The left-leaning and fake news media have already begun their misinformation campaign on the imminent Phase I U.S.-China trade deal.
Early indications from the White House point to the Asian superpower being required to make American farmers whole and purchased never-seen-before billions of U.S. agricultural goods going forward. Liberal outlets such as NPR and others are poo-pooing those potentially historic gains by farmers, insinuating they somehow won’t be realized in the Heartland. The biased and fake news media again reverts to its anti-America First playbook, just like it did when President Donald Trump fulfilled his promise to renegotiate the lousy NAFTA deal that devastated the country’s manufacturing base and caused massive job loss.
The new USMCA trade deal has yet to receive a vote in Congress, as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi puts politics ahead of American prosperity. And while the Obama-Biden administration put together the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) that would have permanently given China the upper-hand in world trade, President Trump and his team of skilled economic advisors are delivering for everyday Americans, big league. These are true facts everyday people should know.
1: Trade Deal Announcement Sent Stock Market Through the Roof
U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer reportedly said Phase I of the deal is “totally done.” On the strength of that announcement, Wall Street went into full steroid mode. The Dow Jones Industrial shot up more than 100 points to 28,235.89, and the S&P 500 gained 22.65 points. With the U.S.-China pact being written up for signatures as early as January, Trump’s American First policies have added more than 10,000 points to the Dow Jones. That equals more than one-third of the total wealth in three years. The measure has been a top business standard for more than a century. Americans who have retirement packages and college funds invested in the stock market are enjoying unprecedented financial gains.
2: U.S. Farmers Earn the Biggest Wins
When the Trump Administration took a stand against China’s criminal practices such as currency manipulation and intellectual property theft by leveling tariffs, the communists went low. They attacked the nation’s hard-working farmers by heaping onerous tariffs against growers and ranchers. Perhaps believing great American farmers lacked the temerity to hold their ground, China gambled and lost.
The Asian power went after American pork and soybeans only to discover it lacked the ability to handle increased prices itself. Pork prices skyrocketed in China as a perfect storm of higher costs, and a massive African swine fever devastated its own livestock and farmers. By early 2019, China had blinked and began tripling imports of the very U.S. pork it targeted, among other agricultural products. An angry President Trump is now forcing them to make American farmers whole, and then some.
“We have agreed to a very large Phase One Deal with China,” Trump tweeted. China has “agreed to many structural changes and massive purchases of Agricultural Product, Energy, and Manufactured Goods, plus much more.”
Beijing is expected to purchase upwards of $50 billion in U.S. agricultural products in the near future. Going forward, the communists have reportedly made a commitment to purchase $32 billion over the next two years over-and-above a $24-billion baseline measure set in 2017, before the trade war began. China trade officials are also optimistic the world’s most populated nation will top that by an additional $5 billion in wheat, corn, and rice, among others. Phase I appears to be a grand-slam home run for American farmers.
3: Trade Deficit Improvement as China to Buy American Oil
Among the problems that President Trump spoke about in the run-up to the 2016 election were the massive trade deficit with China and the country’s dependence on foreign oil. He appears to be parlaying his energy independence success into a trade win. The country currently enjoys a domestically-produced oil surplus for the first time in more than half a century, and China will now pony up.
According to White House economic advisor Lighthizer, China has committed to increasing its purchases of U.S. goods by $200 billion.
“We have divided the U.S. exports into four categories: agricultural goods, manufactured goods, energy and services,” Lighthizer reportedly said.
The president’s long-game was to start reducing the one-sided $420 billion trade deficit with China. Now, as the world’s leader in domestic oil, the U.S. is deftly positioned to address the trade disparity. America regained the mantle as the world’s top economy after slipping into second place during the Obama-Biden years. The goal is now to keep America great with strong economic policies and trade deals that put Americans first.
Please note that there is an ongoing theme. Over and over again we hear or see phrases like, “America regained the mantle as the world’s top economy after slipping into second place during the Obama-Biden years.” That’s because, uniformly, virtually everything done by the Obama administration (I don’t usually tack Biden on as he was pretty much just a place holder, there as anti-assassination insurance for Obama) was done to damage rather than help this nation. Oh, yes, they were always able to put some kind of positive spin on it. The liberal Demonrats are absolutely great, very polished spinners and liars, but that’s all it ever is – spinning and lying, smoke and mirrors.
This has made pretty much everything President Trump has had to do was to fix something that they broke. He has had to pull us out of bad deals (Iran & Paris & TPP), renegotiate bad deals (NAFTA, China, Japan, Korea, Europe and on and on), cancel bad regulations by the hundreds, rebuild a military that the Obama administration had taken down in capability, manpower and readiness to below pre WW II levels and, believe me, that’s pretty damn low. He had to lower a job killing tax structure to create the best economy, possibly, we have ever had and the lowest unemployment rate in many decades – virtually full employment by the standards applied by economists (anything below 5% unemployment). The Demonrats have spent decades tearing this nation down so they could replace our republic with the socialist oligarchy, ruled by them as the elite, of course, that their lust for power craves. They are trying desperately to impeach him because they know that they can’t beat a leader who has done so many positive things for the country at the ballot box – not even with one of their rigged elections. And they know that if Donald Trump gets another four years in the White House his America First policies could set their carefully nurtured plans and machinations of many decades back by as much as a century. When Obama was in office they all saw the bright light at the end of the tunnel and their plans coming to fruition in their own lifetimes. Unfortunately for them, the bright light turns out to have been the ten thousand candle headlight of the Trump Train bearing down on them.
You said many things that I have been saying for many years. I’m glad we are on the same team.
Democrats know that they have been taking advantage of hard working people like ourselves stealing our money wasting our money This is why they want to take our president down he is working hard for us and it has shown Democrats are running scared you can see it in their kangaroo court I stand by my president!! How about you ?
I have been a student of US history for 75 years. I have personally watched What has happened Since President Eisenhower. With the exception of President Kennedy, every Democrat president, very early in his administration raised taxes under the guise of taxing the rich. What b— S—. For example, Clinton placed a tax on Social Security payments and removed interest on Credit cards as a tax deduction. Tell me how many of the ‘super rich’ were affected, Of Course, we all know the ‘famous lie’ of Obama.
In all these years, I have never seen a President do as much ‘good’ for this Country in a short period, against the total effort of all democrats and the Press for him to fail. I ask the American people to simply take a look at President Trump’s achievements in 3 years against all odds, and compare that to any Democrat President, ever. Now tell me of any current democrat, period, that could ever come close to that record. Now tell me why would any red blooded American would vote for any dimocrat, knowing that taxes would be raised, immigration would increase, many additional regulations would be placed, the Economy would collapse, welfare payments would increase dramatically. I ask all Americans to look, think, and ask themselves, Do I want this?
Voting against President Trump is voting against these United States and its people. It would be a case of mental derangement to deny the accomplishments. But then again, liberalism is a mental disease as is TDS (Trump derangement syndrome).
Your post sows a great knowledge of history and what is happening in today’s world. THank you for your clearheaded observation and opinion. I agree with you whole heartedly and also whole brained!
Wonderful analysis. You’re right on re. President Trump and his Fairness doctrine. Quite remarkable
President Donald J. Trump is the greatest president of my lifetime, closely followed by Ronald Reagan, if not the greatest of all time. He works hard every day for the good of this nation he loves so much. If the Democrats would work with versus against him imagine the potential for this great nation.
Democrats make me sick sick sick with their everyday lies !!!!
It seems that everything President Trump does is for the enhancement of the American people, and has proven to be so. Democrats on the other hand claim to be the party of the people, however most of what they support seem to enhance their own standing and that of their wealthy donors. Time and again they help the poor by raising taxes on them or putting up road blocks to keep them on the govt plantation. The whole impeachment circus is a distraction aimed at the obtuse to cover their malfeasance in the swamp that is DC.