. To wield enough power to get away with the Biden family sneaky self seeking greed – used to
    Hide behind continually accusing Trump to take the hate off of your crooked family can only work for so long. You all
    Belong in a hard nosed prison, be forced to return every dollar you got thru treason acts to the US. IN THE
    WORDS OF THE CREEPS, HONESTLY they should be hung from the gallows in public. A
    Glorious day that would be. They’ve ruined this country and intend on finishing the job by lying, cheating, stealing this country of all we truly are. Camp the illegals on Joe’s front lawn. Let him suffer.

  17. If the congress digs deeper they will find out Nancy planed the hole thing . She should be called up before a committee
    Along with Chaney to get to the trough; sounds like it is time to put them on trial they don’t mind hanging trump
    If the republicans don’t do something I and a lot of people won’t have any trust in eather party

  18. This was a preplanned event staged and executed by the democrats, a felonious act that is punishable by trial for treason and impeachment. How long are we going to give these monkeys free reign to set up and persecute conservative citizens in acts that make Watergate look like a walk in the park. Innocent people died that day (from various causes) who shouldn’t have as well as a woman being executed by a trigger-happy police officer. Since Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State the dems have run roughshod over conservatives by controlling the legislative branch, executive branch, the DOJ and mass media over the years. They have persecuted an innocent President multiple times who has been found not guilty when judged by politically neutral judges and juries. They have endangered lives (and literally caused the death of innocents) by defunding the police, allowed millions of unvetted immigrants to enter our country, pushed a climate change agenda on us which is probably bogus, accepted bribes while granting favors to other countries, and both eliminated our energy independence, caused some of the worst inflation in history, and continue to manipulate our elections several different ways to further their agenda. All of them should be impeached, tried and convicted for heinous crimes against the American people.

  19. The Washington dems have done everything they have acused President Trump, republicans, and every conservative of! They even planned, scheduled and coordinated every death of every American murdered since President Trump took office in 2016! They have no loyalty to America at all! As kerry just said the population is not sustainable so more American deaths are being planned by them right now! They want to make America a third world country because they have been bought and paid for by the likes of soros, gates, and other filthy rich people in America and abroad. Even China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, etc. have bought and paid them for their disloyalty and hate of Americans! They are the terrorist within our country!

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