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2 Scandals Doom Creepy Joe Biden’s Presidential Bid

There’s a standing rule about political candidates that proves they all look like sure bets until you throw a little mud on them. After that, plenty of would-be leaders look like something the cat dragged in.

After just a few weeks on the campaign trail to win the Democratic Party’s 2020 presidential nod, ex-Vice President Joe Biden looks more like a serial sex offender than a guy who could beat President Donald Trump.

All Biden’s braggadocios talk has turned into a whimper as he gets repeatedly slammed by women he reportedly groped, fondled and engaged in a creepy hair sniffing fetish. Big-talk Joe doesn’t seem to be able to squirm away from the empowered women in the age of the #MeToo movement. It appears the open secret about Creepy Joe Biden were true.

Although his “hands-on” approach to non-consenting females was hidden by the liberal media’s cult-like worship of all things Obama, an abundance of scandals await the Democratic primary candidate, and plenty of this mud will stick.

Here are two more scandals that are sure to doom Joe Biden’s candidacy.

Ukrainian Pay-To-Play Scheme With Taxpayer Money

If you don’t recall this Obama-era scandal, don’t be alarmed. You are neither suffering memory loss nor uninformed. The Democrat-biased media selectively chose to tank this corruption story because, well, they’re mostly partisans and it made the Obama Administration look bad.

During V.P. Biden’s tenure in the administration, he reportedly directed upwards of $1.8 billion in U.S. taxpayer aid to Ukraine. That was when Obama and Biden sat in their hands while Russia annexed the Crimea region. But in a move you might expect from Hillary Clinton, there was a little caveat in the deal. Biden’s son, Hunter, snagged a multi-million dollar contracts from the country’s Burisma Holdings energy company through his Rosemont Seneca company.

According to award-winning investigative journalist John F. Solomon, Hunter Biden was conveniently installed on Bursima’s board and positioned to pull down millions in what some believe wreaks of money laundering.

“U.S. banking records show Hunter Biden’s American-based firm, Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC, received regular transfers into one of its accounts — usually more than $166,000 a month — from Burisma from spring 2014 through fall 2015, during a period when Vice President Biden was the main U.S. official dealing with Ukraine and its tense relations with Russia,” Solomon reported.

A U.S. prosecutor reportedly had an open file on Burisma, Rosemont Seneca, and Hunter Biden. He was terminated before moving forward with a full-force investigation and hauling the V.P’s son in for questioning.

“The bottom line is Joe Biden was the Obama administration’s point-person on policy towards Ukraine,” Government Accountability Institute pres. Peter Schweizer said. “He steered $1.8 billion in aid to that government, and while he was doing so, his son got a sweetheart deal with this energy company — that we’ve been able to trace over just a 14-month period — paid $3.1 million into an account where Hunter Biden was getting paid.”

Creepy Joe Biden’s Shady Family Dealings

Everyday Americans sometimes scratch their heads wondering why the likes of Creepy Joe Biden and former Obama-era Secretary of State John Kerry so adamantly oppose the Trump Administration’s foreign policy. It’s clear that adversaries such as China and others should be dealt with firmly.

But behind the scenes, Swamp Creatures like Biden and Kerry appear to have deferred direct money-grabs to other family members. All they have to do is declare themselves as “lobbyists,” and they’re clean as a whistle — by Washington, D.C., standards.

One pivotal connection that has flown under the radar is the fact the Hunter Biden was in business with Secretary of State John Kerry’s stepson, Christopher Heinz. Kerry had married Heinz’ mother after her husband, Pennsylvania Sen. Chris Heinz died. Yes, they are the mega-rich ketchup family.

Biden’s son and Kerry’s stepson would throw in together as their powerful political family heads hashed out deals around the world. For example, the younger Biden, Heinz and another associate were fast-tracked to meet with China’s highest ranking financial officials despite being considered small-time players in the sector. In fact, Hunter Biden was reportedly shuffled back and forth to Asia on Air Force One.

The Rosemont organization would reportedly be the recipient of inside deals with China in conjunction with the Thornton Group. Believe it or not, Thornton was a Massachusetts-based corporation run by James Bulger. Yes, the nephew of the infamous mobster and hitman, James “Whitey” Bulger. The Bulger family were powerful Democrat insiders loosely connected to Kerry.

If you think Creepy Joe Biden’s groping and hair-sniffing fetish is a problem, there are mountains of scandalous mud yet to be thrown. Biden’s dirty little secrets may have already doomed his chances without Obama to cover up for him.

~ Conservative Zone

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20 thoughts on “2 Scandals Doom Creepy Joe Biden’s Presidential Bid”

  1. My mother-in-law once told me it was all right what went on in the Nixon administration. She said “They all do it”. She was a John Bircher. I agree, they all do it. It doesn’t make it right and it doesn’t pass the smell test. Uncle Joe might be the best the Dems. have to offer. Are you going to pull a “HILLARY” and give us another win. I know it is early, but THANK YOU.

  2. Peter Schweizer wrote a best selling book called “Secret Empires” which outlines how the American political class hides corruption and enriches family & friends. This is the same author who wrote the book entitled “Clinton Cash”. Both John Kerry’s son – Chris Heinz and Joe Biden’s Son -Hunter Biden were used as pawns in Ukraine to broker deals. They not only enriched themselves, but their fathers & family members.

    Schweizer is well researched and is an equal-opportunity investigator snaring Republications as well as Democrats and is highly effective in his takedowns.

  3. When I tried to share with FaceBook and received this message: “Your message couldn’t be sent because it includes content that other people on Facebook have reported as abusive.”Which prevented me from posting this. It’s just an article regarding the Democrats, Joe Biden and his son. Facts not Fiction.

    1. next big scandal post will be the Feinstein and her spouse on hi-tech military espionage transfer to Chi-Com. no one dares to expose their 30 years of espionage activities. Trump DOJ and new FBI should investigate how Chi-Com come to par with US in military superiority within10 years time, surely not from the US library??? she was in the senate intelligent committee and foreign affair since she was elected. as the SF mayor. matter factly her mayor position also catapulted her and spousal business contact with Chi-Com secret under table pay-to-play scheme. don’t believe me, search their bankroll going back 30 years??? answers are under the rock and in the Swiss bank vault. i was in China 2017 saw the ugly colored photo of billy the goat 1995 visit in Xian China underground shopping centre. so, clinton pay-to play started when they were in the WH. is that what the demorat official business is to scam their way in public office to enrich their pocketbook???

  4. Joe Biden doesn’t have it between his ears. He never has and never will. He is probably the best that this sorry so called Democrat Party has to offer. They had about as well just forfeit the 2020 election and concentrate on a total reformation of their party, or face its dissolution.

    1. Trump hasn’t abused or taken advantage of women in any way. Trump has paid prostitutes for whatever action he received in the exchange. Big difference!

  5. It’s ironic that the same Trump-related bigots who support wierdo Donald Duck Trump, who is the biggest liar and woman abuser, attack Joe Biden who’s actions were trivial relative to the quackiest fake president we have ever put in the White House.

    Nick Perrone

  6. The Progressives go after one of their own. It shows you how rotten they are. POWER is all they want and they will throw anyone under the bus to get it. ROTTE to the CORE that is what they are. They do not give a dam about any U.S. Citizens they will use you and when they got all they can from you they throw u in the garbage.

  7. Joe has never Bragged about Grabbing a Woman By Her Private Parts or accused of Molesting any one like Trump !!!

  8. An old saying comes to mind, “Look who’s calling the kettle black?” A disgusting degenerate president who brags about grabbing women by the pussy. If you call Joe Biden creepy, what can you possibly call trump? I would take Joe Biden any day over the embarrassment that we have for a president, someone who can’t even remember what country his father was born in.

  9. Joe Biden’s allowed the Chinese to build an Island in international waters because he benefited through Proxy as I read in Peter Schweizer the author of the follow up book (Clinton And Cash) call I believe “Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends -corruption by proxy”

  10. Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends is all you have to read to know – Joe Biden is a thief

  11. i don’t understand how people can sell out their country for money. I am a veteran and could never do that. I truly love my country. Those people should be shot or put on the front lines in war.

  12. This is not the least bit surprising. Biden was the VP for the MOST corrupt President this country has EVER known. He is as deep state as one can get. Can anyone imagine if a Republican was as touchy/feely as Biden? There would a constant barrage from the liberal media!! Their double standard is so sickening. These people all think the average American is an idiot. News flash, it’s not that we are idiots, it’s because we are HONEST!!!

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