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3 Things You Should Know About Kirsten Gillibrand

New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand appears to be a dark horse candidate to earn the presidential nomination in an overcrowded field of Democrat hopefuls. Ranked among the more extreme liberal Washington politicians, Sen. Gillibrand has shifted her political positions to meet the prevailing winds of her party’s voters. After a decade in the U.S. Senate, she has learned to do what the DNC and liberal donors tell her.

Once considered a moderate, experts now view the 52-year-old Democrat as an extremist on major issues. Over the last few years, she has voted against the Trump Administration’s America First policies, such as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act fewer times than any other senator. While her “resist” and “obstruct” methods may not surprise everyday Americans, these are three things voters should be concerned about.

1: Gillibrand Owes The Clintons, Big League

Hillary Clinton reportedly mentored the Albany native and Dartmouth-educated corporate lawyer in the early 2000s. Gillibrand is a Clinton insider, having worked for Hillary on her 2000 campaign when she considered running in New York’s historically conservative 20th District in 2004. She was dissuaded by Hillary to wait until the political landscape was more favorable in 2006.

“When I hung up, I knew that she thought I should wait,” Gillibrand reportedly said. “A race in 2004 was premature and most likely unwinnable. Eventually, (Gillibrand’s spouse) Jonathan and I agreed that Hillary’s instincts were right.”

Instead, she took a job with disgraced Pres. Bill Clinton’s HUD Secretary Andrew Cuomo. The same now-Gov. Cuomo who recently signed an infanticide law legalizing all late-term abortions and the killing of babies after birth.

With the Clintons’ help, and massive amounts of PAC money funneled into the long-standing Republican district in 2006, Gillibrand ran with endorsements from the GOP, DNC and Working Families. Her ties to the Clintons continued through the years.

After Obama became president, then-Sen. Hillary Clinton was tapped as Secretary of State. With Hillary’s Senate post vacant, the fix was in to seat Gillibrand. Following a secret meeting with then-Gov. David Paterson and political pressure from Washington, Gillibrand seemingly leaped prominent candidates such as Andrew Cuomo. She still owes Hillary political favors to this day. Electing Gillibrand would renew Hillary’s political power.

2: Gillibrand Misled Voters On The Issues

Once considered a Blue Dog Democrat that moderate conservatives could trust, Gillibrand once enjoyed an “A” rating from the NRA, made campaign promises to crack down on illegal immigration and refused to vote for illegal immigrant amnesty. Gillibrand said she was a hardliner on American sovereignty and the rule of law.

Since joining the U.S. Senate, Gillibrand became a born again liberal. She consistently votes in lockstep with Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer, and has reversed her position on the core values she exposed during her first run for Congress. Although Gillibrand has tried to sell her change of direction by claiming her thinking has “evolved,” perhaps no sitting politician has changed their mind so rapidly or drastically. Consider her words when she enjoyed an A rating with the NRA.

She reportedly said she slept with a pair of firearms under her bed at night, claiming that “if I want to protect my family, if I want to have a weapon in the home, that should be my right.”

By 2018, she earned an F rating after falling in line with Chuck Schumer. Her recent statement on gun rights… “I just didn’t take the time that I should have to understand the issue from someone else’s perspective, not just from my own family or from my own community.”

Her position on illegal immigration has also gone from zero tolerance to open borders and eliminating ICE.

3: Gillibrand Supports Radical Leftists

With the current class of beginners in the U.S. House such as New York’s Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) and other socialists seeking to turn the U.S. into Venezuela, Sen. Gillibrand has been happy to throw her support behind popular ideas among radicals.

Gillibrand reportedly supports the Green New Deal that would add upwards of $100 trillion to the national debt, end all fossil fuel use and force people to only eat vegan diets. The proposed legislation is so ridiculous that Senate Democrats are angry Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is entertaining a vote on the very bill they wrote.

Gillibrand also wants civilian courts to take over military trials and expand welfare for all. Fortunately for Americans, her polling numbers remain in the single digits.

~ Conservative Zone

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21 thoughts on “3 Things You Should Know About Kirsten Gillibrand”

  1. Kristen Gillibrand, your brand is go swim in the ocean and swim away like a mermaid, just flap your tail and eat planktin.

    1. Kirsten Gillibrand is a Political Prostitute (or political whore if you prefer). She has traded her sole to the democrats for POWER. I hope she chokes on it. In the many months leading up to the Nov 2016 election, she spared no effort to praise and support Hillary. I hope she gets to visit the hillabeast in jail.

      1. Are you kidding? You need psych counseling, President Trump, although sometimes outspoken and crass in his behavior, gets the job done ie elimination of ISIS, re-establish importance of Israel, our economy, work force, decreasing amount of welfare fraud. The democrats are spending our money on their own agenda, all they want is power, power to bring this country down and ridicule our current President. There is no respect for this office. Would you treat President Eisenhower like this? How about Truman? Better yet, how about Kennedy??? Get a grip on the real world – let me guess, are you employed???????

        1. Paul I think your confusing Trump with Billy boy. You can not name anyone he raped in fact no accusation nor charges of same as toall your other left wing * nut accusation No collusion charges no indictments Get a life look at the economy and progress in Middle East to much CNN

  2. Any Democrat would be better than the traitor, cheat, rapist, racist and crook Donald J. Trump. That loser is toast.

    1. Are you kidding? You need psych counseling, President Trump, although sometimes outspoken and crass in his behavior, gets the job done ie elimination of ISIS, re-establish importance of Israel, our economy, work force, decreasing amount of welfare fraud. The democrats are spending our money on their own agenda, all they want is power, power to bring this country down and ridicule our current President. There is no respect for this office. Would you treat President Eisenhower like this? How about Truman? Better yet, how about Kennedy??? Get a grip on the real world – let me guess, are you employed???????

    2. This woman? has been attempting to indoctrinate me for over a year with her bulls…t. She has forwarded me so many questionaires to complete and I have honestly completed them. Her only answer has been. “Thanks for your response; know that we do read and ACKNOWLEDGE every email. Please also, “Click” below and feel free to make a donation to my reelection campaign. To this day, I have NEVER had an answer to any of my concerns. You know why? My concerns go against everything she stands for. Instead of her constant Resistance I ask her to give some Assistance. She is for protecting All Life; however, when I ask about the life of an unborn that is irrelevant to her.
      Instead of taking care of US citizens, she is for giving rights to illegal immigrants. She is on a path to put United States in Socialism of Venezuela. Wake up and see reality. She is all talk with no actual positive program(s) for America.

  3. This woman is a debtriment to the political conservitives! She talks with forked tongue. She definitely needs to be voted out!

  4. HEIL HITLARY!!! Does ANYTHING about this “Der Fuhrer-wannabe” underling surprise ANYONE? If these people are so cursedly CERTAIN that socialism is the key to general human prosperity, WHERE IN THE HELL HAS IT EVER (AND I MEAN EVER!!!!) WORKED? The only place you could possibly even dare to say such a thing are countries with a tax burden on their citizenry that it chokes out whatever good it might do for them. It’s is still impossible to believe that people who pride themselves on being so bloody smart are actually DUMBER THAN A BASSETHOUND (and those poor, short doggies are at least good, friendly hunting dogs). HH

  5. The whole lot of democrats running are for the same platform or agenda socialism which becomes or is communism. (look at Venezuela if you are not sure of this) It stated last night that Maduro abducted an aide of Guirdo who is declaring himself the real president. This is not unusual in this type government. If you notice Beto has no brains. He chants issues from others and flies with it. He better have great advisors if he is president because he hardly has a clue in his head. The goal is the same for all democrats (take down The US. ) that will be the results but they cannot run on that so they pad it like a used car salesman would. Meaning it runs like a charm, wonderful great car, not it will unlikely get you any further than the parking lot.

  6. Actually, she is a typical New York liar that bends with the winds of lunacy! Take away guns, you don’t need protection. This is New York! You don’t need to have kids you cannot afford or want..just let them die on the table. Eat greens not meat. Pay slave reparations to people who were never slaves. Let in all the germ infested illegals you can. Some dumb Americans will pay for them. This woman is an idiot and a fool. She shouldn’t be here, she should be in the nut house!

  7. It is Kirsten Gillibrand that has changed her positions!! She is the female “Man without Chests” in every way! Just a mechanical “Wind-up Toy” of the left without any individuality, positions of moral value, or integrity!! Kirsten has become a typical “Worn-Out” Liberal “Clintonista”!

  8. Why don’t all the people that want socialism just move to Venezuela. I have spoken with several people here from socialist governments: for some reason they left that behind but move here and want to bring that way to America? Just go back home!

  9. MAGA. MakeAlexandria go Away.
    So is Gilibrandt a socialist or a communist, or a radical Leftest. She is as dangerous as a viper but useless!

  10. It is strategic tactic that Gellibrand all Democrats ploy is to sound reasonable and espouse common sense virtues when running for office to get elected. Once elected, these Democrats quickly become far left socialist and reject the vary positions that got them elected. It happens every 4 or 6 years.

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