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3 Things You Need to Know About Bernie Sanders

“Crazy” Bernie Sanders turned the Democratic Party’s last presidential primary race from a Hillary Clinton coronation into a hotly contested run all the way to the convention. But what the esteemed socialist senator from Vermont and everyday Americans suspected was true. The Democratic National Committee (DNC) and co-conspirators in the media such as CNN rigged the primary against him.

Sen. Sanders was an inconvenient bump in the road as Hillary took over the DNC’s finances, blocked his access to party voter lists and enlisted enough so-called “super delegates” to ensure ballots cast by the little people could not change the course of the race. It was over before the first primary vote was cast. The radical who energized the base with ideas got fleeced.

The Vermont senator has again thrown down his hat into a crowded field of 2020 presidential hopefuls. But unlike rivals such as California Sen. Kamala Harris and New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker among other front runners, the 77-year-old sometimes independent, sometimes Democrat and full-time socialist has amassed a troubling voting record during his nearly three decades as a Washington insider. Beyond the impassioned speeches Sen. Sanders gives, these are three things you should know.

1: Bernie Sanders Dislikes Immigrants (even legal ones)

Although left-wing extremists such as Sen. Sanders have seized control of the Democratic Party, the Vermont socialist stands apart when it comes to immigration. Other candidates are calling for sanctuary cities and open borders. Sanders has consistently voted against legislation that would advance the cause of the so-called Dreamers, and even legal immigrants who want to work.

In 2007, the career politician effectively derailed bipartisan legislation that would reform the immigration process and give greater opportunity to foreigners securing legal guest worker permits.

“What concerns me are provisions in the bill that would bring low-wage workers into this country in order to depress the already declining wages of American workers,” Sanders said at the time.

Left-leaning media resources such as Politico like to call Sanders’ track record on immigration “complicated.” Others such as USA News call his votes a “nightmare” for immigrants. In 2017, Sanders caucused with Democrats to upend four immigration reform bills that would provide 1.8 million Dreamers with a pathway to citizenship. He then blamed it on Pres. Donald Trump who agreed to sign any of the four bills.

2: Bernie Sanders Would Make America Poor Again

The high-minded progressive talks as if he has all the answers and, if elected, everything would be free. While everyday Americans have grown weary of liberal politicians trying to one-up each other by offering free candy, Bernie is the original progressive. In fact, he co-founded the Congressional Progressive Caucus back in the early 1990s.

Today’s politicians such as New York upstart Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and others are rebranding Sanders’ ideas as “Democratic Socialism.” The reality is that freebies such as “Medicare for All” would cost taxpayers upwards of $32 trillion. Yes, folks, that’s a T.

“If every major country on earth can guarantee health care to all, and achieve better health outcomes while spending substantially less per capita than we do, it is absurd for anyone to suggest that the United States cannot do the same,” Sanders said.

The radical from Vermont tends to leave out the truth that European countries that tried this have poor outcomes and are heading for bankruptcy. The amount of taxation necessary for Bernie’s Medicare love-child would cripple the U.S. economy.

3: THe FBI Suspiciously Dropped its Investigation Into His Wife

Sound familiar? We are all well aware that the Democrat-leaning leadership at the FBI allowed “crooked” Hillary to walk away untouched after violating federal communications regulations and exposing national security. Unlike the well-publicized submarine sailor who did hard-time for taking a selfie in a ship, Hillary was never charged even though the offense was proven.

Similarly, Jane Sanders was the center of a loan scandal that appeared to violate federal banking regulations. Mrs. Sanders was reportedly provided with a substantial loan for her employer even though her application did not meet federal regulatory standards. Reports also indicate that Sen. Sanders used his office to pressure lenders. There was also $2 million in “overstated” assets used to secure close to $10 million for her Burlington College employer.

According to records, Jane Sanders walked away with $200,000 after the loans went into default. If they were ordinary Americans, they’d be behind bars. This is the same type of corruption the Vermont senator commonly decries. Being college-educated, Sanders can surely spell “hypocrite.”

~ Conservative Zone

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21 thoughts on “3 Things You Need to Know About Bernie Sanders”

  1. Sanders and his ilk have turned Burlington into one of the most expensive cities in which to live.
    Sometime inspect “Where to Retire” magazine’s comparison charts if you doubt my statement!

  2. every fucking one of these political ass holes in government and all the wanna bees should be all put in front
    of a firing squad and shot and get real American people who give a shit about this country and the American people and not the immigrants that are allowed here …it wont be long that this country will be nothing but a dumpster for human garbage

  3. Hi All,
    I know all I need to know about Crazy Bernie. This guy let his own party, the DNC, butt bang him in public, metaphor here folks, and now he is going back to the DNC for another butt banging. Going back to this same traitorous group, with the name Democrat, who fixed the democrat primary race so Crazy Bernie absolutely no possibility of winning. “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” That witticism I’ll call it “Einstein Insanity”, hence the name Crazy Bernie. So do I need to know about Bernie nope. I do know he is insane. When he gets in as POTUS let’s invoke the 25th amendment an kick his arse out. Besides that he is a DC Swamp pol who got his lying wife, Janie, off of criminal charges for lying on a bank application that led to the bankrupting of the Vermont Burlington College. Why you ask? Because he is a elite pols with power and influence and as such he and his spouse are above the law we must obey. Boy the old saying “Birds of a feather flock together” is certainly true here. He and Janie must fly with the corrupt Clinton crime family. Well at least the USA had a good run. Hey Bernie make sure the DNC using protection and k-Jel. Less pain on the old peanut butter trail. (Nickel or a dime make a rhyme every time)

  4. Hi All,
    A dear life long friend of mine, now deceased, once told me that just like the military and the jury pools all Americans should be drafted to in congress at least once. He explained that with no long terms no one would get to be a Swamp dweller over the course of 1 term. This way we would have no more Swamp and no more sum bag pols who live there. This would ensure a turn over the royalty we now have who bleed us dry of our hard earned money.

  5. One reason , he a Russia lover. He loves russia. He will have all of us in break lines and eating trash. This is what all democrats want to do to America. No thanks. Reason for all democrats. Arrests need to start now. Obama and Hillary at the top of the list.

  6. Bernie Saunders are two crooks. His wife was president of a Vermont college and filled out a false bank statement to get money for college which she most likely kept for themselves. She was investigated for BANK FRAUD but somehow or others the politicos get away with criminal activities. His wife was never indicted for BANK FRAUD, NOTE: You never see his wife with Bernie any more. Wonder why? She does not want to show her criminal face. Bernie never had a job his whole life. Came from Brooklyn and moved to Vermont where he was elected Mayor. Suddenly now he is rich-owns 3 homes and collects a lot of money from contributions and his great salary as a Senator. Bernie is a socialist who become rich and the people become poor. Let him show his income tax. Every Senator and Representative become rich while in office from money given by lobbyists. Pelosi became rich by knowing which bills were going to bring up the price of stocks. Pelosi and her husband would purchase these stocks ahead of price going up. They are now multi millionaires. All elected should should show income tax each year. Bernie Saunders states he is a socialist. He is an outright liar. He and his wife are two thieves and liars.

  7. Sanders, Clinton, Biden, Harris, Booker, etc are all socialist p.o.s. If you want 50+ % income tax vote Democrat. Free s#!+ is not free. All the giveaways and freebies offered by these asshats are paid for by the American taxpayers, not the illegals and the welfare rats. Keep America Great and continue winning. GO TRUMP 2020. BUILD THE WALL!

  8. I’m surprised that the article didn’t include something even more disturbing then the other 1-3 things to know about Bernie Sanders, which should have been listed first. BERNIE SANDERS AND HIS WIFE HONEYMOONED IN RUSSIA !!

  9. I like the first comment a fireing
    Squad for all these low life scumb
    Democrats in the house and senate along with the gop rhinos
    The Democrats are pure evil and should be tried for treason.Vote
    Trump or vote for the end.

  10. Actually, I don’t need to know ANYTHING about unk bernie… nor would I want to know anything about him. That would suggest I care, one way or the other about him. I don’t. I could care less. He isn’t going to amount to anything. He’s a millionaire decrying personal wealth and hyping socialism for everyone but himself and those like him, at best.

  11. Term limits!
    Perfect, Prime example of why the swamp needs to be drained. These Career Politician makes me cringe. These people are more dangerous than our advocacies.
    He is so enamored with Communism I don’t understand why he doesn’t move to a Communist country like Venezuela. Our gift to the Venezuelan people. Let him screw up their country just like he is trying to do to our country.

  12. It is interesting to note that whenever I see comments from people criticizing Bernie Sanders for his wild socialism beliefs (which are true) no one ever seems to mention Sanders apparent love for pornography since the 1970s. If you doubt this, simply do the following: Go to GOOGLE and place the following four words into the “search” box . They are: AUTHOR, BERNIE SANDERS, PORNOGRAPHY and then enter it. You will find articles pertaining to Presidential candidate Sanders. Check out articles on Bernie’s vast storage of his VHS porno collection. Ask about his beliefs, at least in the past, regarding the Man Love Society. Maybe Mr. Sanders feels different about Pornography today? Some inquisitive “fake news” reporter should ask him?

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