4 Things You NEED to Know About VP Candidate Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris is a 56-year-old Democrat and political opportunists who pretends to be from low-income African-American roots and an advocate for struggling minorities.

The daughter of a cancer research scientist from India and a successful economist from Jamaica, the closest the California Senator came to understanding the plight of impoverished inner-city minorities was being born in Oakland, CA. The rest of her story and path to being selected as Democrat Joe Biden’s running mate is anything but inspiring.

These rank among Sen. Harris’ greatest disgraces as a political hack willing to do anything to get ahead.

1: Harris Used an Illicit Affair with a Political Powerbroker

After graduating from law school, Harris took up with a married man 30 years her senior who was a powerful California Democrat. Willie Brown, who gained office in the state legislature and become mayor of San Francisco, secured high-paying positions for Harris. He also backed her campaign to earn her a spot as a local district attorney and later state office.

“Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker. And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco,” Brown reportedly admitted.

2: Harris is Willing to Violate Your Rights

As the San Francisco District Attorney, Harris reportedly withheld crucial information in criminal cases that violated a defendants’ rights. Reports indicate the Harris and her staff were well aware that an overzealous police forensics laboratory assistant had allegedly “intentionally sabotaged” work and stolen drugs.

According to local news reports at the time, “San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris’ office violated defendants’ rights by hiding damaging information about a police drug lab technician and was indifferent to demands that it account for its failings, a judge declared Thursday.”

Even the liberal New York Times criticized “Ms. Harris’s indifference to the systemic violation of the defendants’ constitutional rights.”

3: Harris Treated Christians Unfairly for Union Votes

As California’s attorney general, Harris engaged in grossly unfair practices against hospitals run by the Catholic Daughters of Charity Health System to gain favor with union leaders. In California, attorney generals must approve the acquisition of non-profit hospitals.

After Prime Healthcare Services offered $843 million for six financially failing healthcare facilities, Harris asserted her power as A.G. to force the Christian institution to unionize all of its facilities or she would nix the deal. When the Catholic Daughters declined because of falling revenue, Harris put a heavy thumb on the scale that scuttled the deal. Harris was sued for violating Prime’s due process rights. A liberal California court ruled she enjoyed “qualified immunity” from civil justice.

4: Harris Disagrees with Biden on Issues, Except One

Even a cursory glance of major issues demonstrates the running mates are not on the same page. On fracking, Biden supports that practice on federal lands. Harris stated on the record: “There’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking.”

On healthcare, Harris wants to spend upwards of $30 trillion on Medicare for All. Biden supports resurrecting the failed Obamacare. Harris opposed President Donald Trump’s renegotiated NAFTA deal, now called the USMCA, as well as Biden’s Trans-Pacific Partnership that would have outsourced American manufacturing to China. Biden wants to raise taxes on every American. Harris wants to further cut taxes for low-income people who do not own homes.

It appears the Democrats are miles apart on policy. However, they both agree they are willing to trample on hard-working families to gain power, influence, and wealth for themselves.

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18 thoughts on “4 Things You NEED to Know About VP Candidate Kamala Harris”

  1. If any crazy American who votes for Biden/Harris or Harris /Obama must need a mental institution or a half way house with Anthony Weiner.


  3. Why would anyone boat for a biracial Jamaican Indian and say she was African American not even black. Started out her career as a political whore with an affair with a man 30 years her senior. Now wants everyone to think she was just poor little black girl that came from a wealthy family but the play The Negro card she’ll say she had to be bused the school and the closest thing she came to being a negro is that she was born in California. Another liberal Democrat the came from money that makes everyone think she was just a little poor girl growing up. When is the American public going to look at facts instead of lip movement.

  4. Her parents are illegals & should be DEPORTED. She is an anchor baby. Her fugitive mother looked for the USA borderline & pushed her birth out. Canada threw them out for citizenship earlier. Get the boat ready.

  5. LEFTIST THAT IS WORST OF THE WORST ! A woman that has sold her body to profit her career, and has sold her soul to Satan to profit her career !! May God help us all if she gets in the White House!!

  6. just another loser good for nothing liberal democrat, but has been very opportunistic and clever in moving up the political ladder. She is a very poor candidate and obviously not qualified or prepared to serve as vice President of the United Sates. Just think about it, if she is elected and Biden is voted President, chances are high that Biden will not finish his term as President and this crazy lady will take over as President of the United States, very scary.

  7. It is within the rights of the people to oppose this woman’s nomination to run for the 2nd highest office in our country; I mean this woman is not American her ideals and beliefs are completely opposite of the true character of America and what America has always stood for,justice for all. That means all races all religions and all people in general. This woman hates America. Her only desire if she told the truth;which it seems tome is impossible, is to drive America into the failing depths of socialistic antiquity.She wants a socialist America, for me to vote for her and Joe Biden is to me me like casting a ballot for Satan himself. I wish Americans could see her in this true light and I further wish those who do would stand up and say something not just at the ballot box but also from a God honest heart of true holiness and obedience to The Lord protest her actual appearance on the ballot slip. This is degrading to have this woman of immorality of atheism of greed of selfishness of anything you can think of that dishonors our Lord to be a choice of the American people to lead them. If the blind lead the blind shall they not both fall into the ditch.
    I do not believe that this woman is a supporter of the Jewish people maybe the reformed but not the true orthodox Jewish people,she is a liberal,the most liberal in congress,and liberals don’t do that. This is just another one of her lies to make herself look good. She is also a socialist and that just does not happen among those people. It is time to protest in a peaceful way yet most forceful,It is time to let these people in Washington DC know we are tired of them running our lives we are tired their control with their big government ideas. We the sovereign people object to their messing up the masses with their liberal idea of compliance to their every liberal beck and nod. You are the ones who are systemic in your injustices not us, you are the ones who discriminate not us. We the righteous God fearing people hold you in contempt. If we let you do it, you will do it; I mean destroy us. I for one will not!
    I ENCOURAGE EVERY PERSON WHO CARES ABOUT AMERICA TO VOTE FOR DONALD TRUMP. If you care about America vote republican. If you want America to continue to exist in its original state, that is a sovereign people who honors a righteous God then vote republican. America is our Heavenly Fathers last bastion of spreading the gospel around the world. Kamala Harris will make it her priority to stop these things if she can. I pray God will extend grace to us. I trust in a true righteous Holy God who can and will do this. harris is dangerous but she cannot stand in the presence of The Sovereign LORD of the world. The one who created the world created her. I pray for her and America

    1. Please make your statement here public, either to Tucker Carlson or Sean
      Hannity. It is well written and thought out.

  8. The thing that nobody seems to want everyone to know about Harris is the following: her Jamaican family owned Slaves !!

    I cannot verify the number that they owned, but I have read between 60 and 80.

  9. There is one way to stop her cold. Even if you do not believe in God, please pray many times a day for Kamala’s death. Noting else is going to stop her. She is a coldhearted anti Christ and MUST be stopped. Prayer works, especially in throngs of people praying for the same thing. For your own sakes, please pray and many times each day and pray for the strength of Trump to prevail!

  10. Ok, Let’s see here a minute.
    Question: What qualifies any attorney to be an “Expert?
    Law is based on theory (not attempted).
    Ideas of could, would or should.

    Experts usually have Probability of Facts which make things happen (Attempted).

    Where’s Bernie or Liz in this mess?

    Let’s see a “PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE”. Before October preferably.

  11. Hillary is going to steal the Democratic nom away from Kamala, and hopefully, she will fail again for the POTUS. It is very typical of Hillary. She hates the American people so much for her 2016 failure, and she is so power hungry to rule the U.S. for the rest of her life. She is much worse than Kamala EVER thought about.

  12. Is this the best the Demoncrats have? Dementia Joe and a whore? Election should be NO Contest. Killary, I hate to say, was better than either of these two. VOTE TRUMP!

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